The Lover's Children

Chapter 112 – Autumn’s Fury – Part 4

Chapter 112 – Autumn’s Fury – Part 4


“So, that’s the past. What about the present? I presume you’ve searched his apartment?”

“Of course. And his locker at the hospital. We found all the proof we need that Patrick Harkness is the

Surgeon…” Stanton pauses, his mouth working… “It wasn’t good, what was found.”

“Go on.”

“The… tools of his trade. Scalpels, vinyl gloves. All of them, brands used by the City hospital. An

assortment of equipment, including dental gags and a hand axe.

“His souvenirs? The locks of hair cut from the women?”

“Yes. Seventeen of them. Each one tied with a ribbon.”

“Seventeen? All from different women?”

“Yes. Six match the victims we already know of. The remainder, we’re trying to connect with their

original owners.”

“Is it possible to run DNA testing on them?”

“We’re trying of course, but it seems Harkness was fond of his souvenirs. The locks were washed and

cleaned, then mounted on a display. We’ll see what Forensics can do. However…”

Stanton stalls, his expression turning bleak. Empathy's not my strong suit. I know that, but…

“What else?”

“We may not need DNA testing to ID the women. Harkness took photographs. And videos. Before, after

and during, as they screamed and choked and died. So, we have their faces.” He swipes a hand over

his face. “It's only a matter of time before we connect them to other known murders or missing persons,

but it’s not the kind of thing you can unsee.” He swallows.

“Any photos of the missing daughter among them?”

Stanton’s sweating. “Not in the files so far, but they’re still working through. And it wasn't just the

women. There’s a lot of material in there. Some of it his. Much of it downloaded snuff files.”

“Can you trace the files?”

“Work in Progress.”

I ponder. “Commissioner, you’ve given me a lot of information there, covering years. It seems clear that

Harkness’ behaviour goes back to childhood. Why was there no watch put on him? Surely as part of

the investigation into the Surgeon murders, his name must have cropped up somewhere?”

Stanton arches brows. “It’s a good question, isn’t it.”



A couple of cans in hand, I go in search of Michael. I find him sitting on the terrace wall, looking out

over the meadows and down to the lake.

I offer out a can. “Beer?”

He smiles. “Sure.”

He pops his. I pop mine. We sit in companionable silence for a few minutes.

“Helluva spot isn’t it,” he says at length.

“It’s hard to beat.”

He glugs from his can. Wipes foam from his mouth. “What’s the latest from Mitch on Klempner?”

“Out of danger. Bored. She doesn’t seem worried.”

He snorts. “Everything’s fine there, then.” He stares into space for a moment. “And Charlotte?”

“Improving, I’d say, now she knows her father’s on the mend. In fact, I think it’s a good cue to lighten

the mood.”

Michael’s vacant expression clears. “Beth’s idea?”

“Beth’s idea.”

His smile dawns then widens. “James, there’s something else… That calendar Charlotte keeps in her

study. I checked it this morning. She’s late.”

“Late? Late as in late?”

“As in late.”

“She’s not said anything?”

“Not yet, but I can’t think of a better time to go for that mood-lightening you mentioned.”

I drain my can. “Let’s go talk to Beth.”


Michael lays hands on Charlotte’s shoulders, lays a kiss on her forehead. “How are you doing, Babe?

You alright?”

Her smile is a little thin, but it’s there. “I’m okay. Knowing that Dad’s going to be alright has helped. But

it’s all been a bit… you know. What with one thing and another.”

“Of course, but we’re coming out of it now. Anyway, James and I wanted a word with you. Beth too.”

Worry darts over her face. “I’m not… you’re not mad at me over something are you?”

“No. No. Nothing like that. Quite the opposite.” Michael turns, releasing her to me and I slip my arms

around her.

I add my own kiss to her forehead. “For some fairly obvious reasons, Charlotte, you’ve been upset

recently, but as you know, it’s Richard’s birthday very soon. And Beth here has made rather an

interesting suggestion about his birthday gift.”

“Master?” Charlotte’s eyes widen, green with intrigue, flicking between me, Beth and Michael. Michael

grins, flashing brows.

“You recall that, some time ago, for Beth’s birthday, Richard ‘gave her’ Michael.”

Her brow crinkles. “Of course, but…”

“For Richard’s birthday, on this occasion, Beth would like to give him…” I level a finger toward her… “…


Charlotte’s mouth opens, then closes again. “But Richard and I, we’ve… I mean, the five of us

together… We’ve… you know… lots of times.”

I’m trying hard to maintain my ‘Dom Severity’, but it’s not easy. “Perhaps Beth would like to explain.”

Charlotte’s cousin sparkles mischief. “Always before, with the five of us, it’s been me and Michael,

while Richard and James were joint Doms to you.”

Charlotte’s head tilts. “Sooo…?”

“This time, you top Richard. He won’t know it’s coming, so it will be a complete surprise for him.” She

giggles. “An entirely new experience.”

Charlotte’s mouth drops opens, then morphs to a broad grin. “You mean, I get to play Domme to


“That’s right. What d’you think?”

“Are you kidding? Lead on…” She pauses, looking back to me. “Master? What about you?”

“Oh, if you think you’re going to top me, dream on.”



Klempner, flat on his back, lies in the bed, eyes closed. A stack of files take up the swing-over bed

table, looking untouched. Mitch sits by him, holding his hand in hers, stroking his fingers. “Larry? You

have a visitor...” He groans… “…Richard’s here.”

His eyes flicker open. Flutter closed again. After a moment he blinks open, then wide, before sliding his

gaze sidelong. “Haswell.”

“I see that extended bed rest hasn’t improved your sunny disposition.”

He blows out his cheeks, then deflates. “My apologies. Staring at the ceiling has lost its entertainment


“It’s not as though you can go jogging…” Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

I scan the room. The usual paraphernalia: pale walls, stainless steel fittings, ranks of Get-Well cards.

Whiteboards and clipboards and monitors. One of those stands dripping weird fluids from plastic bags,

down plastic tubes and under a taped dressing into his arm.

What’s missing?

“They should have fitted you up with a TV. With what I’m paying, that’s the least they should offer. I’ll

have a word and get them to sort it out for you.”

Klempner clicks his tongue. “Daytime TV? An everlasting stream of soaps and quiz shows?”

“You have a point. How about a screen and an internet connection, then?”

“That sounds a better option, if it’s something I can operate flat on my back.”

“It’s do-able. Leave it with me.”

“Thank you. I’d appreciate that.” He pauses. Frowns. “Hold on. What d’you mean? What you’re paying

for the room?”

“I thought you would prefer some privacy. Half the City knows of your chase after the Surgeon. Will’s

put a hold on the camera footage, claimed it as evidence, to be sure your face stays out of the papers.

But everyone, and I do mean everyone, wants to know who you are. Hero of the hour.”

Klempner rolls eyes. “Oh, great. Just what I need. Half the fucking City knows who I am. If this gets


“As I say, I’m protecting your anonymity so far as I can. So’s Will. It’s not been too difficult for him as he

can claim witness protection for you. It’s only friends and family getting through.”

Mitch pats his hand. “Larry, I’m going to get coffee and a sandwich. Do you want anything? Richard?”

“I’m fine, Mitch.”

“Me too.”

As Mitch sashays out of the room, I claim her vacated seat. Klempner follows me with his eyes. “I

suppose I should thank you for taking the trouble.”

“Don’t strain yourself. I know that social niceties aren’t your strong suit. I was on my way back home

anyway. It wasn’t much of a diversion to drop by.”

He nods. Or rather, he tries to, then grimaces.

“Are you in pain? You want me to call the nurse?”

“No. I just have to learn to stay still until they take this damn collar off.” He closes his eyes briefly, then,

“You say on your way back home. By that, you mean Jenny’s place?”

“That’s right…” My smile creeps up unbidden. “The fact is, it’s my birthday today. I rather think

Elizabeth has something special planned.”

Klempner’s forehead knits. “You don’t know what it is?”

“I wouldn’t dream of spoiling her surprise.” He still doesn’t look entirely happy. “Does that bother you for

some reason?”

“No, it doesn’t bother me. It’s not my house. And I’ve been made welcome there too. But it does

surprise me,” he says, “that you're still staying there. In that house. I'm aware you and Beth moved in at

the time of Jenny's abduction, but I'd have thought you wanted to return to your own home by now.

Property billionaire and all that."

I suck in air. Blow it out again. "We did talk of it. In fact, we’d planned to do it. To move back to our own

property. Maybe just meet up with James, Michael and Charlotte for weekends and holidays…"

His brows rise. "But?"

“But, there was always some reason to stay. Either a work meeting with James for me. Or Elizabeth

wanted to talk with Charlotte. Or for Cara and Adam to play together. They’re effectively brother and

sister…” I ponder, deciphering my own thoughts. “…I do go down to the house occasionally, my and

Elizabeth’s ‘home’, I mean. Usually, it’s if I'm hosting a dinner with the mayor and the other City

officials. Or if I'm seeing journalists and the like who want an interview."

“The billionaire on his home turf? Seeing the real man behind the publicity. That kind of thing?”

"Exactly that kind of thing. I have one of those later this week. Some House and Home glossy

magazine wanting an in-depth interview. I imagine I'll attend, flap my mouth for an hour. Elizabeth will

give them the Grand Tour of house and grounds. After they leave, we’ll talk about what a wonderful

home it is and how we should spend more time there...”

“…Then, we’ll drive back up the mountain and take root up there again. The fact is, it’s that house that

feels like home. And the group of people in it that feels like family.” I air-dry my voice. “Astonishingly,

that includes you.”

He aims a withering look at me. I remain unwithered.

After a moment, "So… your own house? It stands empty?"

"Ross has the run of the place. He keeps it aired and dusted, and acts as chef when he’s called on.

Apart from that, it's essentially where I go when I have to be 'In Public'."

Klempner Aahhhs… “I see now why you spend your time up the mountain.”


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