The Mafia’s Forbidden Desire

59| Hickeys.


I completely lost track of time. The sex was so damn good that I was trapped in a daze, forgetting everything else.

My purpose in coming here was to convince Antonio to change his mind about murdering Oliver. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine ending up in his bed. He was just too irresistibly tempting. I had been resisting him for a long time, and my control had finally reached its limit.

“Your father, right?” Antonio stalked behind me, planting a soft kiss on my neck before I could even turn around. A new wave of shivers ran through me, making me want him all over again.

“Yes.” I moaned as he cupped my breast in his large palm, gently kneading it.

“I guess you’re in trouble then.” He stated matter-of-factly, his warm breath blowing into my ears.

“Antonio.” I moaned, arching my back in ecstasy.

“I want you, baby. I can never get enough of you.” He rasped, his lips connecting with my neck, nibbling at it, and sending my senses into overdrive.

“I-need- to-go-home.” I told him, my words punctuated by moans.

“I know.” He whispered, his thumb still running circles on my nipples.

As much as I wanted to experience the incredible pleasure all over again, I couldn’t. I needed to get home as soon as possible.

So, drawing in a sharp breath in an attempt to cool the heat of desire burning within me, I willed my body to resist the temptation. And it obeyed. Long enough to enable me to free myself from Antonio’s hold.

Surprisingly, he didn’t protest, as he allowed me to slip away easily.

“You are one hell of a sexy, pretty little girl.” He muttered with a sultry voice, his eyes piercing my skin longingly.

For a second, I lost myself, ogling at his mesmerising figure, but I quickly snapped out of it.

“You’re tempting me.” I replied, a shy smile touching my lips.

A smug but seductive smile bloomed on his lips. “That’s the point.”

I quickly looked away and found my clothes before he could make another attempt at tempting me. If he did, I might not be able to resist anymore.

My brazier, dress, and everything I had on before he stripped me naked were back on my body within five minutes. I had to tie my hair up in a bun to hide how messy it was.

“I’ll take you home.” Antonio offered, finally jumping out of bed.

“No!” I sharply exclaimed, rejecting his offer.

He raised a brow. “Why?”

“It would be suspicious if you took me home. Papà would ask too many questions.” I explained.NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

Inching closer to him, I placed my lips on his for one last kiss.

The kiss was so short but so sweet.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.” I assured him after pulling away from him.

“Okay.” He nodded slightly.

He didn’t seem to be completely fine with letting me go alone, but he respected my decision anyway.


Papà was on the front porch, waiting for me when I got home.

Immediately, I registered the fury radiating from his features; the fear within me skyrocketed, and a sudden chill washed over me.

“Papà.” I acknowledged him as I cautiously approached him, afraid of what was to come next.

“Where did you go?” His voice was surprisingly calm.

I breathed in and out, then went ahead to blurt out the lie I had concocted on my way.

“I was with Ruby. My friend. She was involved in an accident.”

“And you didn’t think to tell me before going. Or make someone follow you. Why?” He questioned, his brows furrowed together.

“I was afraid you wouldn’t let me go.” I replied cautiously.

He pressed his lips into a thin line, his nose flaring. He seemed to be trying to control the anger burning within him.

“Rosalinda, you are aware that I have enemies, right?” He asked after a while. His calm voice didn’t seem to match the evident fury saturating his face.

“And they wouldn’t hesitate to unleash their wrath on you if they found you unprotected.” He pressed on.

“I am sorry.” I muttered, my voice a murmur.

“Don’t do it again. You can go inside.” He said, dismissing me.

Just like that? He didn’t press further. To say I was astounded was an understatement.

Trudging to the front door, I kept looking back at him hesitantly, waiting for him to call me back and address the issue like he usually does whenever he catches me sneaking out.

But he never called me back. Which was beyond shocking.

Sofia was the first person I saw when I walked inside. She scurried towards me, gazing at me anxiously.

“Were you able to persuade him?” She asked with a croaked voice. It was evident that she had been crying.

I gave her shoulder a little squeeze, nodding, with a small smile playing at my lips. “Yes. After pleading for a very long time,”

A sigh of relief was quick to escape her lips, and her expression soon changed to a more relaxed one.

“Thank God.” She breathed out.

“Have you been able to reach him? Oliver.” I asked with a raised brow.

“No.” She sighed as her worried look married her features once again. “And I am extremely worried. He should at least call me and assure me that he wasn’t so stupid to attempt murdering Antonio.”

She suddenly narrowed her eyes and tilted her head, her gaze fixed on me. But she wasn’t looking at my face.

“What?” I asked, raising a brow at her weird behaviour.

“What’s that on your neck?” She questioned me as her eyes returned to my face.

I quickly placed my hand on my neck, rubbing it as I wondered what she was talking about.

“My neck?”

“Is that a hickey?” She questioned, a hint of disbelief laced in her voice.

Shoot me! Antonio gave me a fucking hickey while he was trying to seduce me for a second round. He did it intentionally-of that I was sure.

I would so kill him!

“Oh. This?” I laughed awkwardly as I rubbed the spot. “Oh, come on. It’s not a hickey. Who would give me a hickey, by the way?”

“Then what is it?” Her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“My neck was itchy, so I scratched it. It’s probably a result of that.” I quickly concocted an unbelievable lie, which I regretted spewing almost immediately.

“Oh, I see.” She nodded slowly. It was evident that she definitely didn’t believe my stupid lie.

I didn’t know what to feel at that moment. Shame? guilt? Or even self-loathing?

Their engagement just got called off, and I straight-up opened my legs for him without thinking twice. And I didn’t even regret doing that.

I was one hell of a terrible person.

My phone suddenly started ringing, and I looked at the screen to see his name flashing on it. Talk about the devil.

“Uhm… I have to go. You should keep trying Oliver’s number.” I shamelessly told Sofia before scurrying away.

I headed to my room, and the second I slipped inside, I picked up the call.

“Hello, beautiful. Did you just hesitate to pick up my call?” Antonio’s deep, sultry voice sounded from the other end of the line, mesmerising me all over again.

“Maybe.” I chuckled.

“I trust you got home safely. What did Papà say?” He asked.

“I was able to escape his wrath with a little lie.” I told him, and a chuckle resounded from his end.

“And I see what you did.” I added.

“What?” He asked curiously.

“The hickey was intentional. Isn’t it?”

“It was.” He admitted unashamedly. “Let’s just say I love to mark my territory.”

A sudden chill ran up my spine at his statement, and I found myself smiling cheekily like a five-year-old girl.

“Mmmm, territorial mafia king,” I remarked, chuckling.

It’s been less than an hour since I saw him, and I missed him so damn much already. I wanted to be with him. At all times.

“I miss you.” He suddenly muttered, as if reading my mind.

“I miss you more.” I said it back, smiling from ear to ear.



I had to end the call with Rosalinda earlier than I wanted because Marco was in my office, waiting to give me an update. If it were left to me, I would have wanted to speak with her all night long.

“So are you guys a thing now?” Marco asked, casting a disappointed look at me.

I sighed, pressing my lips tightly together.

“Boss, you are threading through a dangerous part.” He added.

Oh, I knew.

But I didn’t need him to remind me.

So, changing the subject, I asked. “Did you get him?”

Marco sighed, nodding. “He’s in the basement.”

“Good.” I groaned.

I promised Rosalinda not to go after Oliver. But what she didn’t know was that I didn’t plan to keep my word when I made that stupid promise.

No one makes a threat to my life and gets away with it. No one.

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