Chapter 55: Dare and Guns


Theresa squinted when she felt the morning sun on her face. It slid in through the open blinds.

She pouted in her sleep before feeling a presence beside herself.

She opened her eyes and saw Alfred lying on his elbow beside her, staring at her with a handsome smile.

“Good morning, Freddy.” She greeted with a smile as she shifted to him, and wrapped her arms on him, dipping her face on his chest as he covered them.

“Morning sunshine.” Alfred replied and he placed a kiss on her head.

“I thought you were gonna sleep the whole day.” Alfred said, and Theresa chuckled.

“Not my fault I slept this long. You were a beast last night and you almost crippled my legs.” Theresa replied with a pout, and Alfred laughed lightly.

The room fell into silence as they gazed at each other’s faces without saying a word.

Alfred took his hand to her face and he caressed it gently.

“Never thought I was gonna she you again, Theresa.” He broke the silence.

“Me too, Freddy.” Theresa replied, and Alfred captured her lips.

He started devouring her lips with so much passion and zest that she was tempted to close her eyes and respond as their lips moved and worked on each other.

Alfred slowly broke the kiss five three minutes later.

“Godfather Gilberto will arrive tonight.” Alfred said.

“I can’t wait to meet him.” Theresa replied. “I’ll Stacy to order a dress for you.” Alfred said.

“Thanks, Freddy.” Theresa replied, beaming with a smile.

Alfred trailed hus eyes to her cute pink lips and he couldn’t resist the temptation of kissing them.

He reconnected their lips and he kissed her softly. Theresa wrapped her hands around his head and she deepened the kiss.


Brad hastened his pace in the spacious corridor that led to Dante’s room.

He was putting on an armless jacket and a black ripped out jeans. A white bandage was wrapped neatly around right arm.

He knocked twice on the door when he reached Dante’s room.

“Come in.” Dante stated from inside the room

Brad twisted the doorknob and he pushed the door open before stepping inside the large and luxurious room.

Dante was resting on the window frame with a stick of lighted cigarette in between his fingers.

Marisa was sitting on a couch, her face buried in the plate of cocaine she was snuffing.

“Greetings, godfather.” Brad bowed his head rerespectfully.

“Why are you just arriving by this time?” Dante asked as he turned around to face Brad.

He shot a brow up when he saw Brad’s bandaged arm.

“And what happened to your arm?” He asked, taking a long puff from the lighted cigarette in his hand.

“Theresa came to the lair last night as planned, but she didn’t come alone.”

Marisa raised her head to gaze at Brad. The white substance stained her nose.

“Let me guess, she came with the Gilberto family.” She said, and Brad nodded.

“Yes, godmother. She shot me twice on my arm because she wanted to defend the leader of the Gilbertos.” Brad said.

“Thresa shot you?” Dante asked, raising a questioning brow at Brad.

“Yes, godfather.” Brad replied.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!” Dante cursed angrily, throwing his stick of cigarette on the floor, then he crushed it angrily with his shoe.

“I told you Theresa would never agree to betray the Gilbertos. I fucking told you, Marisa.” He said angrily as he sauntered to the center table, then he grabbed a bottle of vodka, and he gulped it down his throat.

Marisa chuckled softly, dropping the plate of cocaine on the center table.

“Theresa didn’t agree because you were not the one who told her about the plan.” She said, “I told you to call her yourself and not send Brad, but you didn’t listen to me.”

“What if I call her and they track our location, huh?” Dante asked.

“They can’t track our location, because we’ve got hundreds of computer experts at our disposal.” Marisa replied, then rose to her feet, and she walked to Dante.

She stood in front of him and she wrapped both her hands around his neck, gazing directly at his face.

“Give Theresa a call and tell her about the plan. I’m sure she’ll obey you. You’re her father after all.” She said.

Dante remained quiet for a while before speaking.

“All right. I’ll give her a call.”



All top members of the empire were already waiting in the underground park, for godfather Gilberto’s arrival.

He’s set to arrive some minutes from now.

Alfred had been smiling secretly since daybreak. He couldn’t wait to meet godfather Gilberto after a long time.

Theresa is currently in the computer lab with Stacy, dressing up for the party.

The long awaited cars finally showed up, and both Alfred and Douglas smiled when they pulled up.

Four men rushed out of the two cars to open the backseat doors of the cars.

Godfather Gilberto stepped out of the first car, an handsome man in his early fifties.

He had a golden walking stick with him, looking so regal and full of authority. A golden eagle pendant was also worn around his neck.

“Godfather.” Alfred smiled, walking to him together with Douglas.

“My boys” he smiled, hugging them both at once.

“The both of you have grown so much.” He chuckled as he broke the hug.

“And you’ve also changed a lot godfather” Douglas said, and he laughed crookedly, his white beards showing off.

“It’d be weird if I stayed the same” he said, stroking hus white beards softly.

“What the fuck! Lisa came?” Douglas said as an arrogant looking girl came out through the backseat door of the first car, looking so hot and sexy.

“Godfather you shouldn’t have brought her along with you.” Alfred said as she walked to them in her heels.

“Alfred!!” She gushed, hugging Alfred tightly immediately she got to them.

Viper clenched her fist angrily, glaring daggers at Lisa as she hugged Alfred.

Matilda was also glaring at Lisa. If looks could kill, Matilda would have killed Lisa with the way she was looking at her.

“Who’s she?” Shikita asked with her gaze fixed on Lisa.

“She’s Lisa, godfather Gilberto’s second child and only daughter.” Rose replied.

Shikita turned her gaze to Rose.

“You mean godfather Gilberto has another child?” She asked, raising a questioning brow at her.

“Yeah, that’s him.” Rose replied as a young man stepped out of the second car.

He was putting on a red tuxedo and a pair of golden shoes. He was looking hot and he had a devilish smile on his face as he walked towards them.

“His name is Marco, and he’s godfather Gilberto’s first child.” Rose said. “He hates the boss a lot.” She added.

“Hold on. If Marco is godfather’s first child, then why isn’t he the current leader of the Gilberto family instead of Don Alfred?” Shikita asked, confusedly.

“If you wanna know the answer to that question, then GI ask godfather himself.” Viper replied, rudely.

Shikita hissed and rolled eyes at her.

“Why is Lissy or Lisa or whatever name is. Why the fuck is she hugging the boss?” Matilda asked, jealously.

“Heard Lisa has a crush on the boss since they were kids” Rose muttered.

“I missed you a lot, Alfred.” Lisa said as she tightened the hug.

“Stop being a kid” Alfred said and broke the hug immediately.

“You fucking grew more handsome!, I missed you so f*cking much!” She made to hug him again, but he stepped back.

“Am I not worth your greetings?” Douglas said with raised brows.

“Just f*ck off, Douglas. I came here for my sweet Alfred and not you.” She rolled eyes at him.

“What’s up, Alfred?” Marco stretched his hand for an handshake as he got to them.

Alfred stared at his hand for a while before shaking him.

“It’s been a while, Marco.” He replied with a wicked smirk.

One could sense the hatred and enmity between the both of them.

“Hey Douglas.” Marco greeted with a smile.

“How’ve you been, Marco Gilberto?” Douglas asked, a broad smirk at the corner of his lips.

“Great,” Marco replied, “Hope you now have a girlfriend or you still sulking over what happened to you in the past?” He asked with a mocking smile.

Douglas clenched his fists angrily with a deadly glare on his face.

Noticing the tension in the air, godfather Gilberto cleared his throat, looking at the other top members who were standing some feet away.

They all bowed respectfully.

“The party is waiting, we should join right now” Douglas said, taking his gaze off Marco.

“Sure.” Godfather Gilberto replied, and they proceeded into the empire.

Lisa clinged on to Alfred throughout, though he was trying all his best to shake her off, but she’s just unshakable, like gum.



“Oh my fucking gawd!!” All the male computer experts almost Theresa came out of a room with Stacy.

Stacy glared at them, and they quickly returned their gazes back to their computer screens.

Theresa’s all dolled up, wearing a black strapless gown which left her back open, then same color of high heels.

Her hair was straightened out, and she has moderately pretty make-up on her round face.

Her lips is wet with lipstick, and she smells really nice, Stacy sprayed her with a brandy-mixed perfume, Alfred’s favorite.

Theresa had a wide smile on her face.

“You should also go and dress up for the party.” Theresa told Stacy.

Stacy shook her head negatively.

“I won’t be attending the party.” Stacy replied, and Theresa’s face dropped in disappointment.

“Why?” She asked.

“I’ll have to stay here and watch the mob with other computer experts, spies might wanna take advantage of the party to infiltrate the empire.* Stacy replied sadly.

“Wow! Who is the sexy angel I’m seeing right now?” Came a voice from the doorway.

Stacy and Theresa turned their gazes to the door and they saw Marco walking in with a glass of red wine in his hand.

“Who is he?” Theresa asked as Marco approached them.

“He’s godfather Gilberto’s son.” Stacy replied, glaring at Marco as he walked towards them, a grin plastered on his face.

“You mean he is Freddy’s brother?” Theresa whispered.

“No. I’ll tell you everything later.” Stacy replied.

“Hello there, Stacy.” Marco greeted as he finally got to them.

Stacy scoffed without replying. She walked to her seat and she sat down, then she began operating her computers.

Marco shrugged and he turned his gaze to Theresa.

“Hi angel.” He smiled at her.

“Hi.” Theresa replied with a smile.

“You look ravishing and breathtaking in that dress.” Marco complimented.

“Thanks.” Theresa replied.

“Mind coming to the party with me?” Marco asked with a smile.

Theresa was about to say “no” when Alfred showed up. Lisa was beside him, holding his arm.

Alfred looked at Marco, then at Theresa.

“Let go of my hand.” He told Lisa, and Lisa looked at him with a confused expression on her face.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Why?, We’re going to the party together right?” She said.

He roughly removed his arm from her hold immediately.

“Let’s go, Theresa.” He ordered, and when Theresa made to move, Marco blocked her.

“She agreed to go with me already, Alfred.” He said, and Alfred smirked dangerously.

“She’s mine” he said, and Lisa gasped shockingly.

“No Alfred, she is not yours for tonight. She is mine.” Marco replied, and it was Theresa’s turn to gasp.

“I see you’ve grown some wings, Marco. You wanna die?” Rosario said, getting his gun.

He aimed for Marco immediately, but Marco got his gun too.

“No, stop it Marco.” Lisa said as he aimed for Rosario too.

“Theresa is going with me and not you.” Marco replied with a devilish smirk on his face as he cocked his gun.

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