The Mafia Contract Series

Book 4 —C4


I had to walk away for my own sanity and her protection. There was something that riled me about the supercilious way she looked at me. As if I was nothing, an undesirable and the dirt beneath her Jimmy Choo’s. Not that she’s wearing those, of course. After all, she’s wearing a fucking uniform, for Christ’s sake. That alone should put me off, but she’s still the most intriguing woman I have ever met, and I’ve met a few. Charlotte Richmond fascinates me because she has a bravery I wasn’t expecting.

Most women look at me with either fear or lust. Not interest as if I’m a pet project she needs to figure out. I thought the whiskey would help, but it just lowered my guard and released the savage that lives inside me most of the time.

“Problem boss?”

Leo interrupts my dark thoughts, and I shake my head.

“Nothing I can’t handle.”

“So, what’s the plan when we land?”

I sense the interest around me because my men are as intrigued by this situation as I am.

All they’ve been told is we are kidnapping the lord’s daughter for ransom and need to hide her until he pays up. They don’t know the real reason I targeted Charlotte Richmond, and I wonder how they would react if they discovered what it was.

“You leave us at Norilsk, and I’ll call when we need a ride.”

The fact he looks relieved about that makes me smile to myself. Dubbed the most depressing place to live on earth, Norilsk can only be reached by air as there are no roads in. My family keeps an apartment there if we need to lie low and I wonder what Miss. Richmond will make of the rather basic standard of living we enjoy there. Unlike our many other homes around the world, this one is pure minimalism. The bare essentials only because it’s not a place we frequent much. Hell, I’ve only been here once myself and that was as a punishment for answering my father back. No, this will not be an enjoyable stay at all and that gives me way too much pleasure just imagining my perfect princess slumming it for once in her life.

After playing poker with Leo and a couple of my men, I yawn loudly and nod toward the cabin at the rear of the aircraft.

“I’m grabbing some sleep while I can. Make sure our guest remains uncomfortable and if anything happens to her, I will not be happy, understand?”

The spark of fear in Leo’s eyes reminds me how much they fear me. Ivan V olkov, the son of Konstantin V olkov, Bratva Pakhan, the head of the largest crime syndicate in Russia and I’m his unlucky heir. He started life in the KGB and soon progressed to organized crime with the full support of the government. An oligarch of the deadliest kind and a man many call the biggest bastard in Russia.

It amuses me how easily he agreed to help and set about contacting one of his spies in London to help stage the kidnap.

Pavel Semenov was only too happy to oblige because he has always sought approval from the motherland and would have pissed gold if my father asked him to.

The fact I can’t stand any of them is a minor irritation, which is why I was so keen to join Club Mafia, along with my friends from college who are my brothers from other mothers. We have our own plan, and it involves world domination.

Angelo, the boss, has already sorted his shit out and is now the don in charge of the Sontauro family in Boston. Flynn V asquez is the second one of us who has stepped up and is the reason the hapless Miss. Richmond is my guest. I wonder what she would do if she discovered the real reason she’s here. Not a lot, I’m guessing, and it amuses me to choose my moment to wipe that smug grin from her face when she learns what her future holds. Hell on earth is a place, and it’s preparing her room.

I leave my men to drink vodka and gamble and head to the cabin reserved for members of the V olkov family only.

Inside is a huge double bed that will do nicely because I have been up for sixteen hours already and need sleep and a shower, so I’m ready to entertain the angel I’m about to sacrifice.

I’M NOT sure how long I slept, but as I wake the sun is rising and floods the cabin with its warm rays.

As I stretch out, I allow my mind to adjust and remember a successful mission yesterday. Noting how hungry I am, I swing my legs to the floor and walk naked into the shower room attached to the cabin.

My father likes his luxury, which I am glad about because the hot jets of water are extremely welcome as they wash away the sleep and dust from the day before.

My bag is on hand to retrieve a fresh set of clothes and as I run my fingers through the jagged edges of my hair, I reach for the toothbrush.

As I stare at myself in the mirror, I raise a small smile because now I’ve slept, I’m a lot happier about this mission. The fact the girl is so stunning certainly helps, and I’m keen to drag that bad-assed attitude out to play to keep me amused. Maybe she will prove a worthy adversary, I certainly hope so because life could get boring very quickly if she isn’t.

I head outside and the flight attendant is hovering by the door, looking as if she wants to jump me.

I don’t miss the desire lit in her eyes, or the small smile of encouragement she flashes me as she whispers huskily, “Is there anything you need, sir?”

“Food and lots of it. Coffee too. I’ll take it with the girl.”

If she is disappointed, she covers it well and just nods. “Of course, sir.”

I walk past my men who are stretched out on their reclining seats trying to sleep and as I approach the front of the aircraft, I feel like a bastard when I see Charlotte sleeping upright with her head to one side. Her wrists are still handcuffed to the seat, and I can see angry red marks surrounding them as the metal grazes her skin.

I’m not even sure why I kept her chained up like an animal and for some reason it doesn’t sit well with me, so I grab the key from my pocket and carefully insert it into the lock, taking care not to disturb her.

As I work, I can’t help but stare at a woman who surprises me every time I look at her. Her long lashes brush against her pale skin and her lids flutter as she somehow manages to dream. Her soft sigh does something to me inside and I blame the fact I haven’t been laid in a week. I briefly wonder whether to take the stewardess up on her obvious invitation, but she doesn’t even compare to this beauty in front of me.

Then I’m surprised and taken off guard when a sharp blow lands flush against my cheek, causing my head to snap sideways and the pain makes me wonder if I’ve broken a bone.

Recovering quickly, I stare into two pools of fiery rage as the English rose, who looked so perfect a moment ago, stares at me with all the fury of Hades in her eyes.

“You fucking bastard.”

She says it so low I almost think I’ve heard wrong and then she hisses, “You are treating me like a dog. Do you really believe I have a fucking parachute hidden inside this school uniform? Do you envision I’m packing a machine gun to kill you all stone dead before I take over the controls of this aircraft and fly myself back to Rose Hall frigging academy for young ladies?”

For some reason, it makes me smile which only serves to increase her anger as she takes another swipe and as I catch her wrist, she gasps when I jerk her body to mine and pull her hands behind her back.

I whisper angrily, “You just earned that spanking.”

“You wouldn’t.”

The fact her voice has risen an octave and I feel her tremble against me, causes a chain reaction I never saw coming and in one swift move, I pull her across my knee and pulling up her skirt, deliver five resounding blows to her ass in rapid succession.

Her gasp of pain doesn’t deter me and when her ass is red enough to remind her how serious this is, I pull down her skirt and growl, “Now play nice and I’ll be the perfect gentleman. Take another shot at me and it will be worse next time. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” The word is edged out through gritted teeth and as the stewardess heads our way with a tray of sweet-smelling waffles, I keep one arm on Charlotte and nod to the stewardess to set the tray down on the table at the side.

She looks at Charlotte with curiosity while pouring two coffees before leaving with a soft, “Call me if you need anything else.”

The fact she fucks most of my men is enough to strike her off my list and I nod with a dismissive, “Thanks. I will.”

As she heads through the curtain, Charlotte tries to pull away from me and I growl, “Not fucking likely. You act like a child; I’ll treat you like one. Now open your mouth.”

“Why?” She sounds fearful as I spear a piece of waffle onto the fork and hold it against her lips.

“So you can eat, of course. You must be starving.”

Against her better judgment, she can’t resist temptation and as she takes the food from the fork, she stares into my eyes the entire time with a bravery that impresses me all over again.

I stare at her ruby red lips as she chews the food, and the light dancing in her eyes tells me she’s relishing every minute of it.

I’m enjoying this way too much for comfort and with a heavy sigh, I push her from my lap, so she falls to a heap on the ground.

“What was that for?”

She winces as she experiences the mark of my hand on her ass, and I grin.

“What’s the matter, angel, missing me already?”

She glowers, which only makes me laugh and I shrug. “I thought you’d be happy. What’s the matter? Are you getting attached?”

“In your dreams, asshole.” She mimics my accent and as I frown, she scoots away quickly and makes to stand, unknowingly flashing me the perfect view of her rather large panties.

It makes me laugh again and she snarls, “What’s so funny?”

“Your underwear.”

Her face flames as red as her ass, which only makes me laugh more, and she glares at me furiously.

“You have no business looking at or touching my underwear. Anyway, the uniform is also extended to our knickers, if you must know. I had no choice.”

“Knickers?” I shake my head and she huffs. “What do you call them then?”


She shrugs. “Call them what you like. Mine are of no concern to you.”

She sits in the seat as far away from me as possible, yet I don’t miss the yearning in her eyes when she stares at the breakfast tray. Grabbing a pastry, I savor the mouthful I tear with my teeth, and she mutters, “Savage.”

This alone makes me laugh out loud and says shortly, “What’s so funny?”

“The fact you called me by name.”

“Savage? Your parents must have really hated you.”

“Many do princess, and I’m guessing I’ve just added you to that list.”

“You got that right.”

She turns away and looks out of the window and despite myself, I heap as much food on a plate as it will hold and pour her a mug of coffee.Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Here, eat your breakfast in peace. I have business to discuss with my men.”

Her head jerks back, and she fails to hide the gratitude in her eyes as she receives the plate and whispers, “Thank you.” before looking down.

Once again, it makes me smile because even under extreme circumstances, my pretty little princess still maintains her manners.

As I leave her to eat, it’s with a rare smile on my face because there is something about Charlotte Richmond that makes me happy. Possibly because she is easy to antagonize, and I love seeing the anger flare in her pretty eyes and briefly wonder what it would be like to fuck a girl like her. I say girl, but underneath that prissy uniform is a woman and I’m guessing one that has yet to discover how powerful she can be. It’s just a shame her destiny lies in another direction and just picturing the bastard we are sending her to is enough for me to keep my distance, no matter how delectable a treat she would be.

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