The Mafia’s Forbidden Desire

30| A New Deal?


“You are beautiful, Rosalinda.” I told her as I placed my hand on her face, tracing every detail as I stared at her, my desires threatening to overwhelm me.

“This is the 100th time you’re telling me this today.” The blush that appeared on her face made my co. ck even harder.

“You are not complaining, are you?” I traced my fingers down to her chin and held them between two fingers.

“Your compliments make me happy.” She replied, prompting me to swiftly wrap my arm around her waist, drawing her so close that there was barely an inch between us.

“I am so fucking attracted to you, Rosa. I want you.” I confessed, my eyes filled with desire. I wanted her!

I could feel her heart beating so fast against her ribcage, the desire in her eyes matching mine, as she whispered. “Then take me.”

Without hesitation, I leaned in, ready to devour every inch of her body, when I felt a light tap on my arm, jolting me awake.

I opened my eyes to see Marco standing before me, and the annoying grin on his face made the rage building up within me even worse. Why did he have to wake me up just when I got to the best part of the dream?

“Why the long face? Did I interrupt something?” He teased, the annoying grin still lingering on his face, and I had the strong urge to punch him hard on the face to stop it. But I decided against it.

“What do you want?” I groaned.

“Diego is here.” He informed me, and I quickly flicked my gaze at the wall clock.

“But it’s just 9 a. m.” I stated as I returned my gaze to him. “We were supposed to meet by 10 a. m. Why is he here an hour earlier?”

He gave his shoulders a half-shrug. “I don’t know.”

I shut my eyes tightly, pinching the bridge of my nose. I really wanted to go back to sleep and finish what I started with Rosalinda, but I had to attend to Diego and find out why he was here. Last week, he called me out of the blue and told me he had a proposal for me, requesting to meet with him today. Knowing how powerful he was in the mafia realm and how much we could benefit from each other, I couldn’t say no to his request.

“Tell him I’ll be with him shortly.” I groaned as I reluctantly sat up and got out of bed.

Marco wiggled his brow playfully as he resumed the grin on his face from earlier. “Would you like to share what you were dreaming about?”

It took me a second to reach for a pillow, and I threw it at him before he could even dodge it.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Get out.” I groaned as I started walking towards the bathroom.

In thirty minutes, I was done and all set to meet with Diego Romano. One of the most powerful Mafia bosses. I made my way to the living room, and I saw him sitting on one of the sofas, looking so relaxed, like he owned the house.

“Diego Romano.” I acknowledged him as I walked towards him and extended my arm for a handshake.

“Antonio Russo.” He grinned. “Good to see you again after a long time. I could vividly remember the last time we met. You-”

“Welcome to my home. Have you been offered anything to drink or eat yet?” I asked, cutting him off. I knew he was about to talk about my father’s funeral, and the last thing I wanted to be reminded of was that.

“No. I-”

“Where are your manners, Marco? Why didn’t you have someone bring something to him?” I cut him in again as I quickly flicked my gaze at Marco, feigning a frown.

“Take it easy on him.” Diego let out a throaty laugh before continuing. “He offered, but I rejected it. I didn’t come here to eat or drink. I’m here to propose something that’ll benefit both of us. So let’s begin.”

“Let’s hear it.” I was glad he wanted to go straight to the point.

“I want the two families to unite. The Russo and Romano.” He told me, and I knitted my brows in confusion. I wasn’t expecting that. Not like I exactly expected anything, but definitely not that.

I decided to suppress my confusion and go on with the conversation. “And what would we gain in return?”

“Is that even supposed to be a question?” An amused smile played on his lips. “Think about it. Two of the most powerful Mafia families are uniting. Who would dare dare us when they know we have each other’s backs?”

He was right. Our alliance would make us stronger and even more powerful than we already were. It was a better offer than the one I had with Morreti’s, but his request still seemed suspicious to me.

“You know an alliance like that can’t be formed without having-”

He cut me in. “Marriage is the best way to make us have trust in each other. when we truly become family. And I happen to have a daughter who is of age.”

I wondered where he was threading to, as I asked. “You wouldn’t mind if your daughter married someone from my family? Maybe one of my cousins or-”

“Cousins?” He scoffed, shaking his head. “My daughter can only marry the boss.”

“I am the boss.” I reminded him.

“Of course, I know.” He retorted.

“And I’m engaged to one of Moretti’s daughters.” I reminded him.

“You could easily terminate the agreement and marry my daughter instead.” He said nonchalantly, as if he didn’t know the consequences of terminating an agreement like that without any reasons.

“Think about it, Antonio. Roberto wouldn’t even dare come close to you if he found out about our unity.” Diego pressed on.

With each word he uttered, my suspicions about him wanting something else out of the proposed deal grew more intense. But I didn’t even care to ask him that. I had already made a deal with Roberto, and his proposal was not tempting enough for me to betray him.

“Think about it.” He continued trying to convince me.

Suddenly, I leapt to my feet and extended my hand for a handshake. “Thank you for stopping by, Diego. Have a nice day.”

“Deal?” He asked me as he took my hand.

Looking straight into his eyes, I muttered, firmly. “No deal.”

He looked surprised and shocked as I turned around and started walking away.

“You’ll regret this.” He groaned as anger began to take over him, but I couldn’t care less.

Just before I got to my bedroom, Marco grabbed my arm from behind, forcing me to turn to face him.

“Do you have a death wish?” I asked, raising a brow as I stared at him. “This is the second time you’re annoying me today.”

“Is it because of that girl?” He accused, ignoring my remark. “Why on earth did you reject that fantastic offer?”

I didn’t even realize that I rejected Diego’s proposal because of her-Rosalinda-until Marco pointed it out. She controlled my every thought, even in her absence, without knowing it.

If I had accepted Diego’s offer, I would have had to say goodbye to Rosalinda forever, and I couldn’t help being away from her. I wanted her. I needed her.

“Answer me.” He pressed on when he didn’t get a response.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Marco.” I sighed, pressing my lips tightly together. “How could I possibly break a deal that could cause a feud? And I don’t trust that guy. Not all that glitters is gold.”

“Oh, we all know the unity with the Romanos would make us untouchable.”

“I can’t betray his trust.” I simply stated, and that earned a deep frown from Marco.

“Something needs to be done about that girl. You are losing it. Where is the ruthless Antonio I knew? The one that only cares about things that would benefit him.” His words ignited something within me-rage. The sudden need to protect Rosalinda overwhelmed me as I grabbed him by the collar, pushing him hard against the wall.

“If you ever touch that girl, I swear to God you won’t live to see another day.” I threatened, my eyes blazing with rage.

“I would never dare anyway.” He said, and I slowly released his collar as the rage within me immediately started subsiding.

Without sparing him another glance, I walked into my room, grabbed my car keys, and started making my way out. Yesterday, before leaving Moretti’s mansion, Carlo cried, begging for me to return today, and I intended to do just that.

“Where are you going?” Camilla asked me when I encountered her in the hallway.


“Oh, Antonio. Are-”

“I don’t need you lecturing me about that either.” I groaned as I walked past her, and judging by my mood, she knew better to just keep her mouth shut.

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