The Mafia Contract Series

Book 5 —C1



The past two years have been bittersweet because they have been the worst of my life and the best.

Now it’s all set to change because the best part of my life will be sacrificed for the one thing I want more than anything. To save Winter and bring her back to us.

I would say, back to me, but we never really got started. One night only was all we had, but it was a night that changed my life.

They say love can’t happen like a bolt of lightning. Lust maybe, but never love. I disagree. I love Winter with all my heart because I’ve never got over losing her and I can’t even bear to look at women with similar features. I only employ blondes because they are nothing like my dark, exotic beauty.

I crave any mention of her, and I can’t sleep at night worrying about whose arms she lies in. It’s the ultimate torture but I’m getting used to it. It’s woven into the fabric of my life, making me wear the pain. The only antidote to that was I got to live my dream.

I was set free from a life of madness to step into a different one. Strings were pulled on my behalf, and I found myself directing a movie that won an Oscar fresh off the starting line. I was up and coming and one to watch, and the past two years have been hard in many ways. I rarely sleep and I work too hard to drive away the images of the girl I loved and lost so cruelly.

We have tried so hard to bring her back to us. The plan was shaping up nicely and our positions of power are almost complete. Then Flynn learned our enemy has a daughter, and it changed everything. We thought we had won. We had the golden goose and then Massimo changed the game overnight.

“Buonasera, signor Majerio.”

“Buonasera, Tommaso.”

I move past the respectful soldier who stands aside to let me pass and let the familiar settle around me like a well-worn cloak.

My grandfather’s home. The head office of his Sicilian empire that my own father didn’t think he could take on. He fled to Boston and started his own branch of our family, but my grandfather always had me marked as his heir apparent. I was told I reminded him of himself, and he wanted me to leave Rockwell and begin my training. I resisted, and it takes a very foolish person to go against my grandfather, but as it happened, he was feeling generous that day. I was given a respite on the understanding I would take over as the head of this family when he died or was unable to command. I enjoyed two years of freedom, but that has all changed now.

I’m here to take my place by his side for only one reason. To bring Winter home.

The plan was to use my grandfather’s connections to back us up and give us a formidable army behind us. It was meant to take place here in Sicily, but Massimo has changed all that and blocked our move.

Now I must convince my grandfather that I know what I’m doing if we are to stand any chance of pulling this off and so as I head into the den where he enjoys a pre-dinner cigar, I set my attitude to bastard.


His voice reaches me through the haze of smoke, and I smile when I hear the husky tones of a man who always appears as if he knows everything. I think he does, and my heart quickens when he points to the leather wing-backed chair opposite him and offers me a cigar.

“Brandy and cigars. My guilty pleasure above many others.”

His gruff laughter makes me smile and, as I light the tip and take a drag of the pungent smoke, I settle into my role.

Handing me a glass of brandy, he raises his glass to mine. “So, we celebrate.”Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

“We have something to celebrate?”

He laughs softly. “You tell me.”

“We will celebrate when Massimo Delauren is dead, Nonno.”

“Ah, your greatest enemy.”

He puffs on his cigar, appearing in a thoughtful mood, and I wait for him to speak.

“Ma-ss-im-o.” He drags out every syllable of his name and I swear every single one of them grates on my nerves.

“He has been tolerated for far too long.”

“So, you’ll help us.”

“You know my price.”

“It’s why I’m here.” I regard him coolly and he nods, apparently satisfied.

“Your first plan has changed, I understand.”

“He declined your invitation.”

My grandfather sighs heavily.

“An unfortunate response because now we must play Plan B, as they say.”

“Which is?”

I’m guessing he has one because he hinted at that and he nods, slowly blowing out the smoke as if he hasn’t a care in the world.

I envy him that.

“A good friend of mine has offered to assist with our problem.”

“Do I know him?” I’m intrigued, as my grandfather laughs softly.

“Her, Alessandro. Portia Symmons is her name. She runs a modeling agency in Los Angeles close to Massimo’s home, well one of them, anyway.”

I lean forward as he takes a swig of his drink and sighs happily.

“She was the woman who introduced Massimo to Imogen, his first wife. She modeled for Portia and was the most beautiful woman in LA for many years. She was in great demand, but Massimo fell hard and soon they were married, and she worked no more.”

He shakes his head. “The life of a mafia wife is not a free one, and she spent her days closely protected from his many enemies. Sadly, it was Mother Nature who claimed her life, and that is a force Massimo has no control over, no matter how hard he tries.”

“So how can she help us?” I’m mystified and my grandfather arches his brow and looks disappointed. “Open your eyes, Alessandro, and look for the opportunity. It helps to understand everything possible about your enemy and I have investigated yours so hard I even discovered how much he weighed when he was born.”

I feel foolish because my grandfather is a master of this, and I must remember that, and he will have everything worked out down to the finest detail.

“They meet once a month at Scarpetta in Beverly Hills. Massimo has a great interest in fashion and adores his monthly conversations with somebody who shares his hobby. Portia is the best at what she does and has several high-profile celebrities among her many clients. Massimo loves to wallow in the shine that glamor provides, and Portia indulges him because he is her biggest benefactor.”

He leans forward and I see the evil glint in his eyes as he says softly, “Portia has become increasingly worried about Massimo’s state of mind. She senses he’s sliding into madness at a breakneck speed. She is no longer comfortable around him and has offered to help us remove him from life.”

“Why would she do that? She could be working for him and can’t be trusted.”

My grandfather merely laughs before taking another lungful of cigar smoke.

“Did I mention she is my mistress?”

For a moment I just stare at him in awe because for fuck’s sake, my grandfather must be approaching seventy years old.

He merely winks and clips the cigar and places it back in the box and lifting his glass, he drains it in one huge gulp. I watch the excitement blaze from his eyes as he says with a chuckle, “Just don’t tell Nonna, otherwise she’ll insist on accompanying me on my next trip there.”

I’m not sure how I feel about this because I always thought my grandfather adored his wife, and they were happily married.

He must sense my disapproval because he shrugs. “It’s nothing. Just something to make a business trip more pleasurable. Portia knows the score and believe it or not, so does Nonna.”

“She knows!”

“Not the details, but she resigned herself to my wandering eye years ago. When you are in my position, you are faced with a great deal of temptation. It’s so easy to have what you want, and it takes a strong man to resist that. Portia is a fine-looking woman who knows how to please a man, and Nonna can’t be bothered anymore.”

Now I feel nauseous and leaning back in my chair, say with a sigh. “Finish your story.”

He laughs at my obvious discomfort and says quickly, “Portia will ask Massimo to bring his wife to the next meeting. She will say she’s curious to meet her. We will book every seat in the restaurant and fill them with our men, and one very special diner will arrive with her new husband.”


He nods. “We will position her in his view and, using her as a distraction, we will cut the head off the snake.”

“It sounds too easy.” I think he may have underestimated Massimo and he shrugs. “Sometimes it’s better not to overcomplicate things. Massimo won’t be expecting an ambush because it’s a regular arrangement. While he’s dining with his wife and his close friend, you must instruct your friends to use their soldiers and strike his homes, businesses and wipe every trace of Massimo from life.”

“This is huge.” I’m astonished by the magnitude of my grandfather’s plan, and he nods, his lips twisting into the evil grin that earned him his reputation.

“We must go in heavy and leave nothing to chance. Massimo will not leave that restaurant alive. You have my word on that.”

He stands and nods toward the door. “It’s time to eat and Nonna will be angry if we are late. Come, let us enjoy a family meal and talk about more agreeable things and welcome you home where you belong.”

As he slings his arm around my shoulder, it’s as if I just struck a deal with the devil. I have traded my soul and I would do it again in a heartbeat if it brings Winter back to me.

The next day I leave for Club Mafia to inform my friends of the change of plan and to set the wheels in motion of the devastation that will bring Massimo Delauren and his empire to a bitter end. But most of all, it will set Winter free and there is a tiny shred of hope in my heart that she will feel the same and our one night only will turn into the start of something beautiful – for both of us.

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