Seven years have passed since I got married to Sin and had the twins. My caring, loving husband and our two lovely children make up my existence, yet I still couldn’t believe it.

I grinned when I thought of the girls. Alexander and Samantha have been married for five years, and a year after their wedding, Giulia, a beautiful baby girl, was born to the couple. Emma, their youngest child, was born two years ago.

Luca and Stephanie recently got married, and they are currently on their honeymoon. She was enjoying herself to the fullest. Luca had brought her to Bora Bora, and she had sent a ton of pictures. You can only imagine my delight when she told me that Luca had proposed to her four months prior.

While Athena got married to Lorenzo a year before Samantha and Alexander. They have three beautiful boys and a girl. I’m sure you are wondering how this happened.

When Sin and Alexander found out about their relationship, it was chaotic. They argue all the time; Sin and Alexander even went as far as threatening Lorenzo. When Sin and Alexander found out that Samantha, Stephanie, and I knew about this, It was the worst.

Sin wouldn’t talk to me, even when I tried everything to get his forgiveness. It lasted for a month and a half. It was the worst time of my life. Samantha and Alexander kept arguing over every little thing because he felt betrayed.

I’m thankful we were able to get through it. The brothers were able to see past their grievances and anger. They saw how much Lorenzo loved and cherished Athena, and they had no choice but to give their blessings.

The union between both families was beneficial even though that wasn’t the plan. It made Violenta and the Ramirez family untouchable.

My aunt Sara also found a man of her own, and they both reside in London with their children. She and Serena still hang out; they were the best of friends.

Uncle Carson and Aunt Amelia were traveling the globe. Their trip was sponsored by Sin and Luca. They occasionally send us images of the places they have travelled.

I flipped the pancakes in the pan so that the top could be crispy while watching the sausages cook in the other pan.

I know what you are thinking. What the hell am I doing in the kitchen?

Well, I spent a year after getting married learning how to cook. I registered for a cooking class, and believe me, it wasn’t easy. I almost gave up on how frustrating it was trying to make the food as edible as possible. I didn’t want the twins to fall sick.

After a year and a month of learning, you could say that I was a pretty decent cook. though not anywhere near as good as Sin. Speaking of Sin, I feel a hand wrap around my stomach, making me smile.

“Good morning, amore.” A deep, husky voice whispered in my ear. I turned around, and my eyes met those of Sin’s dark orbs.

“Good morning.” I chuckled before we both leaning in for a kiss.

“How is our little tyrant?” Sin asked, looking down at my stomach.

“Good. With the amount of kicks I received last night, I won’t be surprised if I’m told he was having a party in there.” I joked, smiling softly.

“I guess he can’t wait to come out; he is just excited.” He smiled down at my bump. He put his hand on my stomach, rubbing it softly.

I was six months pregnant, and this time we decided to know the gender and making sure to see if I was carrying two babies instead of one. We don’t want any surprises.

“Where are Marcello and Aurelia?”

“Aurelia is still sleeping, but Marcello woke up an hour ago. He’s in the living room,” Sin stated.

My eyes widened. “I’m surprised that Marcello is up and not Aurelia. That is so unlike him.”

“Tell me about it. You could imagine the shock I felt when I saw him sitting on the couch, hands crossed, just staring at the TV screen. ” His brows furrowed. “I feel like that boy is out to get me.”

I rolled my eyes, smiling. “Nikolai, your son isn’t out to get you. I’m sure Marcello doesn’t have anything evil planned up his sleeves. ” I explained, but he didn’t seem to believe a word I said-even I didn’t believe the words coming out of my mouth.

“We both know that’s a lie.” Sin exclaimed. “I won’t be fooled by his innocent and cute facades.”

I pecked his lips, turning back to the pancake on the stove. “Maybe he got up early and didn’t want to go back to sleep, so he decided to watch TV.” I turned off the stove, tidying up the kitchen.

“I don’t believe that one bit,” Sin replied adamantly.

I spun around to look at him; my eyes shifted to the door, and I almost had a heart attack. I squeaked, pressing my hands to my chest. Sin looked at my puzzle before turning his head to look behind him.

There at the entrance of the door was little Marcello, hands crossed. His eyes shifted from me to Sin, then back to me. A full-blown smile made its way to his lips; he raced towards me, and I bent, stretching my arms wide for him to fall into.

“How is my little prince doing this morning?” I cooed, and he laughed.

“I’m not little any more,” Marcello says, with an adorable pout at the side of his lips. I ruffled his hair, laughing.

“You will always be my little prince.” He didn’t say anything; his eyes left my face to look at Sin with a smirk on his face.

“Good morning, old man.” Marcello left my side, walking towards Sin.

Sin scoffed, sending a playful glare at Marcello. “I’m not old.”

“Yes, you are,” Marcello mutters, smiling. “Aren’t you like fifty years old?”

“I’m thirty-five.”

“I see no difference. Old man”

Sin looked at Marcello, his face filled with disbelief as he stared at his seven-year-old son. “Morning, son.”

The two of them had a stare-down; no one said a word till Marcello’s side of his lips lifted up into a smirk. His eyes twinkled with mischief. He gave his father one last look before leaving the room.

“I think I might have gone too far with the prank.” Sin says, watching his little body retreating back.

“You think!” I scoffed. “You do realize you blew up his favourite toy car selection,” I exclaimed.

“Yeah.” He shrugged, looking at me with innocent eyes. “It’s not like I did it on purpose. How was I supposed to know the cars were going to explode?” He tried defending himself. “Besides, he was the one who started it first.”

“That’s because you started it first,” I exclaimed, pointing a finger at him.

Don’t get me started with both father and son. They always had a new prank up their sleeves, plotting against each other. Sin pranks Marcello, Marcello retaliates. Marcello pranks Sin; Sin retaliates.

A week ago, Marcello had turned Sin’s favourite car into graffiti. I don’t know how he did it, but Sin thought it was a wise decision to take Marcello’s favourite toy cars and put a firecracker in the middle of them. He thought it was a fake and wanted to use it to scare Marcello, but the thing ended up blowing up, which resulted in today.

But don’t be fooled; the two of them loved each other, and I know Marcello loved his father a lot. No matter what happens, despite whatever prank is played against each other, they cuddle up together at the end of the day, bonding with the family and having a great time.

Aurelia was just like me-a bit of a nerd-and Sin and Marcello adore her. They were protecting and spoiling her. They give her literally anything she asks for but know to correct her when she does something wrong.

I sighed, dishing out the pancakes onto the plates. Sin pecked my lips, helping me set the table. I had given the maids a week off because I knew they had families they wanted to spend time with.

I walked to the dining room, taking a seat beside Sin. Marcello and Aurelia are on either side of us. We held our hands together, saying grace before eating our breakfast.

“So what do you two have planned for the day?” I asked the twins, causing both of their attention to shift to me.

“Xavier and I are having a play date.” Aurelia was the first to answer, and as she gave a heart-warming smile, her eyes twinkled with excitement.

I wasn’t given a chance to reply before, when Marcello and Sin both grumbled out

“Ugh… Xavier”

The way they said his name, doing nothing to hide their displeasure. I ignored them, instead focusing my attention on Aurelia.

“That’s nice, sweetheart.” I beamed. “Will he be coming over?”

“No, mommy, we are going to the park today.”

“Ugh….” Marcello mutters under his breath.

“What about you, Marcello?”

“Well, I did have something planned out for today.” He replied, looking directly at Sin. “But I guess it’s your lucky day, old man; I’m following Aurelia to the park.”

” No…” Aurelia whines in displeasure.

“Well, deal with it. I need to make sure that Xavier boy doesn’t try anything funny. I don’t trust him one bit.”

“You do know he is the same age as you , right?”

“doesn’t change a thing.” Sin mutters, supporting Marcello.

” Mom.” Aurelia whines, her eyes pleading with me for an assist.

“Aurelian is going to have her play date with Xavier without any watchful eyes.”

” Amore..”NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

” Mom.” Both father and son yell out in distress.

“Quindi aiutami Dio, se qualcuno di voi interrompe l’appuntamento di gioco di Aurelia con Xavier, risponderai a me. Mi sono spiegato bene. (So help me God, if any of you disrupt Aurelia’s play date with Xavier, you will be answering to me. Have I made myself clear)” My gaze shifted from Sin to Marcello, and they both gulped, nodding. “Good, now let’s eat.”

Aurelia smiles as she sits, sticking her tongue out to Marcello, who only grumbles in return before turning to look at his father; he didn’t say anything, but somehow Sin was able to understand, and a smirk grew on both their faces, telling of nothing but destruction.

Heaven knows what they are up to now.

Yet I couldn’t stop the smile that made its way to my face; the feeling of contentment enveloping me like a second cloth, leaving nothing but peace and happiness being surrounded by family.

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