The Mafia’s Forbidden Desire

45| Lion’s Den.


Even after clarifying that I wasn’t interested in getting married to Antonio and expressing how much I despised seeing my sister in that situation, Marco persisted with the accusations, growing more irritating by the second. I couldn’t fathom why he and Papà believed I would ever lead Sofia into doing something that would put her in big trouble. When I had Carlo out of wedlock, the situation wasn’t as complicated as it is now. I wasn’t betrothed to anyone. But Sofia was betrothed to Antonio fucking Russo, and we didn’t even know how he planned to retaliate for breaching the contract. I would never set my sister up for something like this. “You know what will be good for you? Stay away from Antonio.” He warned me, and I shook my head. “Leave my room, please. I don’t have to prove myself to you.” I sighed, deciding to stop entertaining his assumptive remarks. “I was going to anyway,” his phone started ringing, interrupting him. He picked up the call and held the phone to his ear, listening attentively. “Okay, boss. I’ll come outside now.” He said after a few seconds and hung up. He opened his mouth to talk, but his words died on his lips when I quickly spoke. “Is that Antonio?” I asked. “What part of ‘stay away from him’ don’t you understand?” he questioned, his brows drawing together. “Well, you can’t tell me what to do!” I retorted strongly as I walked past him and dashed out of the room. I headed outside, suspecting that Antonio was outside the building since Marco said he’d meet him outside. I needed to see him. I needed his help.NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

As I slipped out of the front door, I saw Antonio standing by his car, with Camilla standing right beside him. Without hesitation, I rushed towards them. “Oh, the girl’s running after you now. How cute.” Camilla remarked, her face devoid of any emotions, as her gaze swept over me. “Camilla!” Antonio warned, a scowl slated on his face. “What?” She shrugged. “It was just a harmless comment.” My eyes squinted as I stared at her, not knowing what point she was trying to prove. But she wasn’t why I was there, so I decided to ignore her. I had more pressing issues at hand. “Antonio, please, can I talk to you? In private, please.” I requested, gazing at him with pleading eyes. “Okay.” He agreed without hesitation, walking a few feet away from Camilla’s hearing, and I trailed right behind him. Marco joined Camilla beside the car, casting a deadly gaze at me, and I quickly averted my gaze. “So, what did you want to tell me?” Antonio’s eyes were filled with curiosity. “Why didn’t you tell me about my dad’s plan to marry me off to Liam?” I shot the question at him, folding my arms over my chest as I awaited his response. “Why do you look vexed?” He asked, raising a brow. “I thought you enjoyed his company.” “Oh, please.” I muttered, rolling my eyes. “Seeing that your dad told you already,” he said, taking a long pause before sighing. “The contract has been finalised.” “He didn’t tell me.” I corrected, motioning my head in Marco’s direction. “He did.” “What?!” He exclaimed, his forehead creasing into multiple folds. He glared at Marco for a few seconds, as if using his eyes to tell him that he had a lot of questions to answer, before flicking his gaze back at me. “What else did he tell you?” He questioned. “Nothing.” I shrugged it off. “Then why did you want to see me in private? Because I know you won’t call me aside just to ask why I didn’t tell you about your dad’s plan.” He muttered, his demeanour suddenly looking more serious. “I-” I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose as I confessed. “I don’t want the marriage.” “So?” He raised a brow. “I know I’m not supposed to be asking you to do this for me, considering my sister just betrayed you and-” “Go straight to the point, Rosalinda. I don’t have all night.” He cut me off. I took a deep breath before blurting it out. “Please help me. Help me find a way to stop it.” “And how do you intend I do that?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he gazed at me amusingly. “I don’t know. You’re a mafia boss. I know you’re smart enough to think of a way.” I muttered, blowing out an exasperated breath. “Even if I decide to help you, what would I get in return for my favor?” He asked, his eyes lingering over my body as he licked his lips lustfully. “What?” Confusion masked my face as I gazed at him, hoping he wasn’t asking for what I was thinking. After a few seconds, he suddenly let out a soft chuckle. “Relax. I was just kidding. I planned on stopping the marriage anyway.” “What do you mean by-” I trailed off, distracted by a male voice yelling from the gate. The voice sounded familiar-too familiar-and I really hoped it wasn’t who I was thinking it was. “Let me in! I need to see her.” The voice continued yelling at the top of his lungs, and my suspicions grew bigger. Without hesitation, I ran towards the gate to see what was happening. My heart sank to my stomach when I saw the person causing the commotion by the gate, trying to struggle his way in. Oh, no. Oliver had no idea what he was getting himself into. “Oliver.” I called with urgency. “You have to leave here now!” “Not until I see Sofia.” He countered, breathing heavily from all his struggles with the guards. “No. No.” I shook my head repeatedly as the possibility of Papà killing him coursed through my mind. “You don’t understand. It is very dangerous for you to be here. Go, now! Run!” “Sofia can’t just tell me that she’s pregnant for me and disappear into thin air. She doesn’t pick up my calls, and she doesn’t return my messages. I am not leaving here unless I see her!” He pressed on stubbornly. “You are risking your life by being here.” I told him plainly, blowing out a frustrating breath. “You have to leave.” “How is wanting to see my woman risking my life?!” He snapped. “I don’t care if your parents find out about our relationship. It’s high time they did anyway.” “Are you brave? Or just stupid?” Antonio’s voice echoed from behind. My lips pressed tightly together in a thin line as I raked my fingers through my hair in frustration. That was exactly what I was trying to avoid. Oliver should have fucking ran when I told him to! “And who are you?” Oliver asked rather boldly, glaring at Antonio. “I was supposed to look for you, but you brought yourself to me. At ease.” Antonio chuckled darkly before turning his attention to the guards. “Let him in.” He instructed. “No. Oliver, run, please. Run!” I persisted, and a bead of sweat rolled down my forehead as the fear of Antonio or Papà torturing and murdering Oliver gripped me. Oliver narrowed his eyes, staring at me like I was crazy as he walked through those gates, completely oblivious to the fact that he just walked right into a lion’s den.

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