Chapter 59

The door opened and Caesar walked in.

Marco glared daggers at Caesar.

“Are you fucking dumb! Why the fuck didn’t you knock before entering?!” He yelled.

“Lady Theresa, the boss calls for you.” Caesar said to Theresa, ignoring Marco.

Theresa rose to her immediately.

“What’s your answer Theresa?” Marco asked.

“My answer is no.” Theresa replied in a stern voice.

Marco furrowed his brows at her.


“Yeah.” Theresa nodded, then she walked towards Caesar who was standing at the doorway.

“I’ll give you time to think about it. Let me know when you change your mind.” Marco said from behind her.

Theresa said nothing in response, instead she walked out of the room with Caesar.

“How did you know that I was in Marco’s mansion?’ Theresa asked Caesar, as they walked to Alfred’s mansion.

“The surveillance cameras.” Caesar simply replied.

“And does Alfred knows about it?’ She asked, glancing at his face.

“Yeah.” Caesar replied.

‘Oh gawd! Alfred will be so angry right now.’ She thought to herself.

After walking for five minutes, they both arrived at Alfred’s mansion.

Caesar opened the door for her, and she stepped inside.

Theresa’s heart skipped a bit when she saw Alfred sitting on a couch with a stuck of cigarette in between his lips.

He was gazing at her with a deadly glare on his face. He drew in hard on his cigarette, puffing out the rich smoke of the cigar afterwards.

Theresa lowered her head, and she started fiddling with her fingers as she stood in front of Alfred.

“What the fuck were you doing with Marco in his mansion?” Alfred asked after two minutes of silence.

“I just um.. I just wanted to have a chat with him because I was bored.” She replied, smiling nervously.

Alfred rose to his feet, and he covered the distance between them.

Theresa swallowed hard, and her heart skipped another beat at their closeness.

Alfred puffed out smoke, then he leaned to her level, and whispered into her ears.

“I don’t want to ever see you with Marco or any other man. Trust me sweetheart, you don’t wanna see the other side of me. I get jealous and furious whenever I see what belongs to me with another person. So, don’t ever go near Marco or any other man. Understood?”

“Yes.” Theresa nodded quickly.

“Good.” Alfred stood straight.

“Now let’s go to Hope orphanage home.” He said, then he brushed past her, walking out of the house.

“Thank goodness.” Theresa mumbled, then she turned around and she followed him.


A car containing Alfred and Theresa stopped in front of a gigantic hospital, and they both came down from the car.

Alfred brought none of his men along since he and Theresa only came to visit an orphanage home.

They both had a confused look on their faces, and they exchanged quick glances before averting their gazes back to the building in front of them.

“Did we drive to the wrong location or what?” Theresa asked, taking her gaze off the building and she stared at Alfred, giving him the a questioning look.

“Don’t give me that look,” replied Alfred, “as far as I can remember, this is where the orphange home usee to be.” He pointed at the hospital.

“Then where is it? Where is the orphanage home?” Theresa glanced around her.

“How should I know that?” Alfred replied, tucking his hands in his in his pockets. “Let’s go in and look for answers to the question you just asked me.” He added sarcastically.

Theresa secretly rolled eyes at him as they both proceeded into the hospital.

They both walked to the reception where they met a lady who seemed to be the receptionist.

“Good afternoon.” The receptionist greeted them with a smile.

“Afternoon,” replied Theresa, “we’d like to meet the CEO of this hospital. Is he or she available?”

“Do you have an appointment with him?” The receptionist asked.

“No, but…”

“I’m sorry, but you can’t meet him unless you have an appointment with him.” She cut her off.

Theresa folded her fists angrily, and we glared daggers at the receptionist.

She felt like beating her up that moment, but Alfred held her hand, and he rubbed it gently with his thumb, making Theresa calm down a bit.

Then Alfred turned his gaze to the receptionist.

“Hey there, beautiful.” He said with a charming smile on his face.

The receptionist couldn’t help but to blush hard when Alfred called her beautiful.

Theresa scoffed jealously, and she folded her arms under her breasts, leaning on the counter.

“Bitch.” She mumbled.

“We have to meet the CEO right now, ’cause we have something important to discuss with him. So, can you kindly act like the beautiful receptionist that you are and direct us to the his office?” Alfred asked, wetting his lips with his tongue.

The receptionist swallowed hard as he stared at Alfred’s pink lips which was now wet.

She was feeling tempted to grab him closer and kiss those cute lips of his.

Theresa noticed the receptionist was staring at Alfred’s lips. A frowned creased her forehead and her blood began boiling both in anger and jealousy.

“Will you stop staring at his lips and do what he fucking asked you to do!” She banged her fists on the counter, making the receptionist flinch back in fright. This also grabbed the attention of other people around them, and they stared at Theresa like she was some kind of psycho.

The receptionist frowned at Theresa, then she averted her gaze back to Alfred.

“Follow me.” She said, and she walked towards an elevator.

“Keep your cool, Theresa.” Alfred said to Theresa as they followed the receptionist from behind.

They stepped inside the elevator, and the receptionist pushed the button, then the door slowly shut.

Theresa was standing at the right hand side of Alfred with a frown on her face while the receptionist stood at his left hand side.

Alfred cleared his throat before speaking.

“I’m sorry for the way my girlfriend yelled at you earlier.” He said to the receptionist as the elevator rode them up.

Theresa felt her cheeks heating up, and her lips curved into a smile when Alfred called her his girlfriend.

Her smile slowly turned into a frown when she heard his next statement.

“She has anger issues, and that’s part of what we came to discuss with the CEO. So, I apologize for her rude behaviour.”

Theresa glared daggers at Alfred, and we felt like punching his face for his statement.

“It’s alright.” The receptionist smiled at him.

”Now he’s flirting with the stupid receptionist and tagging me as the villain. I’ll teach him a lesson when we get back home.” She said to herself as she continued glaring at Alfred.

The elevator finally came to a stop, an the door swished open, then they stepped out of the elevator to the hallway.

They walked through the hallway for a few minutes, and they stopped in front of a door.

The receptionist knocked thrice at the door of the CEO’s office.

“Come in.” A masculine voice stated from inside the office.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

The door was opened by the receptionist and they stepped inside the office.

The office of the CEO was well furnished and has almost all the required conveniences for officers of his cadre.

The whole office shimmered with light casting its reflection on some medical award souvenirs of different shapes and sizes; each carefully placed on a shelve.

Every piece of furniture, artefact and paintings inside the office only bragged about how wealthy the man was.

His desk had piles of files neatly arranged on it, two telephone boxes and one intercom. His name was boldly inscribed on the marble tab placed delicately on the desk.

The CEO was seated behind his black polished desk. He was a man in his early fifties, and he had a grey hair which signified his old age.

He was putting on a grey tailored suit. A pair of rectangular eyeglasses stood at the bridge of his pointed nose.

“Oh my goodness!” The CEO gasped when his gaze landed on Alfred.

“Mr Gilberto?” chuckled the CEO as he stood up from his puffed leather chair.

“Good day, Mr Greene.” Alfred smiled at the man who had a surprised expression on his face.

“Please, have your seats.” Mr Greene pointed at the two chairs next to Alfred and Theresa before lowering himself to sit.

“Thank you.” Alfred nodded, pulling the chair back and sat down. Theresa also sat down on the chair beside him.

Mr Greene turned his gaze to the receptionist who was standing behind Alfred and Theresa.

“You can leave, Sarah.” He waved her off.

The receptionist bowed slightly before walking out of the office, then Mr Greene returned his gaze back to Alfred.

“I’m really surprised to see you, Mr Gilberto. What brings you here?”

“I just wanna ask you a few questions, and we’ll be happy if you answers those questions.”. Alfred replied, maintaining his smile.

“Alright, Mr Gilberto. I’m all ears.”

“For how long has your hospital been in existence?” Alfred questioned.

“Fourteen years.” Answered Mr Greene without thinking twice.

“Before your hospital was built on this same land, there was an orphanage home here, right?”

“No,” replied Mr Greene, shaking his head negatively. “There was no such thing as an orphanage home on this land when I bought it.”

Theresa had a confused look on her face as she gazed at Mr Greene.

“But there was an orphanage home on this same land sixteen years ago.” Theresa said, and Mr Greene moved his gaze to her.

“I once heard from a staff of mine that an orphanage home named Hope orphanage used to be here, but it got demolished two years before I bought this land.” He said.

Both Theresa and Alfred exchanged quick glances before returning their gazes back to Mr Greene.

“Demolished?” Theresa raised a questioning brow at him.

“I’m not really sure, but according to what I heard, Hope orphanage was demolished by a private organization, then I bought this land, and I had my hospital built on it.” Mr Greene replied, stroking his grey beard gently.

The office fell silent afterwards.

Mr Greene slowly moved his gaze from Theresa to Alfred. They were both quiet, their minds occupied with different thoughts.

Theresa was beyond shocked, her mouth was slightly opened, and her face was as pale as the belly of a fish.

Her breaths were shaky as she tried to process everything she just heard from Mr Greene.

She found it hard to believe that the orphanage where she was taken care of back when she was a kid, was now demolished.

The orphanage home was an important part of her life. She made a lot of memories in the orphanage; all were good memories. Good memories she’d never forget.

She was hoping that she’d see the orphanage home once again. She was hoping she’d see the nanny who was in charge of the orphanage home. The nanny who took care of her like her own daughter.

But her hope came crashing down when she heard that the orphanage got demolished.

Alfred maintained his composure. He was also shocked and heartbroken at the same time, but he didn’t make it obvious.

He cleared his throat and turned hus gaze to Mr Greene before speaking.

“Uh, do you perhaps know anything else about the orphanage home?”

“No,” replied Mr Greene as he shook his head negatively.”Everything I just told you is all I know.”

Alfred forced a smile, and he rose to his feet. Theresa also stood up slowly.

Mr Greene stood up andbhe adjusted his suit.

“Thanks a lot for the information, Mr Greene.” Alfred said as he shook hands with Mr Greene.

“My pleasure.” Mr Greene replied with a smile on his face.

“Alright then, we’ll be on our way.” Alfred turned his neck sideways to look at Theresa who was still trying to digest the heartbreaking news.

“Let’s go.” He said to her.

Theresa simply nodded, then they both walked out of the office.

The both of them walked through the hallway in silence.

As they continued walking, a man suddenly bumped into Alfred.

“I’m sorry.” The man apologized immediately, then he walked off hastily.

Alfred turned to look at the man’s retreating figure, and that was when he saw a piece of paper on the ground.

Theresa stared at him as he picked it up. He opened it and a saw a note.


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