The Mafia Contract Series

Chapter 13

I think Winter’s friend may not last the night. As they sit at the table surrounded by menace, I don’t think she’s eaten one slice of pizza and it pisses me off. I can’t stand fear, I never could, and she needs to deal with it before it destroys her.

Winter is pissed. I know that look in her eyes and won’t say a fucking word even when spoken to. She’s acting like a petulant child, and I’m embarrassed for her so I decide to teach them both a hard lesson because fuck me, I can seriously do without their shit right now.

The guys are antsy, probably because they haven’t been laid in a few days and Ivan looks as if he’s about to explode from boredom, so I say firmly, “Ivan, Malik, arrange a party for tonight.”

They all look up. “But I thought…” Alessandro looks confused because I made it clear there would be no parties until the girls had settled in.

“I changed my mind.” I stare at him long and hard, and he nods. “Fine, I’ll get word out.”

Flynn looks bored. “I’ll take the door.”

“Not this time.”

I stare at Emma and love the way his eyes spark with interest as he gets the green light.

Winter looks worried. “Then we’ll head to our rooms. We have study and…” “You’ll stay. It would rude not to because this is your welcome party.”

“I don’t want one.” She pouts and I shrug.

“I don’t care, you’re getting one anyway and by the end of it you’ll understand just how things work around here. This is your home, and you are about to learn what that involves.”


“Trust me, Winter, this is for your own good.”

Emma looks terrified especially because Flynn appears to be undressing her with his eyes and Winter looks worried for her and stares at me pointedly, “You promised.”

“That you’ll both be safe. You will and if you have any complaints in the morning, bring them to me.”

Ivan and Malik leave, and Alessandro looks thoughtful. “What’s the plan?”

“No plan tonight. Just a party, plain and simple.”

Alessandro nods and I know I’ve confused the hell out of my friends because I’ve already gone back on my word. The trouble is I feel bad. Bad for Winter and bad for her friend and they may not believe me, but this party is the best thing for them.

Winter sighs and as she stands I say quickly, “You can clean up and then get ready.”

“Why us?” Winter looks pissed and her eyes flash as she suspects she’s about to be made chief slave.

“Because you must help out and do your share. It may as well start now.”

She pushes back her chair angrily and says roughly, “Come on Emma.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

The sooner we get this done the sooner we can get the hell out of here.”

I smirk as they set to their task, and I nod to my friends to meet me outside.

We head around to the back of the house and as I light a cigarette, Alessandro growls, “I thought you quit.”

“That was before my sister came to stay; maybe I didn’t think this through.”

Flynn laughs out loud. “Well, I’m feeling pretty good about that now.”

“I thought you might.”

Alessandro laughs softly, “Are you really unleashing Flynn on that scared shitless friend of your sister and can I watch?”

I nod, grinning as I imagine the sort of evening she’s in for. “She’ll thank me for it tomorrow, just be kind and remember who she is.”

“Why wouldn’t I be kind? She’s perfect.”

Turning to Alessandro, I fix him with a darker look. “That doesn’t give you permission to spend time with my sister.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I’ve seen the look in your eye when she’s near you. Stay away, I will only warn you once.”

For once he lowers his eyes, telling me my intuition was spot on. There’s something between them already and it will be over my dead body, or Winter’s more likely. Despite the freedom she’s been given in her education, she has one job to do. Marry for power and make sure she’s a virgin on her wedding night.

Just the thought of the man who my father probably has lined up makes my blood run cold. He won’t care what sort of man he is, just what he can get out of the deal and my sister will be the one trapped in a marriage of fear. I need to make this time count for something, give her memories to see her through the dark days ahead and if I can allow her a little freedom, at least it will be under my watchful eye.

“I heard there’s a party later.”

We turn and see Baron standing nearby, leaning against a tree and I laugh. ‘News travels fast. You in?”

“I might be.”

“Only might.”

“Depends on what the plan is.”

“There is no plan, just a party.”

“He shakes his head. “I have those most nights, maybe I’ll pass.”

He turns away and I say quickly, “I could use your help.”

He turns back with a glint on his eye.

“Name it.”

“My sister.”

Alessandro tenses and I feel a wicked thrill surge through me as I deal a hard blow in learning.

“Make her evening count but don’t touch her. I’ll owe you one.”

Alessandro hisses beside me and I ignore him completely because fuck if I trust her with him, but Baron is different. He won’t overstep the mark and will play his part because for some reason I trust him more than my own friends sometimes. We are two creatures born of the same soul. We understand one another and I know he won’t let me down.

“Interesting. I heard your sister came to stay; did anything force that?”

“Just the usual kids’ stuff but you could keep your eyes open and report anything you hear.”

“Consider it done.”

“Baron.” A shout from the neighboring house claims his attention and he nods. “Duty calls. I’ll see you later.”

As he heads off, Alessandro snarls, “I don’t trust him.”

I say nothing because I do and that’s all that counts.

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