The Mafia King’s Doll


Chapter 35


Angelo is so careful with me that it makes me feel even more emotional.

When he’s done washing every inch of my body, he turns off the faucets and helps me out of the shower. My eyes drift over him while he uses a towel to pat my skin dry.

Even though I’m still reeling from all the trauma, incredible love fills my heart for this man.

He places an arm beneath my back and another beneath my legs, then lifts me to his chest and carries me back to the bed.

After setting me down, he rushes to the walk-in closet for a clean shirt and gently pulls the fabric over my head.

“I need to brush my teeth,” I say, my eyes constantly locked on him. “Okay.”

When he moves to pick me up again, I shake my head. “I can walk.”

“I know.” He lifts me into his arms and heads back into the bathroom with me.

Once I’m on my feet and I’m brushing my teeth, Angelo cleans the floor.

Seeing this badass mafia leader wipe up the mess I made only makes me love him more.

He quickly washes his hands, and when he’s done, he stands next to me and rubs his palm up and down my back.

I spit the toothpaste out and rinse my mouth before I say, “You need to change out of those wet clothes.”

“I will. As soon as you’re back in bed.”

My heart. He makes me feel incredibly special.

Angelo wraps an arm around me, and I lean into his side as we leave the bathroom.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Once he has me tucked under the covers, he heads to the walk-in closet. I watch as he strips before pulling on a pair of black sweatpants. Coming straight back to bed, he sits down beside me.

Bracing his forearms on either side of my head, he leans over me, his eyes searching my face.

I lift my hand and brush my fingers over the dark stubble covering his jaw. “I’m sorry I ran away from you.”

He grips my hand in his and presses a kiss to my fingers. “It’s okay, baby.” A dark expression tightens his features, then he asks, “Do you think you could tell me the rest?”

My stomach churns, and shivers rush down my spine.

I swallow hard as I nod. My fingers tighten around his as I say, “I stumbled, and we both lost our balance. It happened so fast, and as I fell over the railing, I managed to grab hold of it, but…” My tongue darts out to wet my lips, and I lower my eyes to his chest. “Maurizio tried to grab hold of my dress, but he couldn’t, and…” The memory shudders through me, and my breaths speed up. “H-he f-fell.”

When Angelo is too quiet, my gaze darts to his face, and seeing the rage burning in his eyes, I start to tremble.

“I’m so sorry,” I whimper. “It was an accident.”

He shakes his head hard, a ruthless expression tightening his features, as he growls, “You went over the railing?”

I nod, and swallowing again, I say, “I managed to pull myself back onto the balcony.”

Extreme pain ghosts over his face as he shakes his head repeatedly. His voice sounds dangerous as he growls, “You almost fucking died.”

He grabs hold of me, and a second later, I’m squashed against his chest. “I almost lost you,” he groans. “Christ.”

Hearing the heartache in his tone, my tears start to fall again.

He peppers desperate kisses over my face, and when his actions feel frantic, I quickly frame his jaw with my hands and say, “I’m here. I didn’t die.”

He nods and presses his mouth to my palm. Shutting his eyes, he takes deep breaths.

When he opens his eyes again, the golden flecks are on fire. “What happened then?”

“I grabbed the envelope and my handbag and ran.” I glance around the room. “Maurizio said a car was waiting for me, and I used it to get away from the villa. I also used some of the cash, but the rest should still be in my

handbag.” My tongue darts out to nervously wet my lips. “It’s proof that I’m telling the truth.”

“I don’t need any proof, Vittoria.”

My gaze meets his, and we stare at each other for a long moment before I whisper, “I was scared you wouldn’t believe me. That you’d think I k-k- killed Maurizio.” My face crumbles beneath the weight of my guilt, and I lower my eyes to the covers. “I d-did k-kill h-h-him.”

He grips my face between his hands and forces me to look at him again. “No, you didn’t, Vittoria. It was an accident. You didn’t kill anyone, and even if you did, it would be self-defense.”

Desperately needing to believe him, I nod.

His eyebrows draw together as he says, “Don’t ever run from me again.”

My head bobs up and down. “I won’t.”

He pulls me into a hug, and I hear as he takes a deep breath. “Christ, I was so fucking worried. I died a thousand deaths.” He pulls back again to meet my eyes as his palm brushes over my curls. “I’ll never hurt you, baby. Never.”

I nod again, feeling stupid for thinking he wanted to kill me.

“I’m sorry. I panicked and couldn’t think straight,” I try to explain.

He lets out a heavy breath. “I know.” His eyes caress my face. “Just don’t ever run from me again.”

“I won’t,” I whisper. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him as tight as I can.

After a while, he asks, “Do you feel better?”

Even though my world is still tainted by the horrific incident, I nod because I feel safe in Angelo’s arms. I didn’t lose him. If anything, it feels as if this nightmare has brought us closer together.

“Do you think you could eat something?” he asks.

I pull back and rub my hand over my burning stomach. “I still feel queasy.”

“Some toast might make you feel better,” he murmurs as he gets up.

When Angelo lifts me into his arms, I don’t bother arguing and rest my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes as he carries me out of the room, so freaking relieved he’s not angry with me.

“How is she?” I hear Big Ricky ask.

“Better,” Angelo answers. “Grab a blanket from the linen closet.”

I open my eyes when Angelo sets me down on the couch, and when Big Ricky hands him a fluffy blanket, he quickly covers me with it.

“I’ll be right back.” He glances at Big Ricky. “Stay with her.” “Yes, boss.”

Angelo heads to the kitchen, and a moment later, he calls out, “Where’s Rita?”

“She went to pick up Tiny. They should be back any minute,” Big Ricky answers before he looks at me and asks, “How are you feeling?”

I lift the blanket to my chin. “I’m okay.”

He nods and glances over his shoulder. “Do you need help in the kitchen?”

Angelo comes into the living room and grumbles, “Can you make toast for Vittoria?”

“Sure, boss.”

Big Ricky gets up and heads to the kitchen while Angelo comes to sit next to me. I’m hauled onto his lap before his arms form steel bands around me.

Once again, he presses kisses to my hair, and I feel so loved it makes me emotional.

The front door opens, and a second later, Tiny rushes into the living room, a mixture of guilt and panic on his face.


“I’m here.” I sit up a bit straighter, but Angelo refuses to let go of me.

Tiny darts around the couches as if he didn’t have surgery a couple of days ago and sits down on the coffee table. His worried gaze flits over my face.

“I’m okay,” I say to set him at ease.

“I’m so fucking sorry,” he groans as if it’s his fault everything happened to me.

I reach across to him and grip his hand. “Don’t, Tiny. You were in the hospital. I’m sorry I caused you so much worry.”

His big hand closes around mine, and for a moment, it looks like he’s going to cry, then he mutters, “I’m never leaving you alone again.”

Feeling loved, a small smile plays around my lips. “I’m never going on a trip without you by my side.”

Big Ricky comes into the living room with a small plate and two slices of burned toast.

When Rita gasps, I realize she’s here as well.

“No, no, no! She can’t eat that!” she scolds Big Ricky. “Give it to me.” Rita grabs the plate and hurries back into the kitchen.

When Big Ricky gives me an apologetic look, I say, “It’s okay. Can I ask a favor?”


“Can I have coffee?”

“On it,” he murmurs before darting back into the kitchen.

Angelo lets out a chuckle. “You have everyone wrapped around your little finger.”

I let go of Tiny’s hand and lean back against Angelo’s chest as I ask, “How do you feel, Tiny?”

“I’m fine,” he mutters. “I’m more worried about you.” “I’ll be okay.”

“Sit on a couch, Tiny,” Angelo orders. “What did the doctor say?”

“I’m good to go,” Tiny replies while moving to the couch closest to me. “He said I can eat what I want.”

“Sure, he did,” Angelo mutters as his arms tighten around me. He glances down and stares at me for a moment. “The two of you aren’t allowed to leave the house for the next week.”

A smile tugs at my mouth. “You’re grounding us?” “Yes.” His eyes are still filled with worry.

Rita comes into the living room and hands me a plate. Seeing the cream cheese slathered on the toast, I smile at her. “Thank you.”

A moment later, Big Ricky brings me a steaming cup of coffee. “I feel spoiled,” I murmur as I bite into the toast.

“We were so worried,” Rita says as she hovers near the coffee table.

I swallow hard on the toast and take a sip of coffee as I glance at the people who’ve become my family.

With a quivering voice, I whisper, “You’re all going to make me cry.” “Why?” Angelo asks, concern forming a frown on his forehead.

“Because I feel loved.”

He takes hold of my chin, and when I meet his eyes, he says, “You are loved, baby.”

“Everyone out,” Big Ricky orders.

Tiny obeys with a grumble, and I hear him ask Rita, “What’s for lunch?”

I don’t hear her reply, my focus entirely on Angelo.

He tilts his head, then murmurs, “What’s that look for?”

I shake my head and take another bite of the toast. When I swallow it down, Angelo tips my face up so I’ll look at him.

“Use your words.”

My lips curve up, and heat spreads up my neck as I say, “You’re loved too.”

His eyebrows draw together, and I watch as he realizes what I’m trying to say, then the corner of his mouth lifts in a hot grin. “Yeah?”

I set the cup and plate down on the coffee table before I straddle his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. I take a deep breath and meet his intense gaze.

“Yesterday, when I thought I lost you, it broke my heart.”

Angelo lifts a hand to the side of my neck and brushes his thumb over my skin.

I lean closer and press a soft kiss to his mouth, and when I pull back an inch, I admit, “It felt like my world came crashing down around me.”

He lets out a slow breath before saying, “You can never lose me, mia piccola cerviatta.” Closing the small distance, he gives me a kiss, then his eyes lock with mine again. “I love you so fucking much, Vittoria. Nothing, and I mean nothing on this godforsaken planet, will ever keep me away from you.” He kisses me again. “You’re ingrained into my heart and soul.” Another kiss. “Christ, I fucking love you.”

My lips curve into a smile against his, and I let out a happy chuckle.

Hearing how much I mean to him erases the tainted darkness that’s been surrounding me like a heavy cloak. I know it will take time for me to work through all the trauma, but right now, I feel blessed.

I feel happy.

I feel incredibly loved.

Angelo loves me.

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