The Lycan’s Contract Mate

Chapter 42


“What did you say?”

I asked thinking I must have misheard him, why would he ask me to be his, and what has that got to do with me helping him? It makes no sense which is why I assumed I must have heard what he said wrongly.

“You heard me the first time Ari, be mine,”

He said again, this time I realized he was serious and my ears were not playing tricks on me but what I do not understand is why he was asking me to be his and how that will help him.

“What has that got to do with me helping you? That’s what we are talking about right? Or did we drop it somewhere and started talking about something else,”

I asked, confused.

“I am asking you to be my mate and stay here with me, help me win this,”

he went on but I still couldn’t figure out how that would help him.

“Can you please explain? I mean I want to help but how is that going to help you?”

I asked and waited for him to explain.

“Your dad favors Jordan, I think he still wants you guys to end up together, I was the one that got you to go see him but he still invited Jordan and they seem to be pretty close because Jordan was having lunch at your family house,”

He revealed and I couldn’t believe it, how could my dad be friendly to Jordan after what he did to me, he wasn’t even supposed to be talking to that bastard, how come only I got to suffer and I was the one that got humiliated, I was the one that got sent away from home, it hurt so much that my dad still felt the need to be good to Jordan.

“Hey, are you okay?”

Kendrix asked and I glared at him as tears gathered in my eyes. I tried to blink them away. I am always crying around him and it was embarrassing.

“Do I look okay? Do you know what your brother did to me? For my dad to still be good to him, I expected him not to even welcome Jordan but he is hosting him? I never got to eat lunch with my dad or even in the main house, I was always kept in my room, for my dad to be so welcoming to someone who hurt me, you think I will be okay?”

I yelled at him. I knew I shouldn’t be taking my anger out on him. He wasn’t aware of what happened so I don’t expect him to understand but he was the only one I could take it out on.

“I am sorry, I shouldn’t have told you that,”

He apologized.

“Don’t apologize, you didn’t do anything wrong, you are not the one being buddy with my enemy, it just hurts that Dad practical threw me out after what Jordan did, yet he is letting Jordan close,”

I let out, wiping the tears from my eyes.

“I think your dad thinks there is a chance that you guys can be together, it’s only normal that he supports someone that will end up being his family too, I mean, family comes first for a lot of people and I understand.

Kendrix said and I shook my head, he has lost his mind. There was no such thing as family coming first for me, I didn’t even consider myself a part of any family, I was a lone wolf.

“That’s never going to happen, I ain’t putting no family first. Jordan and I have nothing holding us together, nothing at all and I would rather die than be with him,”

I told him. Jordan was my past, a past that was like a flash and we didn’t have any good memories together that I would have held onto, all I can remember was his evil shrink that day before he called me on stage. The way I had happily walked up that stage feeling proud of myself, only to be slapped with a bitter reality, just the thought of it ruined my mood, no way will I be able to see Jordan as anything else than the jerk he was.

“I am sorry my brother did what he did to you,”

Kendrix apologized again as if he was at fault.

“You don’t have to keep apologizing you know, you did nothing wrong,”

“Yes, but he is my brother and also I was the one that brought the talk of him up,”

He replied.

“Right but this is not about him right, you asked me to be yours,”

I reminded him. I still felt that part was a figment of my imagination.

“Yes, I want us to work together, that way your dad won’t have to favor Jordan, I really want to win this, being the next king has been my dream since the day I found out my father was the king, and your dad is ready to help but he is going to do that for whoever will be with you and I am sure of it, if you agree to be mine, I don’t want to lose this opportunity,”

He explained.

“And you think that will help?”

I asked.

“Yes, your dad is thinking of Jordan as someone who will end up being family, I mean, think about it, if Jordan ends up being the king, your family will sort of become the royal family too, so I think your dad is thinking from that point of view. if we come out as being fated to each other then, he would have no choice than to help me,”

He explained. Well, it made sense except for the part where my dad thinks I will ever be with Jordan.

“Right, so what do I get from all of these?”

I asked. I mean I have to gain something for it to make sense, right?

“If you say yes, then you can stay with me here in O-when, you said you would if only your dad won’t be on your case, well, if he knows we are mates, he won’t try to make me chase you away, I mean I won’t let him do that anyway. You will be able to stay here and do whatever you want to do not what he wants, plus no one will dare to talk trash about you or call you names, I will shield you,”

He explained.

“That sounds tempting, but how are we going to convince people that we are mates, especially my dad?”

I asked and he smiled.

“Do you think that will be hard? Just between the two of us, think about it,”

He said, biting his lips, I felt my face heat up, he was doing it on purpose, he knew I had the hots for him, I shook my head to clear out the unholy thoughts that were creeping into my head, aided by my crazy other half who was currently doing a happy dance and practically singing say yes inside me.

“Don’t do that,”

I scolded both him and myself. Mostly myself because I was the one losing my mind over the smallest thing.

“I didn’t do anything, need I remind you that we made out the first time we met? It won’t be hard to convince anyone that we are together, plus you have been living with me all these while, it is kind of convincing if you ask me,”

He explained and was on point about everything he said, I clapped my hands over my face to calm it down, I could tell it was all red from how hot I was feeling and all he did was remind me of the kiss we had shared the first time we met, it was still wild when I think about it, how I felt so comfortable kissing a stranger, well now he wasn’t a stranger anymore, he was my helper and the least I could do is make things easy for him and if that means becoming his mate then I will gladly do it.

“I will do it, I will be your mate,”

I told him, I mean what he said made perfect sense, and I wanted to stay back in O-when and do my own thing, if becoming his mate would help me achieve that then I will do it.


he asked, as if he hadn’t expected me to say yes.

“Yes, I mean did you expect me to say no?”

I asked and he smiled.

“Kind of, thank you, I will make a contract and we will both sign it.”

He told me.

“A contract? What do we need that for?”

I asked. I didn’t think he would want to make it legal. I don’t even have a lawyer to represent me.

“Yes, just for formality and to remind ourselves what we will both be gaining from this,”

He explained.

“Is that it or you just want me to sign so that I will not run away,”

I teased and he frowned.

“Relax, I was joking, I am not going anywhere, I want to help,”

I added.

“You can’t even run away from me,”

He said confidently which made me laugh.

“So, we have an agreement right, all we need now is to sign and seal it,”

I said. The reality of what I agreed to finally settling in, I didn’t stand to gain much compare to him but if being with him means I don’t have to deal with Jordan and my dad then that’s enough for me, plus I get free things from him too.

“Yeah, and we might get laid too,”All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Ae chipped in, the hoe, I mentally rolled my eyes.

“Why are you doing that?”

Ken asked and I realized the eye roll wasn’t mentally like I thought.

“That wasn’t directed at you, it was for Ae,”

I revealed and he stared at me in confusion.

“Ae is my wolf,”

I informed and he mouthed an ‘aha’

“People name their wolf?”

He asked and it was my turn to be confused.

“Yeah, yours don’t have a name?”

I asked. Everyone I know and has interacted with had a name for their wolf, mind you everyone is limited to Rose and her family, Rose’s wolf is called Winny, and she was the one that helped me pick a name for mine. Ae as A for the beginning of Arielyn and E for the end of my other name Barrie, it was one of the things Win did for me when we became friends, even before Ae was woken when I turned eighteen, her presence was already known, unlike other wolfs, I could feel mine from the minute I could talk, she was with me from when I was very small, not dominate but a voice in my head that I like talking to, when I turned eighteen, I met her officially and we have been each other’s companion since then.

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