The Mafia’s Forbidden Desire

47| Gone.


She, Rosalinda, basically controls me. Before now, I wouldn’t have hesitated to pull the trigger on the man who dared to impregnate my fiancée, but when I looked into Rosalinda’s eyes and saw the sadness within them, I hesitated. She was changing me in ways I never imagined, making me do things that soothed her and avoid actions that would make her resent me. I always wanted to please her.

She asked me not to kill Oliver, and I agreed. She asked me to help prevent the marriage with the Romanos, and I agreed. Even though I planned on doing so anyway, I could never allow her father to succeed in pushing her into a death trap. Never! I would protect her with everything I have.

Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered I had unfinished business with Marco and started heading towards his bedroom. He better have a good explanation as to why he spoke to Rosalinda about the marriage proposal with the Romanos.

Pushing the door open, I ventured into his bedroom, my gaze never leaving his.

“Why did you tell Rosalinda about the marriage proposal? What is your business with her?” I questioned him firmly, folding my arms around my chest as I awaited his response.

“I didn’t know she had no idea. We were just talking and-” He started, but I cut him off.

“You just spilled? What were you two discussing in the first place?” I asked, raising a questioning brow.

“I told her about the marriage proposal so that she would know she’s taken already and stay away from you. You probably know this already, but she clearly made her sister fall pregnant so her father could do some swapping and make her yours. She ruined everything.” He accused her, causing my face to contort into a scowl.

I had not known Rosalinda for long, but I knew her well enough to know that she would never make her sister do such a thing, knowing the consequences that might come with it. Despite being born into a mafia family, her heart was pure and she would never put her sister in harm’s way.

“Do not speak of her in such regard ever again. She’s not that type of person.” I strongly defended her.

“When it comes to her, you barely think straight. When Sofia announced the pregnancy, you showed little or no reaction. Do you think that’s-”

“I planned on ending the engagement anyway.” I confessed, blowing out a sharp breath.

Marco was right; I barely showed any reaction, but that was because I was relieved. As much as I hated that she got pregnant with another man, her pregnancy was to my advantage. Because of her announcement, I was saved from having to break off the engagement myself.

“Don’t tell me you plan on moving to Rosalinda. You know you can’t do that, right?” Marco questioned, his eyes narrowing as he stared at me like an alien who took the form of his boss. He never thought I could become someone like this, and I understood him; even I would have never thought.

“No.” I muttered, slightly shaking my head.


“Don’t ask me why I planned to end the engagement, because I won’t tell you.” I cut him off. Being Carlo’s father was a secret I intended to keep from everyone, including Marco.

“And-” I pointed my index finger at him, warning him. “Stay away from Rosalinda. I promise you, the next time I have to tell you to stay away from her, it won’t be a warning anymore.”

With that, I turned around and dashed out of his room.

The following day, I was at Moretti’s mansion early. Not only because I had a decision to make about Oliver, but also because I had a pending business with Roberto. Yesterday, we didn’t get to discuss our products that were arriving because he wasn’t in a good state of mind to talk business after what happened.

Standing in front of his office, I knocked and was permitted to enter almost immediately.

“Good morning.” Roberto and his son Matteo said in unison as I slipped inside the office.

“Good morning.” I responded, slightly nodding as I trudged towards him and settled on the seat across from him.

He darted his gaze at his son, instructing him. “Matteo, go and get that bastard.”

“Ok.” Matteo nodded before dashing out of the room.

I hadn’t even thought of what to do with him yet. One thing I knew for sure was that I could not kill him; that would mean Rosalinda hating me, and I couldn’t bear that. I started racking my brain, thinking of a punishment she would be okay with. Maybe break one of his legs or arms? After being hospitalized for a few weeks, he should be okay.

Roberto’s phone suddenly started ringing, cutting through my thoughts.

“Don Diego.” He said into the phone after picking up, and my attention quickly drew to him.

“Yes, our appointment still stands. Lily’s cuisine, later, by 2. 00pm, right?” He muttered again. After a few seconds of what seemed like confirming an appointment, the call ended.

“Was that Diego Romano?” I asked to confirm, and he nodded.

“Are you going to lecture me on how dangerous an alliance with him is?” He asked, raising a brow.

“That’s not my business anymore.” I grunted, adjusting in my seat. I lied. Of course, it was my business. Everything that concerned Rosalinda was my business.

As I thought of his appointment with Diego, a very dark idea coursed through me. I knew the time, I knew the venue, and I knew the date. I might as well use that information to my advantage. I would do anything to end the marriage plan.

“So, what do you plan to do with him-Oliver?” Roberto asked, changing the subject.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I don’t know yet.” I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. “I’ll decide based on my mood when I see him.”

“Uhm…” He took his hand to his temple, slightly scratching it. “If you don’t mind, can we keep doing business together even-”

The door suddenly dinged open, and Matteo ventured inside, breathing heavily and without Oliver by his side or even behind him.

“Where is he?” Roberto groaned as he sprung to his feet, approaching Matteo with long strides.

“Oliver is gone.”

“What?!” Roberto exclaimed.

“I looked for him everywhere but couldn’t find-” Matteo continued, but-

“Get me Rosalinda and Sofia, now!” Roberto cut him off, his rage palpable in the way his voice thundered.

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