The Mafia’s Forbidden Desire

53| Who Are You?


“Calm down.” Antonio said from the other end of the line. That was one thing I was incapable of doing at that moment, until I knew why he had Ruby’s phone and if she was safe.

“Why are you on Ruby’s phone?” I impatiently questioned.

He sighed. “Ruby got into an accident, and I followed the ambulance to the hospital.”

My stomach twisted unpleasantly as fear began to crawl up my spine. I desperately hoped Ruby was okay.

“Which hospital?” I asked urgently.

“You don’t have to worry; she’s stable. Just stay at home and-”

“Which hospital?” I insisted, cutting him off. I was extremely worried already, and he had no right to tell me what to do.

After he revealed the hospital, I sneaked out of the house and rushed down there, not before narrowly escaping being caught by one of Papà’s men.

Antonio was patrolling in the hospital corridor when I got there, and a wave of emotions washed over me the second I sighted him. Above all those emotions was fury.

“Where is she?” I demanded as I sprinted towards him.

“I don’t see anyone behind you. Did you come here alone?” He questioned, furrowing his brows.

“That’s none of your business.” I gritted out before repeating my question. “Where is she?”

He stared at me for a few seconds, and realising I wouldn’t relent until he answered my question, he sighed.

“She’s in that room.” He finally said, motioning at the door to one of the many rooms in the hallway. “It’s a private ward. I already paid for all expenses.”

“How did it happen?” I fired another question at him, glaring accusingly. “She got into an accident, and you happened to be there? How coincidental. Or-”

“Do not accuse me.” He cut me off, sighing. “Believe me not, I have important things to do, and I’d rather be doing those things than be in the hospital right now.”


“But what?” He cut me off again. “If I really caused the accident, why would I even bother to follow her to the hospital then? And why would I even want that for her?”

“I didn’t say you caused it.” I replied, shrugging.

I didn’t even know why I accused him. Antonio wouldn’t stoop so low to the extent of orchestrating an accident for Ruby. He had no reason to.

“That’s exactly what you’re insinuating.” He pointed out.

A nurse stepped out of Ruby’s ward, and I flicked my attention at her. I immediately forgot about whatever conversation Antonio and I were having and inched closer to her.

“How is she?” I asked with a hitched breath.

“And you are?” The nurse eyed me cautiously.

“Her best friend,” I replied.

“How is she?” Antonio’s voice sounded beside me.

“She’s stable. You can go in and see her now.” She told us before walking away.

Without hesitation, I pushed the door open and rushed into the room.

“Rosa.” Ruby called the moment she sighted me, writhing in pain.

My worry grew even more intense when I noticed how bad her condition was. Her head was wrapped in bandages, with bruises all over her body. She looked terrible.

“How did it happen?” I hastened towards her, sitting beside her on the bed. “How do you feel?”

“Like I am going to die.” She mumbled, her voice barely audible. She winced in pain, and I wished there was something I could do to help relieve her from the suffering.

Her eyes widened as she darted her gaze towards the door. Tracing her line of sight, I turned to see Antonio standing by the door.

“What is he doing here?!” She exclaimed, and a surge of energy suddenly burst within her as she began to throw tantrums, demanding Antonio leave.

“Ruby, calm down.” I quickly said as I tried to get her to relax, but she wouldn’t listen. She was hell-bent on making him leave.

“He was at the scene of the accident, and he followed the ambulance here. He paid all the bills.” I explained.

“What?” Confusion saturated her face as she asked, finally calming down. “He doesn’t have a heart, why would he do that? Did he really follow me here?”

“Yes.” I muttered, nodding my head. “That was how I got to know that you were here. I called, and he picked up the call-on your phone.”

“That won’t make me forgive all the things he did to me.” She seethed.

I had no intention to argue that with her because she was damn right. The one good thing he did can’t erase the immense pain he caused her. The kidnapping, threatening, and everything he did to her traumatised her, and it took a while before she finally got over it. Ergo, it was totally understandable if she decided to never forgive him.

“I wasn’t asking for your forgiveness.” Antonio groaned before pulling the door open and disappearing.

A part of me wanted to follow him and ask why he abandoned me. But my pride was too high, and it overwhelmed the urge to follow him and ask questions as though I were desperate. In truth, I was desperate, but I had to uphold my dignity.

“So, how do you feel?” I asked Ruby, momentarily shaking the thought of Antonio off my head.

“Terrible.” She groaned.

“It’ll get better.” I assured her as I stared at her pitiful figure.

I stayed with her for a while, entertaining her and making sure she was comfortable.

Her parents were out of town and promised to catch the next flight down here the moment they got the news. And as much as I would’ve loved to stay with her for much longer to keep her company, I couldn’t. I had to return home before someone noticed my absence.

“Ruby. I hate to tell you this, but I have to get going.” I told her, and my statement earned me a frown from her.

“I’ve been here for a while now. And I need to return before Papà notices.” I explained.

“What exactly are you, people?” She suddenly asked, her face full of curiosity. “I really want to know. You never allow me to go inside your house. You can’t decide to go out without asking for permission. You are never even allowed to go out alone. You are twenty-four, for God’s sake, Rosalinda.”

I opened my mouth to talk, but my tongue failed me, and I remained speechless. I didn’t know how to explain to her that my father had enemies. Enemies who could want him and his family dead and would take any opportunity they had to make that a reality. The world I was born into was complex, ruthless, and extremely dark. I had no idea how I could explain that to her.

“Your sister’s fiancé possesses arms and ammunition. He kidnapped me out of my will, threatened me just for a piece of information I didn’t know, and to top it all up, he wasn’t even worried about me reporting to the authorities. He was so sure that he’d have his way out. What exactly are you people?” She continued spurting when I didn’t respond.

Antonio’s horrendous action was something she never deeply spoke about since I found her at his house. I knew she loathed him, and she also expressed how much the threats traumatised her, but she never mentioned how suspicious and terrifying it was that Sofia’s fiancé possessed those arms and power with the authorities.

And I also didn’t know how to explain it to her. It was all part of the dark world. A world she’d never want to be part of. A world I wish I was never born into.

“Say something, please!” She pressed on, her desperation palpable in her voice.

“Let’s just say there are questions and curiosities that are better left unanswered.” I muttered, finally finding the words to say.

“I need to know who my best friend is. We’ve been best friends for years, but I don’t even know your background. Who are you?” She blurted out, demanding answers.

Staring at her, I slightly shook my head. It amazed me that, despite her terrible condition, she still found the strength to ask all these questions.

“All you need to know is that I’m the same girl you’ve always known. And maybe, when I’m ready, I’ll tell you all about it. I’ll tell you who my father is. Bye, Ruby. See you soon.” I told her.

And with that, I sprung to my feet and dashed out of the room before she could ask more questions.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

In front of the hospital, while I was trying to hail a taxi, a black mustang pulled up in front of me, and I rolled my eyes when the person in it rolled down the glass to reveal himself.


“Get in.” He said authoritatively.

“You’re still here.” I remarked, looking everywhere but in his direction.

“You don’t expect me to leave you here when I know that you’re alone. I had to make sure that you’re safe. Now, get in.”

“What do you care?” I grunted, stubbornly crossing my arms across my chest, a scowl on my face. “Leave me alone. You’re used to doing that anyway.”

He sighed, slightly shaking his head. “Quit being dramatic and get in.”

I didn’t bother to give him a response as I started walking away, but the next thing I heard was the sound of the door opening, and that was followed by the feel of a hand wrapped around my arm, pulling me back.

“Leave me alone!” I half-yelled, my eyes burning with fury as I struggled to release myself from his grip.

“Fuck!” He suddenly groaned, and before I knew what was happening, he had already pulled me to the ground with him.

Realization hit me when a bullet flew over our heads, hitting the pole behind us.

What the actual fuck!

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