The Luna and her Quadruplet Pups

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

#Chapter 90 – Memories


As I zoom back across town, retracing the steps I took mere hours ago when I first ran to Linda’s, my mind drifts to the past. The clenching pain in my pelvis is

blinding now, and the only refuge left to

me is the world in my head. My memories

swirl around me in a familiar fog, but one

day stands out from the rest.

I was eighteen, newly married and

supporting Ethan at one of the most

difficult times in his life. The day after his

father’s funeral I truly believed I was

coming down with my period, and

though Ethan offered to stay home with

me, I told him to go to work anyway. It

was too important, he was the new Alpha

and he had to seem like he was up for the

job from day one.

“Are you sure?” He asked me, leaning over my prone body on the bed, his brow furrowed in concern.

“Go on, I’ll be fine.” I promised, leaning up on my elbow to kiss him goodbye, “I just need to take some painkillers and try

to rest.”

“Only if you’re sure.” He frowned,

kissing me again, then bending his head to kiss my fresh claiming mark. “I’ll see you tonight. Just call if you need anything.”

“Good luck, Alpha.” I teased, though some of our old joke had died away now that the title actually belonged to him. I couldn’t taunt him about not being in power yet, and every mention of the word was a reminder that his father was gone.

After he left I curled up and tried to nap, but before long my mind started to drift

to my new husband. He’d worn me out

over the last few days, and my body was deliciously sore. I never dreamed how

much pleasure was possible with one’s mate. Everything he’d shown me before we eloped felt wonderful, but it was so different to actually have him inside me,

claiming my very soul.

The more I thought about it, the hotter I

became, my most intimate parts surging

to life and swelling with blood, demanding attention from my mate. At first I reached down to the apex of my

thighs, alarmed by the gravity of the need

quickly consuming me and desperate to

take the edge off, but no matter how I tried, nothing helped. I might as well have been touching someone else, so little

did it impact me.

I realized the problem quickly, much more quickly than I figured out what was happening to me. I needed Ethan, my

wolf only wanted his touch, and even my

own hands wouldn’t be able to relieve the horrible ache between my legs. I pulled

out my phone, feeling incredibly guilty for disturbing him when he probably wasn’t even to the office yet, but beyond all thought or reason. Deciding to text instead of call, I quickly typed: how long are you going to be gone?

His answer came back so quickly I suspected he’d been staring at his phone, The typical work day ends at 6pm, but I’ll

try to get away a little early if I can.

Oh Goddess, it was only ten AM. I didn’t understand what was wrong with me, I truly believed I would die if I didn’t get rutted soon. Had marriage corrupted me so completely? So quickly? What was

wrong with me that I was going half crazy with desire? Normal people couldn’t possibly exist this way – they’d never get anything done! When I didn’t respond promptly, Ethan send another message.

Are you okay?

This prompted an entirely different kind of crisis. Ethan was working on lowering my inhibitions when it came to talking

about sex encouraging me to tell him

what I wanted, liked, and speak the

naughty terms aloud, but I wasn’t there yet. I didn’t have the first clue how to convey what I needed from him without mortifying myself, or to relate just how urgent the situation was becoming.

Half-mad, I realized I couldn’t ask him to come home when he’d barely started his first day as Alpha, but I honestly couldn’t abide the thought of waiting until he came home either. I’d never make it eight more hours. Can I come see you? I typed Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.


Of course – is everything okay? He asked


I just need to see you. I explained,

lurching out of bed and pulling on some

proper clothes.

I stumbled my way downstairs and hopped into the first cab I could flag down. The driver was a beta, and seemed slightly star-struck to suddenly have the new Luna as a passenger. He offered me his condolences on my father-in-law’s death, and asked after the family, telling me he’d take me anywhere I liked.

“Please, take me to the pack headquarters,” I whimpered. “Fast.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” He actually saluted me, before careening off down the street. It was during our wild ride through the city streets that the pain landed, slamming into me full force. Where moments before

I had been overwhelmed with raw, animal lust, now it was blending with the most terrible pain. I’ve never felt so empty, and I cried out in anguish,

completely alarming my driver.

“My lady, what’s wrong?” He asked, eyeing me in the rearview mirror.

“I don’t know.” I cried, trying to curl up on the back seat. “I… I think I’m dying. I

need Ethan.”

The driver scented the air and then, to my

shock and mild offense, the cabby began to laugh. “Oh dear, poor child. Did no one ever explain it to you?”

“What-?” I gasped, tears streaming from

my eyes.

“You’ve gone into heat, little Luna.” He told me softly, “you won’t be dying any

time soon.”

My face flushed with color. No one had ever explained it to me, then again, they might not have known. My mother,

Linda, all the women in my life were

betas. This wasn’t a problem they had to

face. Heat, rutting, all these strange

games of dominance and submission it

was all the rare domain of alphas and


When we arrived at the pack

headquarters the driver made me stay in the car. “You don’t want anyone but your mate to smell you.” He advised


“Why not?” I asked nervously.

“I’ll let him explain that to you.” He

murmured, “just stay here.”

For once I actually did what I was told,

but it wasn’t because I had any interest in

obeying, it was simply because I was in

too much pain to move. I’d later learn

that the first heat is always the worst, I

suspect in part because it is so new and

unexpectedly awful. In later years I was

able to prepare myself for the pan, plan

out everything in advance to ease my

torment. The one movement I could

manage this first time was to roll down

the windows. It was so hot in the back of

the car, and I felt like I was choking

without fresh air.

I’m not sure how long the driver took retrieving Ethan, and I imagine it wasn’t easy to do so without announcing what was happening to the entire building, but

it felt like hours to me. The first few

wolves who passed by the parked taxi paid no notice to me, but after about a dozen men strolled past, one stopped

dead in his tracks, turning towards the car and looking as if he’d been slapped right across the face.

He was a mountain of a man, almost as tall as Ethan and sporting quite a bit more fat. When his eyes landed on me they immediately began to glow. His fangs and claws extended, and he began growling low in his chest. Waves of feral aggression poured off him in waves, and

the next thing I knew he was lunging towards the car, trying to climb through the window to reach me even though he

was much too large to fit.

It was a blessing the doors were locked, because his meaty hand was viciously yanking at the handle, trying to wrench the door open. I wondered why he didn’t just open the door from the inside, but he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of me. I’ve never seen such madness – before or

since. I’m sure if he’d been able to reach

me he would have forced himself on me

right there in the middle of the street. Instead I could only cower on the floor between the front and back seats, praying

he didn’t find the sense to push the interior lock. I might be able to outrun him, if I got out of the car, but suddenly the cabby’s words made a lot more sense. If this is what my scent did to an Alpha, how many more wolves would I draw into the chase out in the open?

Thankfully I never had to find out,

because a few moments later the horrible

man was yanked out of the window as a thunderous roar overpowered his frantic

snarls. His big body went flying, and the next thing I knew, Ethan was there, gathering me up off the ground and into his arms. “What were you thinking, leaving the house in this state?” He demanded fiercely, kissing every inch of

skin he could reach as he rocked me back

and forth. I could feel his hardness

digging into my bottom, but he seemed

completely in control – not anything like

that other man. “I would have come

home without a second thought, Janey.”

“I didn’t know,” I whimpered, clinging to him. “I just knew I needed you.”

The vision breaks when I get back to the

apartment, but not entirely. Still floating

along the hazy planes of memory, I sneak down the hall towards Ethan’s room,

only pausing to make sure the pups are sound asleep in their room before

continuing. I start to step into the room,

but as soon as my eyes focus on the bed, I

freeze: Ethan isn’t alone.

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