The Mafia Contract Series

Book 4 —C18

Charlotte will be my ruin. I already know that because I can’t even glance in her direction without wanting a taste. It’s consuming me. The insatiable need I have to claim this woman as mine, and that’s where the madness sets in because she will never be mine.

For the first time, I understand what Alessandro went through with Winter. You can look but not touch, if you want to live, that is. She’s so off limits it’s not even funny and just that one act of madness has only stoked the fire, not extinguished it.

I lost control and I’m not proud of that.

I understand she is confused. That makes two of us, but I stare moodily out of the window, wondering how we both ended up in this situation. When Angelo told me about my mission, I never gave it a second thought. Kidnap a girl and keep her hidden until we get the call to exchange. I believed this would be easy, which shows me what a fool I am. This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life and it’s because, for the first time, I want something that will never be mine.


Her soft, hesitant voice reaches me and curls its delicate fingers around my heart, causing me to lash out and say angrily, “I said no talking.”

I’m surprised when she edges closer and puts her head on my shoulder, making the bottle freeze in my hands as I raise it to take another sip of something that dulls the pain.

To her credit, she remains silent and as the car takes us ever closer to safety, I wonder if my heart will ever be safe from wanting this woman.

MALIK’S HOME is as expected. It is dripping in luxury and yet cool and impersonal.

The car stops and the driver opens the door and as we step out into the sunlight, this is a very different scene from the one facing us in Norilsk.

Charlotte grips my hand a little tighter and she may as well be gripping my heart because for some reason I am protective of her. I can see she’s scared. Who wouldn’t be and yet she only reveals that through little touches and nervous looks when she thinks I’m not looking. She is certainly brave, I’ll give her credit for that, which is why I don’t shake my hand from hers and merely give it a gentle squeeze of reassurance as we are met at the door by a man who looks as if one puff of air from his lungs would knock us both out.

Dressed all in black with dark shades covering his eyes, he looks of Arabic origin and says in a deep voice, “Mr. Karim told us to expect you. My name is Tariq, and I am your new best friend.”

He looks at Charlotte with no expression and I wonder about the secretive world my friend lives in. I know he is in hell with the rest of us and is surrounded by men like this. Strong, for the most part, silent and hiding a thousand secrets behind the blackest shade. He is no different, and a shiver passes through me when I picture the horrors of his world. Mine is what you see. Menace, violence, and unimaginable horrors. Malik’s is the same but hidden within the pages of a closed book that you only discover the full horror of when you open it. Torture, emotional mind games and acts of violence, all concealed inside gold lined palaces that appear respectable on the outside but hold the secrets of Hades inside their walls.

We follow Tariq inside and Charlotte gasps at the sight that greets us. It’s like walking into a marble-lined cave. The walls appear to be embedded with gold, the hidden lighting making them almost shine, providing light of a very different kind. This is minimalism at its most expensive because the house itself is the art. Rounded pillars lead up to the heavens because we are standing in what appears to be the heart of the home. As I look up, I see a gallery surrounding us and the way up to it is via a huge, winding staircase at the end.

Tariq leads us into a living room that is dominated by two fireplaces, either side of a huge glass wall that looks out on the most breath-taking scenery outside. It’s as if we are on top of the world looking down on paradise.

Charlotte whispers, “I’m scared to tread on that rug.”

I follow her eyes and agree because on the polished wooden floor lies a cream fur rug that takes up half the room. Low slung cream sofas face the view and that is all the decoration needed in a room that is both elegant, yet cozy and comfortable at the same time.

Tariq hands me an iPad and says in his emotionless voice.

“You access everything from here. Click on the room and a menu will drop down of all the features you can access. If you need food, there is a menu under the food section. If you need to contact me, I am under security. There are four members of staff in the house, all personally chosen by Mr. Karim. You have nothing to fear here. If your safety is compromised, the house goes into lockdown and each room is sealed off. The only way out is through the door marked ’emergency exit’ that will unlock when the room is secure. You take the exit, which leads down to a tunnel underneath the house that leads toward the lake where there is a boathouse. Inside is a car, a boat and a motorbike. The keys are in them, and they have full tanks of fuel.”

I shake my head because this is impressive and now, I see the extent of my friend’s problem. With technology and security like this, he will find it more difficult to escape his hated life and I wonder what his plan is.

Tariq nods respectfully. “I will be monitoring the areas and ask that you remain inside the house for your own safety. As soon as I receive my instructions, I’ll be on hand to assist you. In the meantime, relax and make this your home and remember that everything you need is one press of the iPad away. Do you have any questions?”

“Not for now.”

To be honest, I just need to sleep this alcohol off, and Charlotte is obviously struck dumb, which is probably a first, so all I want is to be left and hit whatever bed they have made available.

“We just need rest.”

I yawn loudly to prove my point, and Tariq nods. “I’ll show you to your rooms.”

“Room.” I stare at him pointedly and Charlotte gasps beside me. Fixing her with a warning glare, we follow Tariq and take the huge staircase up to the second floor. He leads us to another staircase off the galleried landing and we find ourselves in a room that takes my breath away.

Like the living room, this one has an open fireplace on an arched wall, either side of which are floor to ceiling windows looking out across the alps. A strip of lighting runs between the ceiling and the wall and surrounds the room in a warm glow. The huge bed that dominates the space is placed facing the view and is dripping with silk and cream fur. Charcoal gray and soft taupe cushions designed to break up the palette are scattered in style against the pillows. Huge drapes are secured back from the glass and once again, the furniture is minimal, with no art on the walls. Elegant simplicity is the theme running through this house, and I wish I never had to leave.

Tariq nods with respect and leaves us alone and as soon as the door closes, Charlotte hisses, “Why can’t I have my own room?”

As I rip off my jacket, I smirk, “Because in case you have forgotten, you are my prisoner and I need eyes on you at all times.”

“Are you sure that’s the real reason? I mean, look at this place. It’s a fortress.”

“With strangers controlling it.”

She looks worried and I whisper harshly, “Trust no one, princess, only me, because I am your new best friend. Now I suggest we find the bathroom and wash off this journey and get some sleep because our problems may only just be starting.”

I turn away and look down at the iPad to locate the controls for this bedroom and as I enter the huge bathroom, I hate my friend more than I believed possible.

Charlotte’s squeal of delight leaves me in no doubt of her own opinion because this isn’t a bathroom, it’s a fucking spa.

Once again, the main feature is the beautiful view and the ever-present fireplace concealed in the wall. The bath is a huge hot tub that is placed facing the window and the dark marble creates a cozy atmosphere along with the usual concealed LED lighting providing a warm glow.

The shower is set against one wall and resembles a waterfall that you stand in front of and stare out across the view. The toilet is separated by a marble wall and two marble sinks are set in a vanity unit that appears to be edged with gold.

Huge mirrors dominate the room, making it appear as large as a ballroom, not a bathroom, and I am as speechless as Charlotte as I stare around at a place I will never see the like of again.

Charlotte is looking longingly at the hot tub, and I take pity on her and say gruffly, “You can relax.

I need to make a few calls, so you have your privacy.”

“I do.”

Her eyes widen and she looks so happy about that, it makes me feel like a bastard all over again.

“Sure, I’ll be next door.”

As I leave her to wallow in luxury, I head to the bedroom and close the door, walking over to the window to study the view. As I remove my phone, I hope to God this call tells me what I want to hear because I need to step back onto familiar ground and wrestle my mind and heart away from the delectable prisoner, who is currently starring in every fantasy I ever had as she languishes in the most decadent tub I have ever seen.


He answers immediately and I say wearily.

“Angelo. I’m just reporting in.”

“What happened? Y ou said Norilsk was safe.”

“I thought it was. Do you have any information about that?”

“Malik ran a check on the crew of your plane. We guess you must have ingested the poison from something you ate on board.”

“What did he find?”

“The flight attendant received a large sum of money into her bank account the day before and after the flight. We did some digging and discovered she has an expensive drug habit and mixes with the wrong company.”

“This company, do we know them?”

“Elliott Gardenia.”

I expel a breath. Massimo’s loyal friend.

“I’m guessing the word is out to all his associates to keep an eye out for his girl.”

“Then why poison her? It doesn’t make sense.”

“Y ou’re alive, aren’t you?”

Angelo’s curt, emotionless voice brings me back to the world we live in, and he growls, “Think about it. Massimo needed time to react. The best weapon he can wield is to buy him some time. The poison was enough to bring you down until he could collect. Word is, you escaped with moments to spare and your apartment in Norilsk was compromised. They will also have tracked Malik’s plane, which was why we arranged the commercial flight under false names. We may have bought you some time, but he will track you down and even Malik’s fortress in the mountains won’t be enough to stop him from coming.”

“So, the plan is?”


I spare a thought for my friend Alessandro and say somewhat sadly, “Is the Beast ok with that?”

“He is.”

Angelo sounds so emotionless I wonder how he does it because he is anything but when it concerns his sister.

“I’m making the final arrangements and you have a few days at the most. We must wait for Alessandro to clear everything with his grandfather, who will contact Massimo on our behalf. Then we set up the exchange and Winter will be free.”

“And Charlotte?”

My heart is heavy when Angelo snaps, “What about her? She’s his problem, not ours.”

Picturing the sweet soft woman currently naked in the room next door, tears my heart out and I snap back, “She is innocent in this. A few days ago, she was living a life faraway from this shit and now she’s lost everything. We owe her our protection.”


Angelo’s voice is hard and laced with no shit.

“Do your job like we planned. Don’t get involved because we are so close to getting Winter back. Do you remember your vow?”

“Don’t question my loyalty.”

My answer is wrapped in brutality because I would never let my brothers down and being pulled up on it cuts me deep.

A heavy sigh greets me as he lowers his voice.

“I understand this shit is hard. It’s why we made the oath to remove our hearts from the situation. Guard yours well, my friend, because emotion has no place in this.”

“Emotion is what got us here in the first place.” I snap back and he sighs heavily.

“Then we can pick it up and dust it off when the job is done. Y our prisoner is not our concern.

If anything, she is the most protected one here because Massimo would move heaven and hell to keep her safe and it’s up to her to learn how to deal with that. It’s not our concern.”


His voice softens.

“Get some sleep and enjoy your stay in one of Malik’s fuck me homes.” He laughs softly. “It’s hard to understand why he has a problem with his life when you see how he lives.”

“I’m guessing he sees it very differently to us.” I remind him that our lives are hidden behind smoke and mirrors, and he sighs heavily.

“Y ou got that right. I’ll be in touch and stay strong. We’re nearly there.”Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

As he cuts the call, I sink wearily onto the bed and am so conflicted it’s like a physical pain. Stay strong, he says. I’ve always been stronger than most, but for the first time in my life, I feel vulnerable and I’m hating every minute of it.

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