The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin

Book 2 -Chapter2. Race Against Time

Book 2 -Chapter2. Race Against Time


I glance at the clock, wondering why I’m sitting in my car on the outskirts of London, in Brent to be

precise. I cock my brow as I look out of the window. The rain is pouring down again and it's only getting


“You better have a good reason for this.” I remark coldly through my earpiece, listening to the

downpour outside.

“I do, but the rest is up to you.” His voice becomes serious, and I frown, glancing at the box that

contains my healing serums.

“Dante… I’m assuming you can’t tell me what’s about to go down? You obviously want me to save


He sighs. “You’re right, I can’t say.” He sounds frustrated. “I hope I’m right…”

“Me too, I had plans.” I reply.

He had randomly contacted me an hour ago, saying to track a certain number and to follow them but

stay hidden. I listened like a fucking pawn in this game he’s playing and I didn’t have my shit with me to

check who exactly I’m tracking.

“I know, but thanks…”

“Alright, you fucking owe me.” I say.

“That makes two debts…” Dante murmurs.

I cock a brow. I’m not planning on calling on the first favour.

“Stop counting shit.”

He chuckles.

“Sure, I’ll leave you to it, Dad’s calling me to his office. He’s so damn pissed off.” He says.

“Isn’t he always?” I ask, lighting a cigarette.

“Very true…Think today took the cake.” He replies before hanging up, and I glance at the time again.

Come on…

I close my eyes for a moment, running my fingers through my hair when the sound of a gunshot

reaches my ears and my eyes flash.

That’s got to be it.

Grabbing the box, I jump out of the car, rushing towards the sound. Several more gunshots sound in

the air. They’re using a silencer but the shots are still pretty loud, especially for a werewolf.

Lightning flashes in the sky, and I feel a powerful dark aura surge in the sky, one I’ve come across


The serpent?

I thought it was dead.

What the fuck is going on?

Don’t tell me there’s another of those fucking things out there!

I run as fast as I can, my feet barely touching the ground, the box of injections in my hand, the thudding

of my heart loud in my ears. The sound had come from the bridge.

What are you playing at, Dante? It’s got to be vital. For him to tell me to be here at this very moment in


‘You should always keep some of those healing shots on you Leo, who knows when someone might

need them.’

Those were his words before he had me stake out here.

He’s playing a dangerous game, one that tells me comes with consequences. There are things he can’t

say and things he tries to get around by being indirect with his words, but ultimately he’s playing with

the Gods and that can only mean trouble.

Our actions always come with repercussions. I just hope he isn’t playing a game he cannot fucking


My feet hit the bridge, the smell of blood filling my nose and I spot the two bodies lying in the rain on

the bridge, but that dark aura has vanished.

I scan the area as I run over to the two bodies. Only one of the two is alive, and he’s bleeding out far

worse than the one who is already dead. A faint crackle of electricity envelopes his body.

What the…

Crouching down, I snap open the freezer box, and pull out an injection, pulling off the lid.

His heartbeat is waning, and I inject him in the neck, cursing as the current that is wrapping his body

sends an intense electric shock through me.

“Fucking hell.” I mutter, there’s no time to waste.

His heart thuds once, and I take out the next three. I’m not sure if an increased dose will work, but he’s

strong, even in this state I can tell.

I glance at his face, and it takes me a split second to recognise him.

Royce Arden…

The Arden who helped me with Judah.

With the intense smell of blood, I hadn’t recognised his scent either. A surge of determination rushes

through me and I frown.

He’s going to survive.

I will repay the debt I owe him.

I rip open his shirt, injecting him in the chest, one at a time. I ignore the pain that rushes through me

when I touch him and scan the bullet wounds.

He’s shot several times, and although I know that the bullets have done their damage, if they contain

any poison, it’ll be better to get them out and maybe I’ll figure out exactly what the bullets consist of.

He’s still losing a lot of blood.

I pick up the final two injections and inject him with both.

Come on…

Extracting my claws, I dig my fingers into the first wound, until I find the shell and pry it out, about to

toss it aside when I freeze. My heart thuds as I stare at something that’s like a fucking nightmare from

my past…

The bullets that I created… or bullets with my formula… the symbol on them glaring back at me.

I look down at the man who is still fucking alive.

How the fuck… These bullets can destroy anything or anyone…

I look at him, seeing the current of electricity that still ripples around him. He’s unconscious but it’s still

rippling around him. Lightning and rain… not a pleasant mix.

Glancing back at him, I know there’s something about him that I don’t know but… I pocket the two

bullets I had fished out of him before I stand and lift him over my shoulder. Gritting my teeth at the

currents of electricity that rush through me.

Fuck, I still need to get him back.

I glance at the other body there and pick him up. I can’t leave him here. Hoisting both bodies up, I

break into a run just as my phone goes off.

I press the button on my earpiece.

“Yeah?” I say as I run back to the car, feeling the earpiece buzzing, thanks to the electricity.

“Leo, you’re in Brent right, you need to find Royce! Royce Arden! He’s hurt. Please drop everything!

Sky’s in so much pain! She-”

“I got him, but he’s injured pretty badly. I’m bringing him back.” I say as I dump the dead body in the

back of my car and shove Royce in the front. There’s no fucking time to waste.

“What… you have him?”

“He’s been hit with my bullets Baby Girl… He’s alive and I fucking don’t know how, but those bullets are

mine which means there’s still some out there” I say, as I hit the gas, heading home as fast as I can.

She’s silent for a moment. “Leo… wait.” She whispers.

“Tell her Leo will bring him to our pack. Come to the Sangue pack.” She adds to someone else, I can

hear talking before there’s silence.

“Are you sure it’s the same bullets, Leo?” She asks me quietly.

“Yeah…” I’ve been spending the last few fucking months making sure I had them all, but every other

week we find a few more.

What was left of them were being sold at extortionate prices on the black market, but I had managed to

purchase most of them back or when any cropped up. Offering a large sum of money for any that were

brought to me.

This was a move that made people want money, but also be intrigued by the bullets, but I was

desperate to get them back.

“It’s the full moon. I can heal him.” She says reassuringly, bringing me from my thoughts.

I don’t reply, as I glance at the man who’s struggling to hold on...

Dante wanted me to save him, and the fact he isn’t dead instantly means this man is so much more

than we know.

“We’ll be there soon.” I reply, frowning suddenly as something she had said comes back to me. “You

said Sky felt his pain… That would only be possible if-”

She cuts me off, her whispered words full of fear and determination.

“He’s marked her, he’s Sky’s mate, Leo, he can’t die.”All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

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