The Kings Series #1 His Beauty Queen

Chapter 20 On The Hunt Alexander

He gritted his teeth as he studied the image of his lycan above the marbled mantlepiece. The painting was done by a royal pack member, Paul Cezanne in 1858. The worth of the art was invaluable like the artist himself.

No matter how much he tried to relax, it was impossible. His wolf was snarling and roaring in his head, wanting blood on his sharp canines. The blood of the enemy.

A fucking necromancer.

He will tear him piece by piece by nightfall tomorrow.

One thing he was so pissed about at the moment, he couldn’t figure out who gave the necromancer access to enter the capital of the supernatural world. He can name one. What could that do?! The lack of evidence was damning. A fucking hindrance.

Their kind had long been enemies. They opted to stay out of The Alliance, knowing their deeds and practices will never be approved.

Bringing people back from the dead was a sure sentence to the underworld –with no parole or mercy — decreed by the Gods and Goddesses. A mortal sin with no redemption.

Antonio Corpuz, a warlock. He must have secured a clearance from a high-ranking official to enter NYC. And he has an idea who had done it.

“Sire, our team has found the warlock’s location.” Fuckin’ about time! Always could count on his royal beta. If anything, he was efficient and a tactical genius. In under two hours, he has found the enemy.

“Where is he now?” His rough voice was too controlled. Too quiet. His lycan was simmering under his skin. Waiting to take over.

“From our sources, he took a chartered plane to Mexico. He will be landing in Guadalajara before dawn. I have ordered the Mexican Pack to surround the city. We are ready for the battle, my king.” Goddess. He was too. He will make sure they will not have casualties. He hated even one pack member injured or worse. But Mexico was basically warlock county. Although they were small in numbers, the bastards were sneaky and powerful.

“Have the white witch cast a protection spell to our warriors. I don’t want any casualties on our part. We will be leaving in an hour.” Alexander was formulating a plan on how to tell his own mate.

“Please go to my sister, Michael. I know you need to be together before we go.”

“Be with your mate as well, Alexander. She needs you.” He nodded. He wanted to talk to Xavier first.

He inclined his head before leaving. After a few minutes, Xavier and Oliver entered his study.

He handed each one of them a glass of vintage whiskey. “I will be going after the warlock,” he told them. No surprise there. They took his announcement in stride.

“I surmised as much, my friend.” This was the first time he had seen Xavier since arrived. He had been coup up in his beloved’s room all the time. The vampire king looked more at ease but still alert. “Do you need my fighters with you? I can arrange at least a thousand.”

He shook his head. “I need a favor from you.”

The Vampire King shrugged. “Remember, I owe you, Alexander. If not for you, I would have never found my queen. I will grant you anything. Well, except for leaving my beloved.” He ended in jest, yet his eyes were serious.

“I need you to send your fighters here instead of Mexico. I will be bringing half of my warriors, I can not afford for my queen not protected at all times.”

“You forget. I also have my queen here. I will make sure this territory will be protected with my life. My men will be here before dawn. Do you want Oliver to go with you?” He arched his eyebrow. He may look relaxed –a deadly miscalculation from the enemies– he was far from it. Xavier was tasked to protect his queen and his. He was probably feeling the pressure.

“No. I need your second in command here. Besides his beloved is almost due to give birth. I know he will be with the ladies at all times. You know my sister, and now there’s Anna Marie.” He smirked, well aware of their mischief.

“Well if there is nothing else, good luck, my friend.” Xavier shook his hand then thumped his back. Oliver, his second in command bowed before they exited the Lycan King’s study.

Now. His mate. He pinched the bridge of his nose. Goddess. Facing a hundred warlocks in battle would be easier than facing his Anna. How will he tell her that he had to leave her again to go fight against necromancers?


He found his precious mate alone in the library, waiting for him. His heart clenched at the sight of her. She looked so forlorn gazing into space, a book she must be reading forgotten on her lap.

“Mia anima,” he breathed his endearment out softly.

She was startled from her deep thoughts, looking up at him, eyes imploring. “You have to go?”

Her voice was so small and so sad he really felt like killing the warlock right this instant.

He pulled Anna in his arms instead, hitching her, encouraging her to wrap her arms and legs around him. She gave a tiny sob. Burying her face on his neck.

“Baby girl, I’ll be back before you know it,” Breathing against her hair, she whimpered, tightening her hold on him.

“You will get hurt. I don’t want you to get hurt,” she muttered.

He sighed heavily and moved them back to the settee, settling comfortably, with her sprawled on his lap.

It was past midnight, she should be sleeping. Gazing at her upturned face, he began to comb her soft hair with his fingers delicately.

“I won’t get hurt, mio amore. I promise you. Have I broken any promises to you?” She shook her head, her amber eyes narrowed, lips pouting. He smiled.

“How do you know it’s him? Perhaps I was mistaken. I’m sure it was a coincidence. And even if it’s him, I think he was not there because of me.” This time his face hardened. His mate, despite being crowned the most beautiful woman in the world, doesn’t know how stunningly beautiful she was. She will not talk him out of this. The bastard will be dead by tomorrow.

“I am positive. I will give you the justice that you deserve and I won’t be alone. I have Michael and my warriors with me. So, don’t worry about me, mia anima.”

Her eyes softened, growing misty. She looked deeply into his darkened eyes. “Not even a scratch Alexander or you will be sleeping on the couch indefinitely.” Warned in a strict and stern voice.

He couldn’t help the laughter bubbled out of him. She was so precious. He can’t ever lose her and she won’t ever lose him.

“That’s more than an incentive for me to stay in one piece,” he beamed.

“I am not joking, my soulmate.”

“I know,” he crushed his hungry lips on hers, making her gasped –she quickly recovered, kissing his back just as fiercely.

Tangling his fingers on her strands, he ravaged her mouth, plunging his tongue, she fought in return. Exploring him as well. Craving his tongue, sucking on it daintily. He groaned feelingly.

Fuck! His cock was rock hard –a pity they were running out of time. Till he got back. He promised himself.

The need for air made them separate. He swore under his breath, seeing the love and lust in her eyes. Her scent of arousal everywhere. He buried his face on her neck, filling his senses with her original scent. Only for him.

“When I get back, we will not be leaving our room for days,” She blushed deeply. Catching on his meaning. “Please organize our mating ceremony? Do that for me? For us?”

She nodded. “Get back right away, Alexander. I will be waiting.”

“I will. See me off, baby girl? I have to go.” She nodded hesitantly. He exhaled in relief. Thank Goddess she believed in him.

Guiding them both out of the library, his arm around her supple waist, made him so aware of her delicate form nestled to his. He gritted his teeth. His jaw ticking. She was so precious to him. He will do anything to make her safe.

He hated leaving her but he has to do what his instinct was telling him. If he let this past, this asshole will come back to create havoc once more. He can’t have his Anna live in fear for the rest of their lives. This threat will be terminated. Permanently.


Guadalajara, Mexico

The scouring heat of the sun sank on their skin, they ignore it, it did nothing to break them from their attack formation.

They had surrounded the village, scanning for any movements. Knew the warlocks were somewhere, their scent thick in the air.

His beta beside him stiffened, the ground began to shake beneath their feet, a fast-paced whirlwind of air and dust began to form, billowing their clothes. The wolves began to crouch one by one, growling and snarling, causing thick tension.

Fucking show-off warlocks! Always fond of grand entrances.

Moments later, a band of evil-looking men appeared in front of them. Filthy and unkempt.

“¿Por qué estás aquí rey lycan?” He pinned his black gaze to the man who spoke to him. Obviously, the leader. All in black robes with gaunt features. (What are you doing here, Lycan King?)

“Estoy aqui para matar Antonio Corpuz. Entrégamelo an mí Y dejaré to pueblo solo.” He demanded. If the leader defied him then he will burn his village to ashes. He had to put a tight leash on his lycan when the old man laughed, the voice grating, making his hackles rise.

(I am here for Antonio Corpuz. Give him to me and we will leave your city alone.)

“I will not give you my son, Lycan King.” He declared, cocking his head to the side. His face smug.

“So be it. You will all die defending that rapist!” Alexander snarled.

On my command.

We are with you, my king.

A man of Antonio’s description appeared beside the old warlock.

“You threatened what is mine, warlock.” He hissed.

He smirked, chuckling cruelly. “The bitch was mine first. You like that pussy that much? Are you going to battle for that tight pussy?” He taunted.

“That woman is my Queen! No one disrespects what’s mine.” He roared. There was no stopping his Lycan anymore. He let him reign supreme. Handing him the power to destroy their enemy.

Attack now! Leave the father and the rapist to me.

Heavy grunts and pained gasps could be heard all around him. Almost all of his warriors had shifted. Attacking their enemies.

He saw fear in the warlocks’ faces as they witness his lycan for the first time. All scrambled for spells and protection. Too late. Their overconfidence was their downfall.

He snarled at the five warlocks approaching him at once. Alert, he waited for them to attack, roaring when invisible knives were slashing his skin. Fucking idiots! Didn’t they know he healed in seconds? Still, it was irritating.

He pounced on the two of them, with his massive size, his paws on their backs shattered their spinal cord in two.

Turning, he attacked the man to his right, biting his neck, separating his head from his shoulders. His blood splattering over his fur.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Spitting the head from his jaws, he chased after the men who scrambled to get away from him as far as possible. Ah! The father and the rapist.

All around him, he heard pleading and screaming from the necros. Their leaders shouldn’t have maligned his queen. That, he will not take from anyone.

He watched them stumble, clumsily falling on each other. Again, he felt those invisible knives on his skin. Then murmurs and whispers trying to get into his head. He chuckled darkly, transforming to his human form. Blood of the enemies coating his rippling chest and arms.

“Your spells and enchantments won’t work on me or my pack, warlocks,” he growled.

“Wait… we… I was paid. I have the information.” The asshole who attacked his Anna doesn’t look so confident right now. His eyes were wide, his form trembling.

“Did you show my mate mercy when you tried to rape her? Did you show mercy when you killed her friend?” He was itching to kill this man. His beta halted beside him, still in his lycan.

Beta get the father. Extract whatever information you can get from him.

The leader peed himself while Michael approached him with lethal precision. In his beast form, he looked like the hairy demon himself. He wrapped his sharp claws on the man’s neck, dragging him away.

“Please Lycan King. I had someone paid me to frighten Anna. If I would have known she is yours, I would have stayed away.” Coward. He knew if the bastard had the chance he would have abducted his Lycan Queen. The thought made Alexander crazy, almost making him shift.

“What do you know?” He walked closer to his cowering form.

“He… a man called me. I don’t know how he knew me. He said I… to take Anna from you. I have the records, everything. Just, don’t kill me, please!” This piece of shit was pathetic. He didn’t show his mate the same mercy years ago. He deserved what was coming for him.

Losing patience, he picked him up by his throat. He gurgled, trying to breathe, his eyes bugged out.

“There is no mercy for you warlock! This is for my Anna.” He thrashed under his hands. With a roar, he broke his neck, twisting it, separating his head from his shoulders, throwing his parts away with relish.

The fucking traitor struck once more.

I will find you and I will kill you.


The Lycan King’s Private Jet

“Thank you for gracing me with your presence my fellow kings.” He inclined his head, giving these men his respect. Goddess! It has been a while since all four of them conferred like this.

“Cut the bullshit, Alexander. We are all allies here, more than that, we are friends. Tell us what happened.” He smirked. The rough impatient voice came from Lucifer, the demon king.

“We have a traitor in our council,” he simply stated and raised his hand when they growled and roared at once. Threatening all kinds of punishment to the traitors in their midst.

He waited patiently for their furious ramblings to stop. These men, his peers, Xavier, Lucas, and Lucifer were the ones he trusted the most. They had fought, bled, and puked their guts out together on their first drunken madness. Aside from his royal beta, he also considered them his brothers.

“Explain, Alexander.” He nodded his head at Lucas. It was just them including Michael and their seconds in command. They omitted to inform the Council of the meeting.

With precision and leaving nothing out, he explained to them the turn of incidents happening in the past two weeks. The attack in France, in Greece, and the unexpected return of his mate’s attacker. Xavier and Lucas picked up the story for Lucifer’s benefit.

They shared facts on what they discovered. The emails, letter correspondence, and bank transfers.

“And you killed all the warlocks in that village? Damn! I wish you could have invited me. I’m bored to death here!” Snickering at Lucifer’s complaint, he promised to inform him if the events would call for his help.

“Seriously, we don’t have enough proof. What we have is circumstantial evidence for our allegations. The defense in the council will curtail any proceedings.” Lucas pointed out.

Alexander trusted his judgment. He was a magistrate after all.

“The IP address that we found still won’t link to Victor and his beloved. But we know it is them. We just need more proof. I also believe that they have accomplices from the dark realm.” Xavier stated.

“Yes. How else could they gather rogues, clanless vampires, an ice dragon and warlocks, and such? Next thing we know they will wake up the death angel.” Lucifer deduced. Then he stiffened. They all realized one significant thing. That he may be right.

From the screen, Alexander saw his demon friend stood up. Fuck! This couldn’t be right. They saw Lucifer open a thick silver bound book. The monitor has focused on him again. He was reading the demon history book.

The Lycan King took a deep breath. This was bigger than they expected.

“This is the ancient book of demon rituals and history. It says here that the only way to resurrect the death angel is to shower his tomb with the blood of four Queens. The Lycan Queen, The Vampire Queen, The Dragon Queen, and lastly my Demon Queen. Which I haven’t fucking found yet up to now! Motherfucker!” Lucifer slammed his palm in his mahogany desk. The wood cracked. On the verge of splitting in half, he snatched his laptop in time.

These were the queens of the strongest kings in the realm. If the king loses his queen the kingdom will collapse.

Motherfucker indeed.



Author’s Notes

And the plot thickens my dear readers! So far we only have the Lycan Queen and the Vampire Queen.

I hope you are still enjoying this book. There is still a lot to unravel. Until next time, book lovers!

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