The Luna and her Quadruplet Pups

Chapter 119

Chapter 119


I walk into Eric’s room without knocking, and instantly regret it. When I enter I find Eric and Linda standing a few inches apart, clearly about to k!ss. Eric’s hands are on Linda’s waist, and her eyes are already closed in anticipation. If l could back out without them knowing I was ever there, I would- but it’s too late.

When their l!ps are only inches apart, Eric turns toward the sound of the door, and the spell is broken.

Both of their bodies deflate as they realize the opportunity has been lost, and Linda’s cheeks are flushed bright pink. Eric still hasn’t released her, and his wolf is glowing behind his eyes, but he watches me expectantly – almost as if demanding an explanation for my abrupt appearance.

“Oh l’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” I apologize, feeling uncharacteristically sheepish, “but we need to talk.”

“Is Jane okay?” Linda asks, trying to put some distance between Eric and herself, then blinking in surprise when his hands tighten on her wa!st. His possessive display only lasts for a moment, and he relinquishes his hold on her after a few seconds. Either way, Linda turns an even deeper shade of red and tries to smother her smile.

“Jane is going to be fine.” I tell her warmly, “thank you for coming to me. It was the right thing to do.”

“Yes well, you know that and I know that, but I doubt Jane sees it that way.” Linda sighs, clearly fearing my spirited mate will be angry with her. However after the way Jane responded to me upstairs, I doubt that will actually be the case. My little wolf may be stubborn, but once she submits she’s only too sweet.

“Jane isn’t going to hold it against you.” I promise,

“She was in a bad way and already feeling much better.

Trust me, she’ll thank you for it when she wakes.”

“Not if you send us packing.” Linda grumbles, clearly expecting the same outcome Jane had.

“But l’m not.” I share, surprising them both.

“You’re going to let Jane come along?” Eric repeats, as if he can’t believe his own ears.

“And Linda, if she wants to join us.” I declare, closely watching the other man’s reaction. I’ve suspected Linda’s feelings for him before, but until very recently I never considered the possibility that Eric might return her feelings. This will be a good test – if his wolf is truly interested in her, he won’t take kindly to me making this offer.

Even though I was intentionally goading him for a reaction, the force of his reply surprises me. “Absolutely not”

“Excuse me?” Linda growls, not taking kindly to his presumed authority.

“Neither of you have any idea what we’re walking into.” Eric announces sharply. “I don’t mind taking the risk for the pups and Goddess knows I don’t care whether or not you come out the other side in one piece.” He says to me. “But Jane and Linda have no business being there.”

“Yes well Jane is my mate, and it’s my call whether or not she stays.” I remind him. “I’m not going to have her trying to rescue them on her own, hiding all her plans from us and taking wild risks to save the pups behind our backs, and that’s exactly what she’ll do if I forbid it. This situation proves as much.” I explain, gesturing to Linda. “And Linda is an adult, she’s unmated and capable of making her own decisions.”

“Thank you!” Linda interjects, sounding exasperated.This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

Eric emits a fierce growl, “It’s not safe!”

“I didn’t come here to argue about this, I came so that we could regroup and adjust our plans to include the girls.”I reply coolly. “What did your father say when you spoke to him?”

Eric looks as if he’d like nothing more than to continue arguing about the girls, but he grits his teeth and answers my question. “Ifl had to guess, he didn’t know about the pups yet. He told me he had no son by my name, and that traitors of the Southern Isles had no grounds to speak to anyone in the territory, let alone the king, then he hung up on me.”

While I watch, Linda reaches out and squeezes Eric’s arm in comfort, and his tense shoulders relax slightly. “Did you leave it there?” l question, praying the answer is no.

“No, I called back – three more times. I left messages that l’d seen the error of my ways, that I have proof you’re every bit as corrupt and horrible as he always said you were, and that I’m coming home.I didn’t tell him when or on what ship – but his spies will handle that part of things.” Eric related. “The first test will be whether or not I make it off the boat when we reach the shore. If he doesn’t have me killed, I should be able to travel to his palace unencumbered. Though he might also decide to test me along the way, punish me and make me prove myself to him at the same time, by putting as many obstacles in my path as possible.”

Eric reached for Linda instinctively, but dropped his hand when he realized what he was doing. He wasn’t looking at her, but l am, and I can see her disappointment as clearly as if it was my own. “You see, that’s why we can’t have the girls with us- it’s too dangerous.”

“I don’t see why – the plan was always for you to change ships when we stop to resupply, so that you and l aren’t seen together.” I reason.

“Yes, but you traveling as a single man in disguise is a lot less noticeable than ifyou’ve got two she- wolves with you, especially ones that look like this!” Eric says, pointing at Linda. He has a point. Linda

is lovely, and Jane turns heads wherever she goes, they’re far from inconspicuous.

“Look like what?” Linda says indignantly.

“Beautiful” Eric grinds out, as if it should be obvious. “Short of putting bags over their heads, I don’t see how you’re going to get around without them calling attention to you.”

“So we’ll wear bags!” Linda derides, though the corners of her mouth are still quirked up from the compliment. “If Ethan can wear a disguise, so can we – hell, we’re better suited to it than you dummies because we have a lifetime of experience with makeup.”

“Dummies?” Eric and I repeat in unison.

Linda shrugs, “Hey, I call it like l see it. After all, you thought you could run off to rescue the pups by yourself and Jane would actually go along with it.” She says to me, “and you,” she added, turning to Eric. “Just tried to forbid me from doing something when we haven’t so much as k!ssed.”

Something dark and ferocious flashed in Eric’s eyes, and the next thing I knew, he was dragging Linda into his arms, “Well, I can fix that right now.”

Linda yelped as his mouth covered hers, and I decided that this was a conversation we could save for later. Leaving Eric and Linda pawing at each other like frisky teenagers, I return to my cabin, eager to check on Jane. When I arrive, I hear her whimpering before l even open the door, and my wolf immediately goes into high alert.

I burst inside, scanning the suite for signs of danger. However all I find is Jane tossing and turning on the king sized bed, clearly caught in the throws of a nightmare. Dropping my bags onto the floor, I swiftly cross the room and reach for my mate. I should never have left her alone. What was I thinking?

“Jane” I murmur, settling one large hand on her shoulder and gently shaking her, “wake up, baby. It’s only a nightmare.”

It takes a few minutes for me to pull her out of the dream, and once l do she sits up, tears streaming down her cheeks as she searches the room in complete panic.

“Where… the pups… I need –

Catching her face between my hands, I speak in a low, soothing tone. “Janey, it’s okay, it was just a dream. We’re on the boat, we’re going to get them back.

“No!” She cries, shaking her head and begging me to understand. “lt wasn’t just a dream. It felt so real - Paisley almost drowned and then they were in this jungle and there was this snake… and Parker wrestled the thing and there was a landslide, it was horrible!

Wrapping my arms around her small body, I cuddle her close to my chest, purring gently. “No angel, it’s okay. It’s just your mind playing tricks. We’re going to find them, it’s all going to be okay.”

“You don’t know that!” Jane sobs, clinging to me.”

They’re too little, they can’t survive on their own.”

“But they’re not on their own” I remind her, rubbing her back and praying this gamble doesn’t backfire. “They’re too valuable. King Aimon will have them under lock and key. No one is going to let them out of their sight or risk harming them. lt’s me they want, not them.”

“But I don’t want to lose you either!” Jane bursts, surprising me. I expected her to refute my logic, not admit she cares for me.

“You won’t” I promise. “That’s what they want, but I won’t let it happen.”

“You better not” She sniffles, letting me rock her back and forth.

“Never I soothe, lying down beside her. “I will never leave you and the pups, Jane. And there’s not a force on earth that could make me.”

She nods, not going so far as to confess she wants to be my mate again, but not denying the possibility as she might have even a few weeks ago. I know she’s frightened, ill, and dizzy with medications, but my heart swells all the same. I might be crazy, but it truly feels as if there’s hope for us yet.

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