Chapter 43: Using Theresa

{The Gilbertos Empire ≈ Alfred’s Mansion}

Alfred and his gang landed in Los Angeles twelve hours ago after Alfred questioned Shikita and made her join the Gilbertos.

Shikita had one condition before she could join the Gilbertos. The condition was that Alfred would guarantee the safety and protection of her uncle’s family.

Alfred accepted her condition, since he was the one who killed her uncle. He gave a huge sum of money to his family for his burial and to continue running his Chichatsu.

Some of Alfred’s top members like Viper and Douglas were not happy with Alfred’s decision of accepting a front man of their rival, into the organization.

Alfred cared less about that. The main reason why he made Shikita join the Gilberto Mafia organization is because he needs her to find the second person who knows the identity of his childhood lover.

Alfred didn’t plan to leave Japan so soon. But when Shikita gave him some information about his childhood lover, he decided that they should leave Japan.

His main objective now is to find Brad, since Brad is the second person who knows about his childhood lover and can lead him (Alfred) to her.

The fact that his childhood lover was the adopted daughter of his enemy worried Alfred.

‘What if I’m not able to find my Theresa? What if Dante has already turned her into something bad?’ Alfred thought to himself.

”My Lord,” Theresa’s voice snapped Alfred out of his thoughts.

Alfred turned his neck sideways to see Theresa sitting beside him on the bed.

Alfred was putting on a black singlet and a white sweatpant.

“Yes?” Alfred responded.

‘I’ve been calling you for almost a minute. Something bothering your mind?” Theresa asked.

“There’s nothing bothering my mind.” Alfred replied with a thin smile.

Alfred’s phone which was on the bedstand table started ringing. He picked the phone and he checked the caller’s ID.

It was Caesar calling.

Alfred swiped the green icon and he placed the phone on his right ear.

“Yes, Caesar?”

“Boss, I called to remind you about tomorrow.” Caesar replied.

“What’s happening tomorrow?” Alfred questioned.

“Tomorrow is the donation day.” Caesar answered.

“That skipped my mind. Prepare the money and items for donation.” Alfred said.

“Alright boss.” Caesar replied, then Alfred disconnected the call, placing his phone on the bedstand table.

“What’s happening tomorrow, my Lord?” Theresa asked.

“Tomorrow is Wednesday, the day we make donations.” Alfred replied.

“Donations?” Theresa asked confusedly.

“Yeah, we make donations to orphanage homes and widows. In case you’ve forgotten, I’m also Reverend Alfred.” Alfred replied.

“Oh, I almost forgot.” Theresa said, chuckling softly. “Can I tag along?”

“Sure.” Alfred nodded. “You are also a nun and it’s one of your duties.”

The both of them turned their gazes to the door when they heard a knock.

“Who’s there?” Alfred asked.

“Douglas.” Douglas replied from outside the room.

“I’ll be right back.” Alfred said to Theresa, then he climbed out of the king sized bed.

He walked to the door and he opened it a bit so that Douglas won’t see Theresa laying on the bed.

But Douglas’s eagle eyes already saw Theresa. He pretended like he didn’t see her.

“We need to talk.” Douglas said.

Alfred walked out of the room and the both of them descended the stairs to the living room.

“What’s going on with you lately, Alfred?” Douglas asked.

Alfred knew what Douglas meant but he feigned clueless. “What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean, Alfred.” Douglas retorted. “The new members you accepted into the organization. First, it was Matilda, then the nun and now, Shikita. What are you trying to do?”

Alfred let out a wide smirk, “I accepted the three of them for a special reason.”

“And what’s this special reason of yours?” Douglas asked, angrily.

“It’s personal.” Alfred simply replied.

“That nun. I saw her on your bed.” Douglas said, “You in love with her?”

“No.” Alfred replied, “She’s just my sex toy.”

“I hope she’s just your sex toy like you said.” Douglas said. “I’m sure you know what happens when you fall I’m love.” He added, then he turned around and he walked out of the house.

Unknown to both Alfred and Douglas, Theresa has been listening to their conversation from upstairs. She silently walked back to Alfred’s room when Douglas walked out of the house.

She sat on the bed with a slight frown on her face.

“So, he just sees me as his sex toy and nothing more.” She mumbled angrily.

“Yeah, of course. You’re not his girlfriend or his lover. He doesn’t love you neither do you love him.” Her subconscious said.

“Even though he doesn’t love me, he should have given me a more respectable title than his sex toy.” Theresa said.

“And what is this respectable title you’re speaking of?” Her subconscious asked.

“He should have at least called me his lady or his woman or…. Just forget about it.” She sighed frustratedly and she laid on the bed.

“You love him, right?” Her subconscious asked again.

“No, I don’t love him. I’m only here for a mission and very soon, I’ll put him behind bars.” Theresa said.

“You sure you’ll be able to put him behind bars after the multiple hot sex you had with him?” Her subconscious teased.

“Just fuck off.”

Theresa closed her eyes and she pretended to be sleeping when she heard footsteps approaching the room. Alfred opened the door and he walked inside the room.

He was surprised to see Theresa sleeping. He sat down on the bed and he called her name.

“Theresa, Theresa.” He called twice but he got no response.

“Maybe she’s really asleep.” Alfred said, then he got down from the bed and he walked out of the room.

Theresa opened her eyes when she heard the door closing.

“I’ll make him regret calling me his sex toy.” She said with a wicked smirk on her face.



Seated inside a large room was Dante and a woman. Dante has a stick of tobacco in between his lips and the woman was sniffing a white substance named COCAINE.

The light in the room was dim but they could still see each other’s faces.

The both of them heard a knock on the door.

“Come in.” Dante announced.

The door opened and a man walked in. A black mask was covering his face, concealing his identity.

“Greetings godfather.” He greeted Dante with a slight bow of his head.

“Any news on the Gilbertos?” Dante asked, puffing out a huge amount of smoke from his mouth.

“Yes, godfather.” The man replied.

“I’m all ears.” Dante said.

“My spies told me that Shikita has been held captive by the Gilbertos.”

“You mean that Japanese assassin?” The woman asked. The white substance she was sniffing stained her nose.

“Yes, godmother.” The man answered.

“Her uncle, Kashmiri, was also killed by the leader of the Gilbertos.” The man added.

Dante rose up to his feet and he walked to the window. He stared outside the window and he continued smoking the long stick if tobacco.

“Now that the Gilbertos have Shikita with them, I’m sure they are gonna question her and she might reveal our location.” The woman said, a note of worry in her voice.

“No, Marisa.” Dante replied the woman. “Shikita would never betray me. She is as loyal as a dog. She would rather die than telling the Gilbertos anything about me.”

Marisa scoffed, “You know how dangerous the Gilbertos are. They’ll do anything to make Shikita spill everything she knows about you.”

Dante chuckled softly, “If Shikita tells them everything she knows about me, she has a reason behind it. Shikita is as poisonous as a cobra and cunning as a fox. The Gilbertos will regret capturing her.”


The telephone on the table started ringing, interrupting Marisa’s sentence. Marisa picked it and she placed it on her ear.


“Dagger on the line. I wanna speak with godfather Dante.” A feminine voice replied.

“Dante, your second front man wants to speak with you.” Marisa said.

Dante walked towards her and he collected the telephone, placing it on his ears.

“Yes, Dagger?”

“Godfather, Shikita has been captured by the Gilbertos.” Dagger said.

“I know.” Dante replied, “Anything else?”

“Your daughter, Theresa, was sighted in Tokyo with the Gilbertos.”

Dante’s expression instantly changed into an angry one. “Theresa? Are you sure she was the one you saw?”

“Yes, godfather.” Dagger replied. “I have the video with me. I’ll send it to you now.”

The call disconnected immediately. Dante’s phone beeped inhis pocket some seconds after the call.

He took out his phone and he saw a video sent by Dagger. True to Dagger’s words, Theresa was with the Gilbertos in Tokyo.

Dante watched the short video with a deep frown on his face. His blood was boiling in anger and he smashed his phone angrily on the wall.

Marisa and the masked man were taken aback by Dante’s action.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Marisa asked worriedly as she rose to her feet.

“Brad!!” Dante called the masked man’s name angrily.

“Y.. yes godfather?” The masked man answered. Fear was evident in his masculine voice.

“Where the fuck is Theresa?” Dante asked angrily.

“She’s on a secret mission.” Brad answered.

“A secret mission?” Dante scoffed, throwing his stick of tobacco on the floor and he crushed it with his shoe. “Then why is she with the Gilbertos, huh?” He asked as he walked towards the masked man.

“I don’t know, godfather.” Brad replied.

“What the fuck do you mean by you don’t know?!” Dante yelled and landed a heavy punch on Brad’s face.

Brad staggered backwards. The mask on his face cracked a bit as a result of the punch.

“What’s the objective of her fucking secret mission?” Dante asked.

“To find out if Reverend Alfred is a crime lord. She was suspecting Reverend Alfred to be a crime lord.” Brad answered.

Dante’s furrowed his brows, “Is she crazy? Why would she suspect that innocent Reverend as a crime lord? Is she nuts?!”

“I tried to talk her out of it. But she was too determined to find out if Reverend Alfred is a crime lord.” Brad said.

“That doesn’t answer why she is the Gilbertos. Why the fuck is she with them?!” Dante yelled.

“I also don’t know. She hasn’t called me or given me updates on her mission.” Brad replied.

“Fuck!” Dante cursed, punching the wall near him. His knuckles got bruised but he cared less about that.C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

“Calm down, sweetheart.” Marisa walked closer or him.

“Don’t fucking tell me to calm down!” Dante yelled at her.

Marisa flinched back in fear. She has never seen Dante this angry.

Dante turned his neck to face Brad who had his head lowered. “I am fucking disappointed in you, Brad. I am so disappointed in you.”

“I’m sorry, godfather.” Brad said in an apologetic tone.

Dante ruffled his hair angrily and he walked to the window. “Theresa has always dreamt of being a crime fighting agent ever since she was ten. I didn’t want to deprive her of her dream because of the love I have for her. When she was seventeen, I allowed her to go join the Los Angeles Crime Force.” Dante paused and h turned around to face Brad, then he continued.

“I knew her job waa a dangerous one and that was the reason why I sent you,” pointing at Brad, “I sent you to join the LACF so you could protect her from danger and keep an eye on her. But you fucked up, and now she’s with the Gilbertos. They’ll fucking kill her once they find out about her real identity. Theresa doesn’t know a thing about my Mafia life They’ll use her against me once they know she’s my daughter.”

Dante walked away from the window and he plopped himself on a couch, shutting his eyes close.

“I don’t want to kill my daughter,” He said. “And I also don’t want to be killed by her. I don’t want to be put in a situation whereby I would have no other choice than to kill Theresa.”

The pain and hurt in Dante’s voice was obvious, meaning that he really loves Theresa.

Marisa sat down beside him and she held his hand “Calm down, Dante and look at the brighter side of this. If Theresa is with the Gilbertos, that means they trust her and we can use that to our advantage.”

Dante opened his eyes and he turned his neck sideways to look at Marisa. “What the fuck do you mean, Marisa? I can’t risk my daughter’s life.”

“She is not even your biological daughter so…”

“Biological or not, she is my daughter and I can’t endanger her life for my own interest.” Dante cut her off angrily.

Marisa scoffed and she stood up. She walked to the inbuilt bar and she filled two glasses with whiskey. Then she walked back to Dante and she handed over a glass to him.

She sat down beside him and she took a sip from the whiskey before speaking. “Theresa’s life is already in danger. What could be more dangerous than being a part of the Gilbertos?”

Dante said nothing in response, instead he took asip frim his whiskey.

Marisa continued, “Now that Theresa is a member of the Gilbertos, we can use her to take them down.”

Dante shook his head in disagreement, “Theresa would never do that. I know her too well. Once she is a part of something, she’ll never betray that thing.”

Marisa let out a smirk, “I also know Theresa very well. She loves you just like you love her. She will do anything you tell her to do. Just give her the orders and she will take down each and every member of the Gilberto family.”

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