The legendary warrior

Chapter 82 Triumphing In Two Challenges

Chapter 82 Triumphing In Two Challenges

Creaks produced by wooden joints of life-sized puppets signified the increasing amount of wooden men opposing Ricky and Agnes' entrance in the place.

They barricaded them within a circle of their own numbers, reaching to an overwhelming one hundred warriors that each possessed a strength at the eighth grade of Skin Refinement. Ricky dodged attacks from several of his foes on the front line, gritting his teeth in frustration at the absurd situation. If he were only to battle ten, then he would have cleared the obstacle right away. This many men were too much of a danger, even for him. He had to move out of harm's way quickly than risk a defeat after attempting to engage in a battle on his own.

Another rush of wooden arms and legs strived to wound his body. His nimble form allowed him to evade and buy him enough time to cast a sidelong glance at Agnes, sending out a sign to unleash a coordinated attack. She nodded with muted agreement before Ricky unsheathed his long saber and simultaneously activated the Sixth Strike of Nonuple Flame Strike.

In a blinding flash, six individual flames scattered in all directions and served as the pair's shield. The scalding heat emanating from the ball of light warded of their adversaries, causing them to be wary of making careless approaches near the two's protected space.

A crack of a long, white whip followed shortly after; Agnes conducted her weapon, manifesting the Octuple Waves as a second layer of cover from the almost indestructible army.

An uncertain atmosphere befell on the troops, hesitance hindering them from mindlessly surging forward. Ricky smirked and took advantage of their momentary weakness. A war cry ripped from his throat, his arms tensing in effort as he wielded his saber with mastery and precision while the flames remorselessly followed up his initial assaults. Agnes fought by his side, mercilessly lashing away as her waves hurtled towards other overlooked enemies.

The opposite elements synchronized in such rehearsed perfection that greatly reflected the compatibility of its commanders' fighting styles. Unfortunately, they were in collision with a legion sporting physiques stronger than that of normal humans. None of their mighty prowess had gone through their wooden surfaces as previously wished; it only left slight cracks and gashes as proof of their charges.

Stepping back, Ricky appraised the subjects with a frustrated glare, "The wood is too thick and hard. My saber is the intermediate Mortal Level weapon, one that can even slash through heavy lumps of iron, yet all it does to them is inflicting a few cuts." He appraised them, his fist slowly tightening its hold on his sword as he prepared to face another reformation of the Wooden Men Array. Agnes' gaze flickered to him for a brief instant before it focused back on their foes in deep concentration.

"It's not that it's hard; these beings are under the protection of a powerful array. Weapons at the advanced stage of the Mortal Level would even be unable to completely destroy them," she explained in chorus with the onset of sprinting forms thirsting for their utter annihilation. She manipulated her whip like an extension of her arm; ceaselessly hitting her desired targets one by one with unrestrained force.

"If the array is so powerful, these things are bound to have a weakness, right?" Ricky grunted, kicking back a wooden soldier that had grasped his ankle. It flung away from him, covering the distance of a few feet as it smashed a number of his colleagues along the way. Humming in reply, Agnes hid a smirk as she pondered over his question.

"Yes, you're correct. They do have one weakness..." She snapped her arm back in a quick gesture, smacking a combatant right on its head with the tail end of her whip, effectively cutting it off of its life. "Their heads contain their cores and aren't protected by the array power. As long as we shatter it, we can destroy them." Ricky raised his eyebrows in surprise, laughing airily after taking a glimpse at Agnes' satisfied and triumphant smile.

"No wonder why these knights tried their best to defend their heads earlier instead of countering us," said Ricky, an excited glint gleaming in his eyes. He swung his saber in an arc, effectively immobilizing three enroaching fellows as their head fell to the ground.

"You can cover for me. I'll find a chance to finish them as fast as I can!" Waves rose around Agnes once more, displaying a duress higher than the former, a product of her set determination and will.

The infantry closest to them cowered, tucking their heads behind their rickety arms to guard it. She was about to follow through when Ricky lowered a hand on her shoulder, coaxing her to subside her building ability. "Agnes, I can deal with them alone. You can just relax and watch me," he responded with a reassuring smile.

Sensing his confidence, Agnes immediately understood what was in his mind, and so she left him to manage the rest.

The loss of her intimidating presence led the majority to regain back their courage to retaliate. The wooden men were about to take a step forward when Ricky activated his cultivation method, his body glowing in ethereal, orange illumination. He had a godly aura to him, pronounced further by his handsome features and soft hair naturally dyed a brighter color compared to the present luster of his skin. A blush dusted over Agnes' cheeks, her eyes widening in admiration and appreciation of his attractiveness. Ricky caught her stare and chuckled in amusement; a sound very lethal to her racing heart at present.

"Hey Agnes, is your intention of inviting me to participate in the competition of the Shui Clan really only includes my cultivation method?"

He smirked and winked cheekily, flexing his muscles as explosive energy continuously flowed inside his body.

"You should focus on destroying the array first!"

She rolled her eyes and hid her flushed expression from sight, crossing her arms childishly upon hearing Ricky's joyous sniggers.

"As you wish!"

He exclaimed, darting to the mass of Wooden Men Array and blowing through them.

The stampede of numerous feet aiming for his progressing form shook the place, seeking to terminate his threatening zeal.

They reached for him; a flurry of unrelenting punches were thrown his way and yet, he seemed to be unbothered by it. Instead, he plowed and beat them ruthlessly, smashing every core with unrivaled readiness that only he could perform.

Every wooden man struggled to pound on his robust figure, but they were all met to no avail.

Their futile endeavors merely damaged his clothes, revealing healthy and unscathed flesh underneath.

After all, he had reached the Second Degree of Nine-degree Body Refining Formula, and was also at the first grade of Blood Purification. He was invincible to warriors of Skin Refinement even without the employment of his spiritual energy; he would never be able to acquire injuries.

A hit from Ricky released a pressure so massive that most would not dare hope to survive, and several wooden men's heads collapsing one by one at its mercy were great examples of his elite skill.

After a short while, he had successfully vanquished an entire brigade with ease.

It was a sight to behold, one that the superiors watching from above greedily absorbed with unbridled interest and fascination.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

"The body refinement cultivation method of the disciple from the Snow Sect is unrivaled!" Praises were sung by the three demi-immortal grandmasters standing leisurely in the air. They communicated using a special mode of sending voice messages, their enthusiasm for the matches they observed freely leeching into the highs and lows of their intonations.

"Since he has a strong refined body, perhaps he is a member of the Snow Sect's Refinement Faction."


They were nothing short of generous as they hailed Ricky's talent. They were not exactly surprised; if he had not won against the Wooden Men Array, Agnes would have been deemed as inefficient for seeking out an underwhelming warrior.

Shifting back to the affairs at hand, they watched with silent contemplation reserved for the venerated genius below. "It seems that you've reached the higher level of your cultivation method," Agnes uttered, scanning the wreckage beneath their feet in slight shock. She had knowingly prepared for this outcome; Ricky was just as she had expected, although, seeing him in action was an entirely different situation than what she had originally thought.

"No, you're wrong. Rather, it's my cultivation realm that has enhanced."

Dusting off his hands, Ricky straightened up and beckoned Agnes to the next test.

They trudged up the stairs leading to the second floor.

Upon arriving, they saw that the layout was similar to the first trial, with the difference of needing to combat puppets made out of stone as replacement to the wooden carcasses downstairs.

They were decidedly of higher potent that matched the vigor of warriors at the ninth grade of Skin Refinement.

The count was reduced to half of the preceding army; a staggering total of fifty, but with the probable double increase in strength.

Ricky sighed, a dawning realization settling in him that this level would surely be a tougher obstacle to overcome.

However, he had experience in demolishing the past array, so he was convinced that he would come out as victor no matter how long his duration of stay would be in the room.

Steeling himself, he turned to his companion, "Agnes, where's the core of these stone men?" he asked.

"It's at the right part of their chests. You need to damage them with the Light Apperception," With her whip readied by her side, Agnes pushed forward to the awaiting mob.

"I see!" Ricky flashed a smile, pulling out his blade in preparation for their ambush.

"Let me help you this time!"

Agnes didn't wait for his reply; she swiftly manifested the Light Apperception to spring up from her body and emerge with the spiritual energy of water.

He glanced before nodding, acknowledging her support.

He was thankful, for he knew that the task ahead of them was not something that he could arrogantly carry on his own; they were far more formidable than the last ones.

Their opponents steadily marched in the direction of their path, reacting in retribution to their blood thirst. Gripping the hilt of his sword tightly, Ricky shouted an order, "Agnes! I'll distract them, so go and hit their cores."

Her agreement was not declared by words but by the graceful rhythm they had fallen into. They rallied blows upon blows on their enemies, eradicating them in an outbreak of cooperated motions and manoeuvres.

A grueling four hours passed, and they were left with heaps of stones and rubble at last. The Second Degree of Nine-degree Body Refining Formula that Ricky had brandished expertly gave them a great advantage over the pack.

'Luckily, I invited Ricky to take part in the competition this time!' Agnes thought, the traces of lingering fear invading her senses as she took a breather from the strenuous exercise. She was grateful that she had chosen to believe she would not be able to beat the stone men if she had invited any other warrior at the second grade of Blood Purification. She had only managed this far because it was Ricky's help that she was receiving.

Not to mention, the disciples of the Purity Faction always failed to break the Stone Men Array.

"Ricky, the Trio Array appears to be more powerful than before,"

she said, wiping the sweat from her forehead in her exhaustion.

"Really? Then, wouldn't it be more exciting this time?" He smiled, courage and boldness leaping out of him in bounds.

His behavior earned chortles from the demi-immortal grandmasters who had been religiously tracking the duo's developments. "Well, the disciple of the Snow Sect looks like he's enjoying the challenge, but he has no idea of the tenacity the Bronze Men Array harbors."

They conversed, remarking on his positive words. The two engaged in heated discussion were

respectively from the Groom Faction and the Sage Faction, while the other simply regarded Ricky with buoyancy.

"I think that this disciple of the Snow Sect has great perseverance and patience," the demi-immortal grandmaster of the Purity Faction spoke with a faint smile.

Their eyes stayed on Ricky's back as they left the floor, a curious wonder showing in their gaze.

Ricky and Agnes reached the third floor, already aware that the tournament demanded for them to confront the Bronze Men Array.

From the all-encompassing ambience it exhibited, it was clear that each bronze man had the equal power of warriors at the first grade of Blood Purification.

But now, only ten of them were to meet their future demise by the hands of the supreme pair.

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