The Mafia King’s Doll


Chapter 79


After getting Samantha settled in my place, I head to the armory.

It was a good idea to assign Via to her. I feel a hell of a lot better knowing Samantha has a guard with her when I have to take care of business.

When I walk into the torture room, it’s to see Todd’s limp body hanging from the shackles.

“Are you still alive?” I ask as I move closer.

He pries his eyes open and lets out a garbled sound.

I glance at Santo and order, “Bring it in.” Turning my eyes to Marcello, I say, “Let the doctor down.”

While Marcello frees the man’s wrists from the shackles, Todd lets out a painful groan.

Santo and Joey carry a wooden box into the room and place it on the floor.

When Todd drops to the floor, he lets out a cry, which makes a smile form on my face.

I gesture at the box and order, “Put him in it.”

Santo and Joey gather Todd’s broken body off the floor, but when they lower him into the rectangular box, he regains some strength and grabs hold of the sides.

“N-no…N-no,” he stammers, his eyes wide with the horror of a man who knows he’s about to die.

I move closer and crouch down beside him. “Yes.” A satisfied smile curves my lips. “I’m going to bury you alive, but don’t worry, I have a parting gift for you.”

I pull my phone from my pocket, and looking for the video I took of Samantha packing some of her clothes into my closet, I turn the screen to Todd and press play.

My voice sounds up, saying, “I love you, baby. More than anything.”

She lets out a soft burst of laughter. “I love you too. Get over here and help me.”

“Or you can join me on the bed,” I murmur.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

She turns around and with a playful smile on her face, she comes closer. “What are you doing?”

“Recording you so I can watch it whenever I miss you.”

She crawls onto the bed, and I have to admit, I got a good shot of her kissing me.

“Who do you belong to?” I ask Samantha. “You,” she murmurs. “Only you.”

Pressing stop, I watch as tears stream down Todd’s temples.

“I thought you’d like it.” Raising to my full height, I look down on the piece of shit, then I order, “Bury him alive.”

Todd starts to wail as he tries to pull himself up, but he’s too weak. Santo and Joey shift the wooden cover over the box, and I keep eye contact with Todd until the wood slides over his face.

As I listen to Todd’s muffled cries for mercy, the men nail it shut.

When the last nail is hammered into the coffin, I stalk out of the room. Marcello’s right behind me, saying, “The group we sent to Miami found Miro. They’re on their way back.”

“Good. Maybe then we can arrange a meeting with Ivan. When they get back with Miro, put him in the torture room.”

“Got it.”

One down. One to go.


Sitting on the veranda with a glass of lemonade, I dial Mom’s number and listen as the call connects.

“Hey, sweetie,” her voice sounds cheerful over the line.

“Hi, Mom.” I smile as I ask, “How does it feel to be a grandma?” “Amazing. Josh is such a good baby. He hardly cries.”

“I’m happy to hear that,” I say. “Are you still visiting Matt?”

“No, I got home yesterday.” She lowers her voice. “You’d swear I left your father for a year. The man won’t let me out of his sight. Oh, here he comes.”

I let out a chuckle. “Aww, he missed you.”

I watch as the gates open and the G-Wagon comes up the driveway. “I suppose.”

“Who are you talking to?” I hear Dad ask. “Sammie,” Mom answers.

“Put her on speakerphone.” Seconds later, Dad says, “Hi, Sammie. How are you?”

“I’m good. Congrats on becoming a grandfather.”

“Thanks. You must see how much he’s grown already. I’m telling you, he’s going to be a football player.”

“Hush, Scott. He’s not even a month old,” Mom chastises Dad.

Franco comes walking toward me, and leaning down, he presses a kiss to my forehead.

“I’m actually calling to tell you I have a boyfriend,” I say, and it has Franco’s eyebrow lifting.

Too curious for his own good, he pulls a chair right next to mine, and taking a seat, he leans closer to try and hear the conversation.

“You do!” Mom exclaims. “Who? What does he do? When?”

I let out a burst of laughter. “I met him at work.” Remembering how I complained to my parents about my asshole boss, a nervous chuckle escapes me. “Ah…it’s Mr. Vitale.”

“I’m confused,” Mom says.

“You’re dating your boss?” Dad asks.

“Yes.” I glare at the grin on Franco’s face. “He wore me down.”

“What do you mean he wore you down?” Dad asks with a worried tone. “I’m kidding, Dad,” I say to put him at ease. “He’s actually very nice.” “You don’t date someone because they’re nice to you,” Mom mutters. “Fine. Nice is the wrong word.” I take a deep breath, then say, “Franco

is amazing. He’s been nothing but good to me, and I love him.”

“You love him?” Mom asks. “When you were here, it sounded like you hated him. What changed in a month?”

So much. But I can’t tell them, because they don’t know what Todd did to


“It’s hard to explain, Mom. I was always attracted to him, and when he

told me how he felt about me, I gave him a chance. He’s attentive and caring. I promise you’ll approve of him once you meet him.”

“When are we meeting him?” Dad asks.

I give Franco a mischievous smile, then say, “He’s coming with me for Thanksgiving.”

Instead of panicking, he looks happy.

Mom sounds less worried when she says, “I’m glad to hear that.” “Does he make you happy, Sammie?” Dad asks.

“Yes, Dad. I’ve never been so happy before.” I take a deep breath, then admit, “He’s the one I want to spend my life with.”

Franco wraps his arm around my shoulders, and pulling me against his chest, he presses a kiss to my hair.

“Oh, sweetie,” Mom mutters with an emotional tone to her voice. “That’s all we want for you. If you feel he’s the one, we’ll accept him with open arms.”

“Thank you. I really appreciate it.” I clear my throat before I continue, “I have to go. I just wanted to tell you the good news.”

“Okay. We’ll talk again soon.”

I end the call, and rubbing my cheek against Franco’s suit jacket, I say, “I can’t wait to introduce you to my parents at Thanksgiving.”

“I can’t wait to meet them.”

I tilt my head back to look up at him. “Really?”

“Of course. They have to be incredible people for raising someone as strong, independent, and beautiful as you.”

“Aww…” I press a kiss to his jaw.

He rubs his palm up and down my bicep. “You didn’t tell them what happened.”

I shake my head. “They just think I broke up with Todd. I couldn’t break their hearts.”

Franco presses a kiss to my hair. “I hate that you had to deal with it on your own.”

I look up at him again. “Until you came along.”

The corner of his mouth lifts. “I’m glad I could help.” His expression grows serious, then he says, “You can’t tell them I’m one of the heads of the Cosa Nostra.”

I didn’t even think about that.

Sitting up straight, I meet Franco’s eyes. “They’d freak out.”

“That too.” He rubs his hand up and down my back. “It’s for their safety as well. The less they know, the better.”

I nod as I let out a sigh.

Franco’s eyes narrow on my face, “Why does your mother think you hated me?”

Giving him a playful look, I say, “Because I told her you were an insufferable asshole.”

When I walk toward the sliding doors, Franco grabs my forearm and yanks me backward. I fall onto his lap, and he locks me against his chest with his arms.

“I was an insufferable asshole because you gave me attitude,” he grumbles.

I wrap my arms around his neck. “I gave you attitude because you were rude and grumpy.”

He presses a kiss to the tip of my nose. “I was grumpy because I was attracted to a woman who tried to drive me insane on a daily basis.”

Leaning closer, I smile against his lips. “Yeah? Did you fantasize about spreading me over your desk?”

Fire ignites in his eyes. “I had many fantasies about spanking your ass.”

I pull back and scowl at him. “You didn’t think about having sex with me? At all?”

He lets out a chuckle. “Baby, I’ve imagined fucking you in every possible position too many times to count.”

A satisfied smile lights up my face. “Good. I like knowing you were sexually frustrated because of me.”

I snuggle against his chest and let my eyes drift over the manicured garden.

Franco’s tone is soft when he asks, “Am I really the one you want to spend the rest of your life with?”

I nod as I close my eyes, soaking in how good this moment between us feels.

“Move in with me,” he murmurs. “I’ll think about it.”

He lets out a chuckle. “Don’t keep me in suspense for weeks again.”

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