The Lycan's Soul Mate

Chapter 16 The Sleep over

Chapter 16 The Sleep over

Luna Knocked on the front door of the house and waited to be let in. An excited Soccorah came and

grabbed hold of her pulling her into the house. “Oh, my goodness you actually came. I am so happy

that you didn’t change your mind. We are gonna have so much fun. Come on let’s go upstairs. I wanna

show you, our room. My mom stepped out but I’ll introduce her when she gets back.” On he way to

Soccorah’s room she was overwhelmed by the masculine scent and felt the urge to seek out its owner.

Luna was both excited and afraid. Why was this happening to her? This is definitely out of the ordinary.

Her pulse increased and her breaths were deeper than usual. Why would a scent cause her to react

this way?

It was unbearable; so, upon entering the room and putting down her overnight bag she said to

Soccorah “Wow you have a beautiful house. Do the two of you live alone here?”

“Oh, this is my mom’s friend’s house. She died a few years ago. We live here taking care of the house

for the owners. One of them is here. He goes to our school. I have been meaning to introduce you guys

but you two have been so evasive. Come on he’s home now, let’s go.”

Soccorah asked Luna to follow her downstairs where they came to the back yard. As they approached

the backyard the scent became stronger. The back door opened, and Luna saw a large open area with

a large pool, gazebo and what seemed to be acres of land in the distance. She looked and saw the

most handsome guy sitting on a chair by the pool reading a book. He was well built, tall, muscular, his

skin so smooth, and the most beautiful grey eyes that she had ever seen.

“Luca, I want to introduce you to my friend Luna. She’s the girl that I was telling you about.”

Luca smiled and extended his hand out to Luna and said, “Oh it’s really nice to finally meet you.

Soccorah has told me so much about you. She just won’t shut up. What did you do to her anyway?” As

their hands touched, Luna felt as if jolts of electricity had been coursing through her veins. He smelled

so good, his skin felt smooth, he was so handsome, and she wanted him. She wanted to be near him.

She wanted him to hold her in his arms, she wanted him to kiss her, to never let her go. “It’s nice to

meet you too.” Soccorah told him that we were going upstairs to do some studying and would meet up

again during dinner. Luca acknowledged the statement and smiled.

Luna was so happy to have finally met him. She walked away shooting him a glance surprised to see

that he too was staring at her and smiling. “Oh my god,” she said to herself “Why did I do that; he

caught me looking at him. Oh my god. I can’t believe that he is who I’ve been sniffing since my first day

of school and he is such a hunk. But I wonder if he and Soccorah ad anything going. I wonder if he has

a girlfriend.” Luna and Soccorah went back into the house to begin their Anatomy studies leaving her

thoughts and questions about Luca for later. She had no idea how she was going to sleep tonight under

the same roof as him and not be with him. She thought to herself “Put yourself together. You’ve only

just met him. You don’t even know if he’s interested.” With that she settled and concentrated on helping


Luca’s heart was racing like a stampede had been let loose in there. He had to struggle to maintain

composure as the beautiful Luna walked up toward him. She was so beautiful, like out of this world

beautiful. He didn’t know how to explain what he was feeling. It was unorthodox. He stared at her blue

eyes. They were so captivating that he couldn’t seem to tear his gaze away from them. Her hair was

long and white. This young lady was flawless.

Her smile was sincere and her lips moist and the perfect shade of pink lip gloss highlighted the

thickness. She was slim with a tiny waist and perfect breasts stood upright on her chest. Her hips were

wide and her ass was perfectly rounded. All the things that he wanted in a woman this girl possessed

and he was intrigued. It was as if this girl was made for him. She felt familiar like he had known her, like

she belonged to him. Luna was wearing long slim fit high waist jeans with a spaghetti strapped crop

top. She had a pink cardigan thrown over it but he could see her slender waist and the exposed skin on

her tummy and neck.

Luca found himself unable to concentrate on his studies. His thoughts were filled with this girl whom he

had only just met minutes ago. How was it possible for her to have this type of affect on him? It was as

if he needed her. It was nothing like what he felt with other girls, not even Nina. The thought of Nina

right now repulsed him. What he’d felt for Nina just yesterday was but a distant millennium away. All he

wanted now was Luna.

Luna and Soccorah sat at the dining room table going over what had been done in anatomy thus far

and were having fun doing it. Luna was an academic student and was well versed in the sciences

however Soccorah needed some help. She was not dumb but the sciences were not her area. S he

how ever wanted to be a nurse as she knew that she could help people. Her magic tricks and spells

had proven helpful in healing others before. She was not as powerful as her father but was good at

healing. You could say that she had a healing touch.

The girls finished up their studies to get started with the plans that Soccorah had for Luna. She had

seen the look on Luca’s face when he saw her and she had to admit that it had surprised her. Now that

Luna was in her house, she could try to figure out what she was. She had spelled a snack to determine

what type of supernatural being Luna was if she was supernatural. She had to be supernatural

because no human could outperform her physically and Luna did.

Nancy got home and immediately acknowledged Luna’s presence. She sniffed and noticed that there

was not a human stench about Luna. She became tense as she realized that Luna had not sensed her.

She thought to herself “What is she?’ Soccorah upon her mother’s entry into the dining room quickly

got up to introduce her to her new friend. She smiled at Luna and extended a hand to greet her. She

then asked Luna to help her get dinner ready. Soccorah asked Luna to take the books to the room

while she helped her mother get ready for dinner. “You can relax a bit and I will holler at you when

we’re ready.” She said with a smile on her face. She went into the kitchen to talk with her mother and This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

took the time to mix the potion into Luna’s soup with her mother’s approval.

Luna went upstairs to get ready for dinner and bumped head on into a shirtless Luca she looked up at

him and saw that he had a birthmark on his chest perfectly round and red, just like the wolf in her

dream. She absent mindedly touched the mark and caught herself as she apologized “I’m so sorry, I

don’t even know why I did that. It’s a beautiful mark I couldn’t help but admire it.” He took her hand off

his chest as he gently caressed her hand and said “That’s Ok. Felt good anyway. But seriously it was

my fault. Wasn’t looking where I was going. Please don’t make this awkward.” As he smiled

coquettishly as her. His smile sent shivers down her spine. Why are you apologizing? Why don’t you

just kiss me. Please. Put me out of my misery and kiss me; she thought to herself. She smiled back at

him and said “I like birthmarks. I have one too but mine is a crescent moon.” With that she didn’t wait to

hear his answer and dashed into Soccorah’s room and lay down on the bed trying to compose herself.

Her thoughts took her back to the dream that she’d been having of the black wolf with the grey eyes

much like Luca’s, and the wolf had a full moon mark on its chest much like Luca. “Oh my god!” she

blurted out “Too many coincidences. I have a crescent mark on my ass just like my wolf, Luca has the

same mark as the wolf in my dream and his scent is so familiar and intoxicating. It has to be him.” She

thought to herself. She had to test him. She had to test all of them. She needed to know the truth. She

needed to know what was happening. She got excited thinking that she may have found the wolf in her

dreams. She stopped to think what this would mean. Afterall, she knew nothing of this world. She’d

only found out that she was a ware wolf after getting confirmation from her long-lost uncle only tonight

and all in the same night she may have just found the love of her life. She just needed to slow down

and figure out what was happening and that she wasn’t crazy and stuck in lala land.

Just then Soccorah came to get her for dinner. The two went downstairs together. When they got to the

dining table Nancy was already seated and Luca had cut across the table and sat down and started

eating the soup which was meant for Luna. Soccorah shouted at him to stop but it was too late. In an

effort to not draw too much attention to herself she said “This was Luna’s seat. Wanted her to seat with

me to not be too nervous. “Sorry, but this soup was so yummy. She can seat with me. We’ve already

been introduced. Luna You’re not shy now are u” “It’s fine. I can seat at any other setting. I’m ok. Don’t

make a big deal out of this.” She replied. Nancy asked Luca to help her in the Kitchen as she was not

sure how long it would take the potion to activate. The potion had been meant to force Luna to

transform so they would know whether she was a supernatural being but idiot Luca had gone and filled

his guts with it. Now Nancy tried to get him away from Luna in case they were wrong and she was

human Afterall. They could not risk a human finding out about them. Luca followed Nancy into the

kitchen. The consequences would be so catastrophic. How the hell did this happen? Soccorah thought

to herself.

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