Chapter 0311

Chapter 0311


"Alright everyone, we're back again." Mum's voice is a lot more jovial as she addresses the people in the living room. The elderly man, whom I suppose is her husband, gives me a warm smile and to be polite, I reciprocate the smile. The others, who happen to be a young boy and a girl, are frowning at me.NôvelDrama.Org content.

It's obvious my presence does not make them happy.

My mother turns to me with a subtle look on her face.

“Ashanti, this is my husband, Michael Smith and my children, your siblings, Sheila and Ryan. They are twins."

"Hello Mr. Smith, Sheila, Ryan" I greet, flashing them all a very shy smile. "It's nice to meet you all. I'm grateful to you for letting me stay here." The only person who accepts my greetings warmly is their father. Sheila rolls her eyes and sighs in exasperation as though I'm frustrating the hell out of her, while Ryan just sits there, giving me a glare as cold as ice.

Oh goddess! They hate me.

"It's nothing Ashanti. We were devastated when your mother arrived with you being in an unconscious state. We are all relieved to finally see you awake." That's Michael.

"Thank you, Sir." I say, almost bowing my head.

"Oh dear... there's no need for formalities. Call me Michael."

"Ok, Michael."

Sheila, who seems to be tired of our little chit-chat, rises to her feet.

"I'm starving! Can we go to the dinning and eat already?" She asks in a harsh tone and both her parents shoot her stern looks.

"Sheila! Where are your manners?" Our mother scolds her, but that doesn't change anything. Sheila rolls her eyes and storms out of the living room, heading straight to the dinning. Her brother follows suit.

Michael and my mother give me apologetic looks.

"I'm sorry about their behaviour. They are usually not like that."

"I... I hope my presence isn't causing any trouble."

"No, it's not!" That's my mum. "Come on." I follow the two of them to the dinning where Sheila and Ryan are. already seated and have started serving themselves. I take the empty seat next to Ryan because unlike Sheila, he doesn't look like he wants texcarve out my kidneys and have them for dessert.

The aroma of the food makes my intestines grumble. I've been

starving for days now and right now, I'm so hungry that I feel like I could finish up every meal on this table and still not be satisfied. I pick up the empty plate before me and start serving myself, making sure no part of my body touches Ryan's in any way because he looks like a dynamite that's going to explode if I touch him just a bit. I serve myself some chicken curry and start digging in. I don't miss the

occasional deadly glares Sheila

keeps throwing at me. Content

belongs to

Ryan on the other hand is grumpily handing me things I need which seem to be far from my reach. Like the glass of orange juice he just served to me right now.

"Thank you." I say but he doesn't respond. He goes back to biting into his drumsticks.

He's a sweet soul.

“Ashanti... the news of your disappearance is buzzing all over. No one knows what really happened in that..."

"Michael!" Mother calls sternly. "Let the child eat." She cautions and Michael quickly nods his head.

"Oh yeah. I'm sorry."

"No." I shake


my head. "You don't have to be sorry at all...I really want to know what..." My gaze travels to my mum who still has that stern look on and I quickly shut my mouth. "I'm sorry." I shrink in my seat and focus on my food despite my

eagerness to discuss more on the


I want to know what's going on.

I vanished into thin air. I want to know how Alpha Reagan took the news. I want to know if he's going crazy and most importantly, I want to know if he succeeded in proving my innocence. There's many things I want to know.

“Alpha Reagan has gone frantic.” My mum says after a long pause. “Search parties have been dispatched to every pack in this world. He's desperately looking for you and it's just a matter of time before his men show up here, asking if we've seen you."

"No!" My mouth blurts out before I can think. I'm shaking my head frantically as well. "Please. I don't want to go back there ever again!"

I beg from the depth of my heart.

I never want to go back there.

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