The Mafia Contract Series

Book 5 —C14

ALESSANDRONôvelDrama.Org © content.

All this time, I’ve wanted Winter back. It’s been the most important thing on my mind and the driving force behind everything I do. Now she’s here, I must deal with my emotions. I never thought for one second she wouldn’t remember me. I understand it’s due to the head wound, but it’s killing me inside.

As I watch her from the corner of my eye as she chats with Jasmine, I physically ache to touch her. To pull her beside me and hold on tight because I love her. I have no doubt about that, but I’m a stranger to her. She is polite, but the lost expression in her eyes is tearing me apart and I’m not alone. Angelo is also going through hell because she may be here physically, but mentally, she is fucked.

Was it something Massimo did, and the head wound had no part in this? I need answers and so does the boss, which is why we decided it was best to take her to Sicily.

Just picturing the man responsible, currently residing in my grandfather’s holding cell, makes my blood sizzle like flesh on fire. We have business to attend to in Sicily. Mafia business and they don’t call me The Beast for nothing.

Angelo leans forward and says in a low voice, “Under no circumstances is Winter ever to see that bastard again. Keep her well away from him.”

“Do you really think I’d allow that?” I fix him with a bitter expression. “That bastard will regret the day he took Winter from us.”

Angelo nods, the hatred glittering behind his eyes. “Will she be ok?”

He looks worried and I snap. “Yes. She will come back to us. Part of me hopes her memory never returns, and she never has to live with what that bastard did to her. But we want our girl back and I will do everything possible to make that happen.”

We both glance over and see Winter lying back against the seat, her eyes closed. Jasmine flashes Angelo a concerned look, and he sighs. “I never thought it would be like this.”

As I stare at the beauty who stars in my dreams every night, I nod with bitter agreement. “I certainly never expected it.”

Sighing, I bring the conversation back to business.

“What happened at Massimo’s mansion?”

“Fucking weirdo.” Angelo shakes his head.


“The place was impenetrable. Even the fact his men had left didn’t help us. The place is protected by weird biometric shit. We couldn’t even kick the doors or window in.”

“So, what did you do?”

I’m curious and he shrugs. “We blew it to fucking hell.”

“Is there anything left?”

“I fucking hope not.”

He laughs softly. “It’s a building plot. Apparently, the news reports are writing it off as a freak gas explosion. Fire crews attempted to save it, but all that’s left is dust.”

“Any casualties?” I’m mildly interested, and he shakes his head.

“Not reported ones, but who knows what poor unfortunate souls were held in that house of horrors?”

“Could it come back on you?”

“What do you think?”

“What about Flynn? Have you heard back from him?”

“Same. Everything’s gone. It was a consolidated attack that even if Massimo had survived Scarpetta, he would have nothing to return to. His men had deserted him, and his real estate torched. We took everything from him except his life, it seems.”

“Are you blaming me for that?”

I fix him with my deadliest stare, and he says bitterly, “Of course not. Nobody expected Winter to take matters into her own hands. If only she’d known your gun was trained on the back of his head, she wouldn’t have damaged hers.”

I cast my mind back to the moment I almost pulled the trigger. The exact second, she moved by his side, and it could so easily have been her body we dragged from the restaurant. Just the thought of it tears me apart and I reach for the whiskey and drain the glass in seconds.

“Keep a clear head. We have business to attend to.”

Angelo snaps and I pointedly ignore him and refill my glass. Sighing, he stands and whispers angrily, “We’ve got what we wanted. Winter’s alive, and it’s only a matter of time before she regains her memory. I’m sure none of us are prepared for that.”

He heads off and beckons his wife to follow him, and I stare at the seat she vacated and feel the magnetic pull. Standing, I take her seat and stare with a hunger at the woman who appears to be sleeping. She looks so perfect, so beautiful, like a rose that has been scratched by one of its own thorns. Part broken but still the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and despite being so fragile, she has a strength that will cause her to bloom once more.

Her eyes open and I glance away, conscious I may be scaring her. I understand I’m not your average Joe and scare the fuck out of most people who catch my eye, but I want a different kind of look from this woman beside me.

She smiles shyly and I swear it melts my heart and my expression softens as I say huskily, “I’m sorry to wake you.”

“I wasn’t really sleeping, just resting my eyes.”

I note the dark circles under her eyes despite her extended sleep in the hospital and I’m concerned that we are moving too fast.

“Did they give you any medication? Are you feeling sick?”

She shakes her head. “Just painkillers, but I’m guessing they’re wearing off.”

“Show them to me.”

She reaches into her purse, and I grasp a bottle of water nearby and tear off the cap, offering it to her with a soft, “Drink the lot. It will help.”

“Thank you doctor.”

She giggles and I swear it’s the sweetest sound in the world and it actually pastes a smile on my own angry face.

“That’s better.”

“What is?” I’m not sure what she means, and she whispers, “It’s good to see you smiling.”

“I have something to smile about now.”


“You, Winter. You’re back where you belong.”

“Why did I leave?” She’s curious and yet I’m not sure if she could cope with the truth and I sigh, aching to grasp her hand and raise it to my lips. “Let’s just say your husband wasn’t the most sociable person in the world.”

“My husband.”

She looks worried.

“I should remember I had a husband. Where is he now?”

“Somewhere he can’t hurt you.”

Her eyes widen and I say with a deep sigh. “To be honest, you are best forgetting all about him. He’s not worth your effort. Concentrate on remembering who Winter is and take it from there.”

“What about you?”

She gazes at me with a curious smile. “You say we’re friends. Where did we meet?”

“Rockwell Academy. Don’t you remember we spoke about it at the hospital?”

“We did?” She looks surprised and the warning bells start ringing loud and clear.

“It was only a couple of days ago.”

“I’m sorry.” She looks upset.

“What for?”

“Not recalling our conversation.”

“Do you remember the hospital?”

“Yes, but, well…”

“Well, what?”

“I remember I was there.”

Suddenly, her eyes fill with tears and the agony on her face is too much to bear, especially when she whispers, “I’m frightened, Alessandro.”

Fuck convention and in one swift move I pull her into my arms and hold her so tightly the emotion almost breaks me. As I pull her frail body in my arms, it’s like a homecoming. Her gentle sobs slices open my heart and as I stroke her hair and whisper words of reassurance, it would take a bullet through my head to release her now. I can’t let go. Finally, she is where she belongs and yet she’s broken. Can we repair her? You can bet your fucking life we can, even if we engage every specialist in the world. Winter is in the safest hands and whatever she needs, she will get.

When Angelo and Jasmine return, I make no move to release Winter from my arms. Angelo looks destroyed when he sees her sobbing gently into my chest and Jasmine brushes a tear from her eye. I shake my head and continue stroking her hair because this is what she needs right now. She must feel so alone and there is no need for that. She will never be alone again, even if I make it my life’s work.

Angelo says gently, “Winter, can I get you anything?”

His voice causes her to glance up, and she smiles through her tears. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I don’t suppose you have a glass of water.”

Jasmine grabs one from the refrigerator and hands it to her and, as she sips the cool liquid, she settles into my arms as if she was always meant to be there.

She looks up from under her lashes and says in a whisper, “Thank you.”

“No need. I will always be here for you.”

“I guess that’s because you’re my friend. I can see why I like you.”

I tighten my grip and swallow the rush of words I really want to say and as she sips her water, she closes her eyes and makes no effort to move.

As we carry on our journey to Sicily, all my dreams have come true. My woman is back in my arms, but fate’s a complicated bitch and I wonder how long I get to keep her there.

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