Christopher, getting up from the table, when he received the card from the waiter, went to the table of his godparents, to say goodbye with his parents. Afterwards, he left for his apartment, offering them to pick him up at ten o’clock the next morning.

Once he arrived at his room, he sent a WhatsApp to Amber to know how she was. In view, that she did not answer he deduced that she was asleep. Meanwhile, checking on the networks, he found the video and some photos about what happened in the restaurant.

On the other hand, reading the comments, he found that most of them supported Amber. She has a large number of followers, who tend to defend her every time she is the victim of an attack, being in this case the victim, the daughter of her godfather.

Some, catalogued her as a spoiled, arrogant and arrogant woman, who thinks she is more than others. For others, she is a very beautiful young woman who has no need to feel jealous or envious of anyone, because she has beauty and status to spare, which many would desire.

Anyway, Christopher that night reflected a lot on the words of his parents, who have always advised him the best. They have been his best teachers and guides, so he should not have rejected their advice so lightly.

One week later

In the course of the week of inauguration of the branch of the travel agency, Christopher Morillo in Islander, received with astonishment and admiration a distinction of the magazine F, cataloging him as one of the billionaires of the year, within the first ten places.

Likewise, the Chamber of Commerce of Santiago de Leon nominated him as businessman of the year, along with Dylan Lugo and Joshua Rosal. Because of this, he was formally invited to the big event, to be held in the capital of Santiago de Leon, just two days before the end of the year, to meet the winner.

In this sense, his parents, his sister, brother-in-law, godparents and friends, again proud of him, gathered secretly to celebrate him. For them, he will be the winner, since they trust in his potential to obtain this award. This is the most outstanding award given by the chamber to its members.


On the other hand, Amber, starting that week the judicial vacations, prepared to return to her mother, to spend these dates in her company. She, who after that meeting with Christopher in the hotel and witnessing his kiss with Rocio, has not seen him again, even so, she feels very happy for that nomination.

One day shy of her twenty-fourth birthday, Amber returned to Santiago de Leon on a private flight with her fiance Dylan Lugo. When they got off the plane, they were greeted by a group of entertainment journalists, who had been hired by him for this reception.


-Mr. Dylan Lugo, is it true that you are engaged to the lawyer Amber Tovar Marin? When will you make this engagement official? Is it true that you will announce it at the awards ceremony that the Chamber of Commerce gives every year, when you are the winner? asked the journalist, a friend of his.

-Wow! You guys are really good. You know everything before you know it. I can only tell you that I am really very much in love with my fiancee, Amber Tovar,” he observed with a loving gaze and went downstairs with her, holding hands.

“However, I don’t want to tell you anything ahead of time,” he replied, “since it will cease to be a surprise for her and that is what I want most, that every day of our lives together, will always be a box of surprise, which will fill her with immense happiness.

“She deserves it! -he said, arrogant and boastful as always.

She, impatient and disturbed by the promises he has made to the media, analyzes that she has only accepted it, because she wants to find out if he has been part of this plot against her for more than three years. Dylan was a key player in her conviction.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.


They walked hand in hand to the van that was waiting for them. The driver took them to her apartment, where Dylan accompanied her and helped her carry her luggage, being greeted by Sabrina, who smiled at the sight of her daughter.

-Good morning, Mrs. Sabrina,” he greeted, without approaching her, as he really could not tolerate her. He knew he had a strong influence on his daughter.

-Good morning, Dylan! Can I get you a cup of coffee,” she asked cautiously, “It’s freshly brewed,” she assured him, smiling, grateful that he had brought her daughter to her.

-Yes, thank you! -he replied, surprised at the change in her attitude towards him, who barely said good morning to her.

She immediately went to the kitchen, leaving the two of them in the living room, who agreed to do something related to their participation in certain events. Upon Sabrina’s return to the living room, she served them both coffees with some cookies, made by herself.

Her daughter, knowing her mother’s skills in the kitchen, complimented her on how exquisite and delicious the cookies were. So did Dylan, who was really surprised at how divine they tasted.

-Thank you! And I’m so glad you liked them,” she smiled, hugging her daughter from behind, sitting on the edge of the arm of the chair, where Amber was sitting.

-Thank you, Mommy! For this surprise, I loved it! That’s why I miss you so much, there is nowhere, not even in the most exquisite restaurant, a seasoning like yours. You are unique,” she said, looking at her mother with a wide smile.

-You are my life, daughter! Dylan contemplated this scene, thinking that he should invest more in his mother-in-law. For then he could totally win over the daughter. He, he supposed, that she accepted him just to keep Christopher away and would take advantage of this.

-Well! I’m leaving now -he said goodbye- Are you going to your office? -he asked getting up from the sofa to leave.

-Yes, but later! I need to meet with everyone, to know how I can help you, while I’m here,” she assured, getting up also to say goodbye to him, with a simple kiss on his cheeks…

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