The Mafia’s Forbidden Desire

61| Hormones.


I have never been happier in my entire life. I finally got what I wanted. Although I knew this happiness wouldn’t last and that I was treading in a dangerous lane, I decided to revel in it while I still could.

Talking to him alone soothed my heart in ways I never imagined. His touch wasn’t just pleasing to my body but also resonated with my soul.

“You look bright today. Good news? Is it a man?” Grace interrupted my muse when she noticed my mood.

I almost choked on my coffee at her unexpected question, but luckily, I quickly chugged it down. Not without spilling a few drops on the kitchen counter.

“Sorry.” Grace quickly said as she reached for a towel and wiped the spillage.

“Thank you.” I said, giving her a small smile. “And-there’s no man. I am just in a happy mood today, nothing more. Which is quite normal, right?”

“Right.” She nodded, evidently not convinced by my lie.

“Good morning, Sofia.” Grace said, and I flicked my gaze to the door to see Sofia walking lazily into the kitchen.

She looked downcast, and I didn’t need to ask her why.

“You still haven’t been able to reach Oliver?” I asked, more like a statement.

She nodded, taking the seat next to me.

“I strongly believe Antonio has him.” She said, sighing.

“He said he wouldn’t go after him, Sofia. He promised. And-”

“He’s a mafia boss, Rosa!” She interjected, her voice slightly raised. “They are all full of deceit. What makes you think he didn’t lie to you?”

I lifted my shoulders in a half-shrug, refusing to consider the possibility that Antonio had lied to me.

“He’s just so stubborn.” She sighed frustratingly. “He should have just left town when we asked him to. All these wouldn’t have happened.”

My eyes narrowed as I tilted my head to the side, gazing at her. “What if he actually left town? Let’s not leave out the possibility that Oliver actually did it. What if he found out that he had been busted and fled?”

“Rosa.” She called, looking blankly into my eyes. “Oliver would never want to take a human’s life. I have thought about it deeply, and I know my Oliver would never do that. So, stop entertaining that possibility because he didn’t do it!”

“But there’s still-” I started, but my sister cut me off with a yell.

“I said he didn’t do it!”

Her voice was so loud that I almost jumped with a start, wondering where she got the sudden surge of energy from.

“Okay. I’ll see what I can do about it. I’ll ask Antonio again.” I told her, choosing my words carefully before she lashes out at me again.

Blowing out a sharp breath, she nodded. “Please do. I’ll keep trying Oliver’s number.”

A smile crept up on my lips as I looked at her amusingly. Her pregnancy hormones were starting to play tricks on her. That explained her fluctuating mood. One minute she was calm, the next minute she was enraged, and the other minute she was calm again.

“What?” A frown masked her face as she raised a questioning brow.

“Nothing.” I said, shaking my head as I leapt to my feet. “I’ll go and call Antonio now to ask what he knows.”

She replied with a nod before turning her gaze away.

I headed to my bedroom afterwards, and once I slipped in, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialled Antonio’s number.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hello beautiful.” His deep, husky voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

“Hi.” I said shyly, a wide smile spreading on my lips. “How was your night?”

“Why don’t you ask me in person?” He unexpectedly said, and before I could fathom his words, the door was pushed open, with Antonio appearing before it.

A short gasp escaped my lips as I widened my eyes in surprise.

“What-what-” I stammered, finding it hard to form coherent words.

“What am I doing here?” He completed the sentence for me as he approached me. “I just finished at your father’s office.”

Stopping in front of me, he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him until our bodies were pressing against each other. He leaned in and captured my lips in a short, sweet kiss.

“Oh, how I’ve missed you.” He rasped as he pulled his lips away from mine.

“I missed you too.” My voice came out as a whisper. Being in close proximity to him was sparking fires in my body. Every spot on my skin began to tingle the moment his hand touched my waist.

“So, you asked how my night was.” His gaze suddenly went to the hickey he left on me, and he took his hand to my neck, rubbing it gently.

His eyes returned to mine, staring intently into it. “It was full of you. I fantasised about you until I fell asleep. I wasn’t free of you even in my dreams.”

A lump formed in my throat, and I swallowed. It was the same for me, too. But hearing him confess his feelings for me made my heart go haywire, pounding really hard against my ribcage.

A long stretch of silence ensued between us as we continued staring comfortably into each other’s desired-filled eyes.

With the intensity of the desire flicking in his eyes, I could’ve sworn that he was about to lean in and engage my lips in a deep, sinful kiss. But instead, his gaze flicked to my neck again, gently rubbing the spot where the hickey was.

“It’s fading. Should I leave another one?” He asked, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

“Hell, no!” I exclaimed and let out a full-blown laugh afterwards. My laughter was infectious as he joined me in laughing.

What was even funny?

After a few seconds of laughing for no reason, we both stopped at the same time, as if there were a timer controlling us.

Our expressions returned to normal, and within seconds, our eyes were back to gazing deeply at each other with intense passion and desire.

The urge to place my lips on his in an intensifying kiss surged through me. And before I could even stop myself, I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tiptoe, smashing my lips against his.

He didn’t hesitate to reciprocate, as he parted his lips and began to kiss me so passionately. He pressed me to his body, closer than I already was, until I could feel his hardness pressing against me.

“I missed you.” I breathed into his mouth as we continued devouring each other’s lips, licking each other’s tongues like candy.

In a swift move, he grabbed my legs and lifted me into his strong arms. He briefly pulled away from the kiss, his eyes boring lustfully into mine.

“I missed you more, love.” He rasped before slamming his lips back on mine, unable to get enough of each other.

The door suddenly dinged open, prompting us to abruptly pull away from the kiss and turn to look in the direction of the door.

I froze, and my eyes fluttered repeatedly as I stared at the two figures standing in the door frame with a shocked expression etched on their faces.

Giovanni and Sofia.

“Fuck!” I exclaimed as I quickly jumped out of Antonio’s arms, leading to an inadvertent fall to the ground, with my buttocks making first contact.

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