The Lover's Children

Chapter 84 – Solstice – Part 17

Chapter 84 – Solstice – Part 17


“How are you this morning?”

My smile blooms, all unbidden. “I’m good.”

He strokes my cheek. “I’m pleased to hear that.” His mouth opens, covering mine, and he teases my

lips apart. After a moment, he pulls back, sucking at his lips. “You’re minty.”

Heat pools in my cheeks. “I… used some of your mouthwash… All that coffee last night. And the

garlic… I hope you don’t…”

He pecks a kiss onto my forehead. “Good point. Should have thought of it myself.” Throwing back the

sheets again, he rolls out of bed and strides through to the bathroom, giving me a grandstand view of

his naked rear.

Great ass…

And shoulders…

He’s tall and straight, not overly muscular, with a lean, well-defined physique. Long thighs meet

sculpted buttocks, a slight dimple over each by the base of his spine…

My covert examination of my…


… is interrupted as he vanishes into the bathroom, closing the door behind.

Still dreamy, I lie, listening to the muffled sounds of gargling and running water. He re-emerges after a

few minutes, sliding in alongside me again. One arm around my waist, the other at my shoulders, he

pulls me close. “I was thinking, it's a lovely morning. Why don't we go out to eat? There’s a cafe I know

down by the harbour that does a breakfast buffet. Coffee and pain au chocolat down by the water. We

could spend the day together…” He pauses, brow creasing. “Or am I making assumptions? Do you

need to be anywhere else?”

“No, I don’t need to be anywhere else. And I’d love to spend the day with you.”

His forehead smooths again, the crease settling at the corners of his eyes instead. “Good. That’s

settled. But first…” His hold on me tightens and he eases my ankles apart with one foot. “On your back,

Georgie. I’ve not finished from last night yet.”


The silver of the morning has gilded to golden sunshine by the time Borje releases me, the pair of us

sated, panting and, if not exhausted, at least ready for…

“Coffee!” he announces. “Come on.” With a laugh, he rolls me across the sheets, so I have to grab the

mattress not to tumble over the edge.… “Out of bed.” And I’m laughing too. Sweaty, hot, my hair a mad

tumble, he hauls me up and shoves me ahead of himself into the bathroom. Later, showered, dressed

and driving, there seems no reason not to keep up the rather silly smile that keeps swooping over my

face. Still, Borje wears a matching silly smile as he takes my hand while we stroll to his harbour cafe

through June sunshine.

It’s rather beyond breakfast time by the time we arrive at our table, so we settle for calling it brunch.

The buffet offers much more than the coffee and pastries promised. A jug of freshly squeezed orange

juice sits beside the small espresso pot. Berries and yoghurt, butter and strawberry conserve, join

mixed breads, still steaming from the oven. A platter of cheese and ham is garnished with arugula,

watercress and huge, fat slices of tomato. Sweet and piquant enough to set my teeth dancing a

fandango, they’re a world away from the chill, savourless taste I expected.

Borje chuckles at my reaction. “They have a market garden, and they grow the salad themselves,” he

comments. “You get real tomatoes rather than the speed-grown supermarket version.”

A light breeze catches his fine hair, flicking it over his face. Repeatedly, he flicks it back, I think

unconsciously. Without meaning to, I find myself smoothing a hand over him to settle the blow-away.

He seems startled, momentarily pulling away, but the expression softens to a smile as he relaxes


His eyes pass over my shoulder, the smile fading. “Oh, God…” He moves close, his voice lowering as

he speaks behind his hand. “Turn your face away from the street. Look in toward the cafe.”

Despite myself, I cast a furtive glance along the road. “What’s wrong?”

“Someone I don’t want to talk to. Maybe she won’t…”

“Hello, Borje…” The voice is harsh, penetrating and smacks of its owner being determined to be heard

regardless of opinion. “… Fancy meeting you here.”

“Fuck!” He groans. “Great. Just what I need.”

I talk sidelong, trying not to move my lips. “Who is she?”

“Marcie,” he mutters. “Commonly known as Marcie the Mouth.”

“Not a friend of yours, then?”

“No. I can’t stand the woman.”

Marcie is an obvious, and unsubtle, bottle-blonde, her hair all but rigid under layers of lacquer. Her face Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

heavily over-made, I’d guess she’s in her fifties, but it’s hard to tell. Her skin has that leathery quality

that comes from too much time either sunbathing or on the tanning tables. Her brows are over-plucked

and perhaps she’s conscious of being quite short, because she totters towards us in spiked heels she’s

not truly mastered. Flinging out her arms, “Borje. It’s lovely to see you. It’s been so long.”

Shoe-horning his smile back in place, Borje stands to greet her as she bears down. He accepts the

hug, but his fingers barely touch her shoulders as he delivers an air-kiss, well offside of one cheek.

“Marcie, yes, it’s been a while.”

There’s something in his manner. Not just masked dislike, but…

But what?

Is he nervous?

What on earth would he be nervous of?

Then I award myself an internal kick. Obviously, Marcie is an old flame. And he thinks I might react

badly. I’ve given him enough reason to think I might fly off the handle for no good reason.

So, I stand with him, offering my hand. “Marcie, is it? It’s lovely to meet Borje’s friends.”

She rakes me with her eye, one lined-in brow arching. “Yesss…?”


“Georgie.” She gives a short nod, her glance measuring me up, down and sideways…

Measured, weighed…

… and found wanting?

Or not wanting, perhaps? After all, I’m the one seated with Borje.

“Well, Marcie,” he begins, “It’s been lovely to see you, but…”

A waiter arrives. “Madam?”

“I’ll have a cappuccino,” she says, pulling up a chair from the next table. “So…” She smiles brightly at

me as she seats herself. “… You’re a friend of Borje. You will be having a good time, won’t you…” She

looks one way, then the other, as though staging a performance. “So… where’s Daniel?”

Borje stiffens. “Daniel's not here…” He could be having teeth pulled. “I've not seen him for a while.”

“Really? Oh, thank you…” She accepts cup and saucer from the waiter… “… but could I have

sweetener please, rather than sugar.” Turning her searchlight smile onto me, she pats her stomach.

“We do have to keep our figures trim, don’t we.”

Marcie sips at the coffee, then grimaces, setting it back on the saucer. “I’m surprised you say you

haven’t seen Daniel. The pair of you seemed inseparable once…” She waggles what passes for her

eyebrows, then rolls her eyes at me… “All the fun and games the two of you had together.”


Is Borje bi?

He kept that well hidden.

“Enough!” snaps Borje. “You’ve had your say, Marcie.”

“Oh, dear…” Her cheeks suck in: fake contrition. But her eyes glitter. “Have I let the cat out of the bag?

I do apologise.” She leans across the table, pats Borje’s hand. “Never mind, I’ll be on my way. Leave

you two lovebirds to enjoy your meal. I’ll hope I’ll see you around, Georgie. It’s always good to meet

one of Borje’s girlfriends. I’ve often wondered when he’d settle on one.”

The waiter arrives, setting a small paper packet by her coffee cup. “Your sweetener, Madam.”

“Thank you, but I won’t be needing it now.” Swinging the phoney smile back at Borje. “I’ll be off then.

See you soon, Borje, I hope.” Turning, she click-clicks away in her absurd heels.

Borje’s knuckles are white, his jaw clenched. “Georgie, that was… Was…” He seems to run out of


“Who is she? An ex?”

He speaks through gritted teeth. “Marcie is not and has never been my partner.”

“It's alright if she was. I know you must have had girlfriends before and I’m not going to…”

He grips my forearm, the fingers tight enough to hurt. “Georgie, I repeat. Marcie is not an old girlfriend.

I wouldn't touch the woman with a long pole.” He seems embarrassed; coughs, looks away.

Damage limitation…

“Even if you've had lots of girlfriends,” I say, “I'm glad she wasn't one of them.” He still seems lost for

words, gnawing at his knuckles. “So, who is she?”

“Marcie is someone I know who enjoys making trouble for its own sake. She does it with everyone.”

“Yes, I can see that. So… who’s Daniel? A friend? You’ve never mentioned him. And what did she

mean? About fun and games? She made it sound as if… As if…” I can’t bring myself to say it.

“What?” He frowns. “As if what?”

“You’re… not gay, are you? Or bi?” It’s not so long ago I asked my father the same question. It feels

even more surreal asking this man.

He bursts out laughing. It’s such an obviously genuine reaction that my doubts evaporate. “No,

Georgie. I’m neither gay nor bi. I’ve no problem with those who are, but I guarantee you, I’m firmly

heterosexual.” For a moment, he looks away, sucking at his teeth, then, “Yes, Daniel is a friend of mine.

We used to go out together. Marcie holds a grudge because neither of us was interested in her.”

“I can understand that.” Borje is flushed.

Is he trembling?

I lace my fingers into his. “Why don’t we take a walk around the harbour. We were having such a lovely

morning before she arrived.”

The tension ripples from him and he breathes deep. “You’re right, Georgie. I’m blowing it out of

proportion. Come on, finish your coffee. We’ll have that walk.” He raises a hand to the waiter, doing a

brief mime of scribbling something. The waiter nods and produces the check.

“Did you notice something else?”

He briefly scans the ticket. “What?”

“Marcie didn’t pay for her drink.”

“No, she didn’t.” He delves into a trouser pocket, producing a twenty. “If the price of a coffee is what it

takes to get rid of that harpy, I’m happy to pay it.”


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