The Lycan’s Contract Mate

Chapter 30


I listened to him talk about his dad wanting to be on my dad’s good side, he just doesn’t know that I am the reason my dad is beefing his father in the first place, I bet his dad is aware and he would have hated me at first sight.

“You obviously know your dad better than I do so I am not going to try and argue with you on that, how come I never knew you?”

I asked changing the topic, I feel like we would have been friends if I had known him, then I remembered just how my life had been like before I left O-when, of course, there is no way we would have met when I wasn’t even allowed to go to the places I want.

“I am sorry, don’t answer that, I already know the answer to that question,”

I added and he looked at me weirdly.

“Okay, mind telling?”

He asked, I considered not telling him but then, I figured he already knew who my dad was and it would only be a matter of time before he finds out everything about it, maybe he would already know and just didn’t figure out that it was me, just like a lot of other people who knew nothing about me, the one difference is, he didn’t judge me, I saw the look in his eyes when he found out who my family is, he was shocked but not a single ill look from him, totally different from the look I got from Jordan when I had introduced myself to him the first time, no one except I and Jordan knew he had been happy when we found out we were each other’s mate, not until I told him who my father was and he had realized who I was, of course, the switch up didn’t happen immediately, far from it, in fact, Jordan had acted as if we were cool which is why I had been confident enough to go tell my dad I have found my mate, little did I know that the bastard had other plans.


He called and I realized he was waiting for me to say something, I smiled nervously, not sure why I was nervous, maybe I didn’t want him to see me or treat me differently, I wanted to stay just the way I was in his head even though I wasn’t so sure of how I was in his head, pretty sure I was just overthinking.

“The reason is I was isolated all my life, home-schooled so I had no friends or ways of making friends, the only friend I had and the only person I was allowed to see was Rose, I thought that will change after I turned eighteen, you know I dreamt of meeting my mate and finally be free, little did I know,”

I said and paused for a breath.

“I am sorry about how my brother treated you, you didn’t deserve to be treated like that,’

He said and I wondered if he knew the full details of what Jordan did or if he just thought to apologize in his place, knowing Ken it would be the latter.

“Right, it is all good now, back then it hurt but now? I am glad he did what he did, I can’t imagine being stuck with a loser like that, I am sorry if you feel uncomfortable with me badmouthing your brother in your presence but that’s how I see him, a complete jerk and loser,”

I said and he shook his head.

“You can say anything about him, I don’t mind, he is trash to me too, of all my father’s kids, he was the meanest to me, the twin kind of stayed away from me when I newly came to live with them but Jordan was just plain ass to me, you know I wasn’t originally part of the family right?”

he asked and I nodded, I knew because Rose told me and I also searched him up too.

“So, we can both badmouth Jordan together, I am happy you got over what he did and found a way to be a better person than he is,”

He added but that wasn’t totally true, the only thing I achieved these past eight years was get my medical degree, I was still living off my dad and was currently homeless and almost penniless just because my dad cut me off, Jordan on the other hand own businesses and he was billionaire, also would possibly be the next king, giving the circumstances around Ken’s birth, technically he is doing better than me in all areas, which kind of made me wish I had made some kind of plans in case my dad makes a move like this, I guess I never thought he would. I may have underestimated my dad’s hatred for me and I was to blame, I had eight years to do what was right by me instead I spent it still living off my father’s money, not anymore though, once I get out of here, I am going to work my ass off and be totally self-dependent.

“What are you thinking about so deeply that you are frowning?”

Ken asked and I forced a smile.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“I am thinking about just how much of a loser I am, I am twenty-six but all I have to my name is my medical license which was paid for with my dad’s money and a couple hundred dollar bills,”

I responded making light of my situation, it was in no way funny like I was trying to make it out to be.

“Your parents are supposed to pay for your upbringing since they brought you into the world, don’t feel bad for that, also you literally mentioned a hundred, I mean that’s still something and you can do a lot with it, business-wise, if by any means you want to get into any kind of business, I will be willing to help and also invest too, so just let me know,”

He said and I wanted to tell him no and thank you immediately but given how I ended up in his house after barely an hour of him telling me to call him when I needed his help, I decided to let this offer stay not like I am interested in business right now or I will ever be, he didn’t need to know that.

“Thank you for being so kind to me and for giving me a space even though we are technically strangers.

I said and the room went silent, neither of us spoke for the next twenty minutes and it wasn’t even an awkward silence, it was amazing how I could sit with him like this in silence and not feel awkward, he was just that kind of person to me and I realized at the moment that even when I do leave O-when, I still wanted to be friends with him, nothing was stopping us from being friends anyway, it can be like what Rose and I have.

“Or it might be more,”

Ae added but I refuse to let that thought into my head, he wasn’t ever going to be mine in that kind of way and I honestly didn’t want him to either.


Ae resounded.

“Why are you frowning so deeply, Ari? Did something bad happen in your head?”

He asked smiling while staring at me, I couldn’t deny the tiny leap, no scrap that, my heart did a big jump and I had to look away for a moment to collect my thoughts, when I looked back at him, he was still watching me.

“Are you not going to work today?”

I asked trying to dodge his question, I wasn’t about to tell him the conversation that was going on in my head.

“No, I took a day off, peck of being the boss I get to choose when to not show up at work,”

He explained and I nodded in understanding, he deserved a break.

After that, we sat in silence for a while, we occasionally said a few words to each other, at some point, Raul came out of his room and we played games together, Raul even spoke in length with Ken which I knew was a first for him by how fascinated and excited Ken looked while he spoke to him, they both looked so good together that I couldn’t help but wish their relationship remain like that for a long time, Raul needed a friend when I leave and I hoped they will become friends just as I hope Kendrix and I will stay friends for a long time because he was a great friend to have.

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