The Mafia’s Forbidden Desire

36| Liam.


Shortly after, the door suddenly started banging, and the second I heard Sofia’s voice impatiently calling my name, I had to forcefully shut down my emotions and stop crying immediately. Wiping the tears from my face, I inhaled and exhaled to calm myself before trudging to the door and pulling it open.

“Rosa, what’s wrong?” She asked, confusion spreading across her face as she slipped inside the room.

“Nothing.” I replied, closing the door and heading towards the bed.

“Don’t tell me that, Rosa. I heard you crying. And I also heard your altercation with Piero. I know you hated him, but damn, I had no idea you hated him this much. What did he do to you?”

The concerns on her face weren’t going to convince me to tell her what the problem was. I didn’t want to.

“Agreed.” I turned to look at her. “Just as there’s something bothering you and you’re not willing to share, I am also not willing to share. So, let’s say we are even now.”

She stood there, staring at me dumbfounded, unable to believe I had just used that tactic to silence her.

“Papà asked me to call you.” She said after a while, blowing out a breath.

“Why?” I asked curiously, wondering why Papà wanted to see me when I just left his office a while ago.

“Well, he wants you to go with Antonio to inspect the apartment I would be taken to after the marriage.” She told me, and my face scrunched up immediately.

“You’ll be the one to live there, so why not just do that yourself?”

“I hate his presence. I might puke if I go there with him.” She mimicked the retching motion before continuing. “So, I fibbed, saying I wasn’t feeling well-you know, menstrual pain. So Antonio suggested you go with him instead.”

“What? Antonio did what?” I exclaimed, surprised that Antonio made the suggestion after everything he did to me. He didn’t even have the decency to at least stay away from me; instead, he initiated going out with me. Fucking psychopath.

Sofia nodded before turning back and trudging to the door. “See you when you return. Bye, sister.”

After Sofia left the room, I broodingly dressed up with annoyance, consuming my entire being. I made my way to Papà’s office afterwards, where I saw Carlo in Antonio’s hands. I wasn’t surprised one bit, though; those two had grown to like each other.

“Ready?” Antonio asked, raising a brow.

Ignoring him, I turned my attention to Papà. “See you later.” I said before turning on my heels and starting to make my way outside.

When I noticed Antonio following me, still holding Carlo, I tried to get him to leave him at home, but he insisted he wasn’t going to leave him behind. Carlo also insisted he wanted to go with us, and knowing I didn’t stand a chance against those two, I just gave up and angrily scurried to his car.

The first fifteen minutes of the ride were silent, and I enjoyed the bliss. But just when I thought I was free from Antonio’s annoyingness, he began to ask questions again.

“I am curious. What did you mean when you said Carlo’s dad was long gone?” He asked, causing me to blow out a sharp breath out of frustration.

“I loved how quiet and peaceful this ride had been, and I want it to remain that way.” I gritted out.

“I don’t intend to ruin your peace and quiet. Just answer the question, and I won’t say anything again. I promise.” He annoyingly retorted.

Swinging my head to the side to look at him, my eyes squinted. “Are we just going to pretend like yesterday never happened? That I didn’t find out about your atrocities. That Giovanni and I almost lost our lives? That you didn’t kidnap and threaten my best friend? all just because of your desperation to find his paternity identity. And you are still asking me about the same thing right now. Do you have any shame at all? There is no remorse or regret for everything you have done. Are you even human? Do you have a heart?”

He shrugged nonchalantly, staring at me briefly before returning his attention to the road. “Why didn’t you tell your dad about it? Why did you choose to protect my little secret?”

“I am not protecting your dirty secret. I could still tell him.” I gritted out.

“If you wanted to, you would have. So I now know that you don’t plan to.”Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well, congratulations then.” I clapped sarcastically. “For not having to deal with the consequences.”

An amused smile touched his lips, and my anger intensified at his nonchalance.

“You still haven’t answered my question, Rosalinda.” He said, unbothered by my rage. At that moment, I realised that whatever I said to him wasn’t going to affect him in any way. He was unable to feel guilt as his heart was so dark, like all mafia bosses.

“Rosalinda. What did you mean by he’s gone?” He asked again when he didn’t get a response.

“He’s not gone anymore. He’s back.” I sighed. The only way to get him to stop bothering me was to give him a response.

“Who is it?” He countered with another question, frustrating me more than I already was.

“Antonio, if I was going to tell you who the father was, I would’ve done that a long time ago, so leave me the fuck alone!” He was getting on my nerves, and I didn’t know how much longer I could tolerate the psychotic, emotionless man.

“Mommy.” Carlo called from the back seat, and I blew out a sharp breath before turning to look at him. I had almost forgotten that he was there.

“Yes baby?” I asked, spreading my lips into a small smile.

“Can I get some chocolate?” He requested.

Slightly shaking my head, I replied. “No baby. There are no chocolates here. Maybe when we go back home.”

“But we can go to the store.” He pressed on, pleading with his cute little eyes.

I hated to refuse his request, but…

“Okay, big boy.” Antonio chimed in, and my face contorted into a frown as I turned to look at him, knowing exactly what he was about to say. “Let’s go and get you some chocolate then.”

“What?” He asked, chuckling, when he felt my gaze on him.

“Nothing.” I sighed, averting my gaze.

Arguing with him would be a total waste of time, so I chose not to, preserving my sanity.

At the store, while we were walking down the aisle to the chocolate’s section, Antonio’s phone suddenly rang, causing him to stop in his tracks.

“Excuse me.” He said, picking it up as he turned back and stepped away from me.

Lacking the patience to wait for him, I continued on my way, leaving him with Carlo. I knew the exact chocolate my son wanted, so I was going to get it for him before Antonio finished his call.

I came to a stop in front of Carlo’s favourite chocolate, and as I picked it up, I suddenly felt a presence beside me, causing me to swing my head to the side.

“Hello beautiful.” A tall blonde man muttered.

“Hi?” I replied skeptically.

“I am Liam.” He smiled charmingly, extending his hand for a handshake. I was sure Antonio was watching, and knowing the type of man he was, it was best not to take that hand.

So, giving him the sweetest smile I could plaster on my lips, I responded. “I am Rosalinda.”

“Rosalinda. Italian.” He remarked, nodding as he slowly retreated his hand.

“Italian.” I repeated.

“So, Rosalinda. Are you married, in a relationship, or-”

“Hundred percent single.” I cut in, and short laughs emanated from our throats.

A silent pause lingered between us before he continued. “So, the coast is clear then?”

A small smile touched my lips as I shook my head in response. I was born into a mafia family, and the coast was never clear with anyone outside the mafia.

“Get out of here.” Antonio’s voice suddenly growled, and I rolled my eyes.

“And who are you?” Liam challenged him, refusing to be intimidated by him.

Before I knew what was happening, Antonio’s hands were already on his collar, jerking it as he threatened him.

“Leave. That’s if you wish to live.” He growled.

“Antonio. Stop it!” I yelled as frustration began to crawl up my chest, not knowing what to do.

“I guess you are the one that isn’t willing to live, Antonio Russo.” Liam said calmly, and my eyes widened in perplexity, realising he knew who Antonio was.

“What?” Antonio sounded equally surprised as I was. His nose flared as his gaze slowly went down, mine following his. And the second I caught sight of it, I gasped.

“Liam, please.” I whispered, transfixed, my eyes fixed on the cold metal pressed against Antonio’s stomach.

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