“Manuel, hope you are ready?”

“Yes Nonno.” I replied the old man who poked his head through my door for the tenth time this morning.

“Good. The priest should be here any time from now.” He said. Yes, today was my wedding to Bianca, and so far, our relationship with each other still wasn’t the best. We literally avoided each other like a plague, regardless of the fact that we shared a room. But then, I honestly loved the feeling of her warm body against mine at night. She probably didn’t know, but she always snuggled into my side while she slept at night. I wasn’t going to tell her though. I kinda liked the feeling, and I didn’t want her to become more conscious of herself while she slept.

“What has you smiling?” Alexander asked.

“Nothing.” I shrugged. “Or am I supposed to remain sad because I’m getting married to your assistant?” I rolled my eyes.

“First of all,” He started. “Bianca is no longer my assistant, but my sister in law. Secondly, you don’t particularly seem like a sad man. You cannot even convince me that you’re sad.” He gave a silly grin, only pissing me off.

“And what is that supposed to mean?”

“That you’re not sad.” He shrugged, the silly grin still on his face. After a few seconds, he looked serious and asked the next question. “Have you spoken to Francesca yet?” At his question, I released a sigh.

“Tried reaching out to her a few days back. She’s probably blocked my number. I do not have a problem with leaving Francesca anymore because as the days have passed, I only realize that the only place I really want to be, is where my child is. But then, I really do not know how Nonno would have ‘handled’ her. And I really do not want to seem like a coward who has his grandfather doing all the dirty works for him.”

“Hmmm, understandable.” Alex nodded. I honestly appreciated the fact that he was the only one with me as I prepared and waited for the priest to arrive. “But you know what I particularly love about all you just said?”


“You said the best place for you to be, is where your child is. This also means you can make things work with Bianca for the sake of your child.”

I honestly didn’t know what to tell him. Maybe I wanted to tell him that I was already looking forward to working things out with her? But then, I didn’t want to look so… easy?

“Manuel, you know it’s not bad to admit that you may really want her. That you are beginning to fall in love with her….”

“Hold up!” I put my hand up, almost laughing in disbelief. Sometimes, Alex tended to run faster than himself. “It’s insane for you to think that I am already in love with her. Jeez! Not only do I think that this love thing is just a fallacy, I feel it’s really too early to say that I ‘love’ your assistant. Yes, I like her body probably too much for comfort….” I trailed off when I noticed the weird look he gave me. “Okay, fine! Maybe I do love her body, but saying I love her is honestly far fetched. Let’s assume I’m truly capable of love, Bianca would be the last person I would fall in love with. God! She can be soo…. so….” I tried getting the right word, but just couldn’t get a hold of it.

“You feel she is infuriating because sadly, she is the only woman who wouldn’t bend to your will.” Alexander chuckled, and I scowled.

“I don’t go around trying to make women bend to my will. I’m not that kind of man.”

“No!” He raised boths hands in the air, before frowning at me. “Come on now. You definitely know I do not mean it that way. Greta told me how Bianca had asked you to shut the fuck up, in the presence of your parents and brothers.” He began laughing again, making me only more pissed.

“I told her not to speak to me that way!”

“And she told you not to push her!” Alexander laughed even more. Wow, Greta did spill everything to him.

“Whatever. Are you coming with me, or you aren’t interested in being my best man anymore?” I asked, and he look to be in great shock for a moment. He kept looking at me, a mix of suprise and amusement on his face. “What now?”

“Nothing.” He gradually shook his head. “Just made a huge discovery.” He smiled. “Let’s go.” He nudged me forward, and we walked out of my room.

Alexander and I walked down the stairs to see everywhere so full and busy. I guess it was my wedding after all. My extended family were all hanging around or sitting at different corners of both living rooms. I swear I heard a thousand ‘congratulations’.

“Nonno.” Alexander called, and I turned to see him and my mom walking towards us.

“Your father just informed me that the priest has arrived.” He said to me and I nodded.

“Get going to the hall, our guest are already there.” Mom said. I would get the rest of the family to move there. Meanwhile, I have to get to Greta’s room and check in on Bianca first. She turned and walked up the stairs, while Nonno joined Alexander and I to the hall. Nonno particularly seemed too energetic for his age today, and it was weirdly disturbing. We got to the hall and indeed, most of our guest were already sitted, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

“You both, go on down the aisle. The priest is waiting.” I guess this was the part of a wedding I dreaded the most. Waiting for a long while before the bride showed up. Nonetheless, Alexander and I made our way to the end of the aisle, where we stood waiting for the hall to get filled up and for Bianca to show up.

Twenty minutes in, and Bianca was yet to show up.

“Calm down.” Alexander whispered into my ear, dusting an invisible dust from my suit. “I waited longer for my Bella.” At his words, I rolled my eyes. He was patient to wait that long because he was supposedly in love with the woman.

“Whatever.” I muttered, making him chuckle.

“You know, I was suprised to see Anthonio here. I thought he wasn’t gonna attend the wedding.” What?

“Anthonio was here?” I whispered, and he nodded.

“You didn’t see him when we first walked into the hall? Though, I can’t see him again. He stepped out some minutes ago, and has not returned yet.” I nodded and fixed my focus back on the priest. A few minutes later, Greta was spotted walking to where Nonno sat, whispering into his ear.

“Is there a problem?” I muttered to Alexander.

“I guess. Greta looks kinda worried. I just hope this isn’t what I’m thinking?” Alexander was clearly jesting, but I wasn’t seeing things that way. God knows the last thing I would let any woman do to me, is jilt me at the altar.

Greta stood from her squatting position after talking with Nonno, and our eyes locked. The look in her eyes were enough for me to tell that all really wasn’t well. I was personally going to drag Bianca to this altar, if that was what it took. Before I could think my next actions through, I began walking away from the altar.

“Manuel!” Alexander whisper yelled my name, but I didn’t really pay him any heed. As I got closer to Greta, I took her hand and we walked out together.

“What’s happening?” I asked the moment we were out of the hall.

“We were about coming down to the hall, when one of the maids walked into my room to deliver a note.”

“The note was from Anthonio, right?” I asked, already knowing what the answer would be.

“Yeah.” Greta sighed. “I tried convincing her not to go, but…. she insisted.”

“So she’s basically eloped with him?” I went straight to the point, thinking of the best way to deal with the bastard when I found him.

“Well, not yet. But we need to stop them before anything happens.” Greta replied. I felt my heartbeat decelerate to normalcy at hearing that nothing too serious had happened.

“Well, there’s no time. Where is she? Where are they?”

“Father’s library.”

I quickly made my way to the said destination, only offering small smiles to my family members whom I came across on my way in. My father’s library was just next to my study, so it didn’t take me so much time to get there. Greta had been following me behind, but I guess I was just too fast, because I couldn’t hear her behind me anymore.

I got to the library and the door was slightly open, making it easy for me to make my way in without any noise. I looked around the large library, following the sounds of voices until I could see them. There was Bianca, in her very large gown, and her hair packed in a pretty style at the back of her head, a few curls framing her face. Anthonio stood before her in his grey suit, almost looking like they were saying their vows to each other. I remained hidden behind one of the large shelves of books, making them not realize I was present. I listened and watched keenly as Bianca cried, smearing her makeup.

“Just come with me Bianca. We still have enough time to leave. We can go to Sicily until everything calms down.”

“But I can’t.” She sniffled. “What about my baby? It belongs to Manuel.”

“I don’t mind.” He rushed out. “I would care for him as my own. Please, I can’t bear to lose you.” He held her hands and raised them to his lips, kissing her knuckles. “I know you love me Bianca, don’t let what we have just go down the drain because of him. Please.” He pleaded, moving closer towards her. She stood still in her place, almost as if in a trance, as he came closer to kiss her. The guts of this rat!

“If not for the sake of blood ties, there’s really nothing that would have stopped me from putting a bullet through your head.” I stepped out of the shelf and Bianca looked very shocked to see me. She quickly pulled her hands out of Anthonio’s as I got closer, her cries only increasing. I had really wanted to punch him and beat him until I felt satisfied, but then I refrained from doing so. I already hurt him enough by taking the woman he loved. So I just took Bianca’s hand and pulled her away with me. I half expected her to put up a resistance, but she didn’t. Once we got out of the library, I opened my study just close by and pulled her in.

“Now listen to me!” I thundered, making her shake beneath me, as thin strands of tears dropped from her eyes. “This marriage is as good as done. I feel sorry for you and Anthonio, but I lost my fiancee as well. So it’s best you come to terms with the fact that we are stuck with each other.” Just then, a knock came on the door, and I heard Greta’s voice.

“Can I come in?”

“Yes.” I said. The door opened and Greta walked in. She rushed to Bianca and held her hands.

“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t afford you making a mistake.” She begged. Bianca just stayed unmoving in her position, not saying a single word in return. Greta only sighed and looked at her face closely. “Thankfully, I insisted she used the waterproof products. I knew something like this would happen. There isn’t much harm done to your face, though the makeup artiste would have to touch up your face a little more.” She turned to me and said. “Manuel please return to the hall. We don’t want our guests thinking there is a problem. Bianca come with me.” She pulled Bianca along with her and they walked out of the study together.

I remained in my study for a little while, trying to blow off the steam of the drama that had just taken place, before making my way out to the hall once more. Alexander had remained in his position, making me release a sigh of relief. I could swear there was no better person by my side than him. I walked up to him and whispered.

“You are still here.”

“Had to make sure the guests didn’t think anything was wrong.”

“Thank you.” I nodded in appreciation. “You are just the best person to be by my side. Why aren’t we getting married instead?” I joke and we both laughed, unable to hold ourselves. After we calm down, he looked at me and made a disgusted face.

“Should I inform Bella that you are a threat to her? Seems you do not like how safe your dick is.” He whispered, but the priest had surely heard him because the next second, he was throwing us a nasty glare. “Bianca’s family have arrived by the way. I guess her sister is around as well.”

“Really?” I looked around, trying to find the familiar faces of her parents. I finally saw her mom and truly, a lady who looked a lot like Bianca, but just with a black hair, sat next to her mom with a little girl on her thighs.

My eyes locked with hers and I managed a small smile. I was suprised she had returned my gesture with a much wider smile. Okay, I Iiked her.

Some minutes later, the wedding sound started playing and I knew Bianca had arrived. Her face was covered in a white veil as she walked towards the aisle, hand in hand with her father. The man looked indifferent, and I truly couldn’t get used to that no matter how hard I tried. A familiar lady whom I have come to know as Laura, followed her behind. The closer she got, the more the scenario became familiar. This had happened before. Though it didn’t work the other time, it was working this time. She finally got to where I stood and I could now see her face a bit, even though not completely clearly. She looked so sad and unhappy. For some reasons, it made me displeased. Her father stretched out his hand that had been holding hers, and offered it to me. I took her hand in mine and brought her to stand next to me. We both turned to the priest and the ceremony began.

“Dearly beloved….” The priest began. “We are all gathered here today, to witness the joining in holy matrimony of Manuel Russo and Bianca Bianchi. If there is anyone who thinks this union shouldn’t work, he or she should speak now, or forever remain silent.” I guess this was the part were I’d really put a bullet through Anthonio’s head. I waited patiently for anyone to speak up, but no one did. I thought as much. “Let us proceed then.” The priest muttered. He called out the vows and asked us to repeat after him, which we did. All the while, tiny strands of tears fell from Bianca’s eyes. I felt embarrassed because even though the rest of the congregation couldn’t see it, Alexander, Laura, and even the priest could. The priest probably decided to act blind to it. Atleast, her tears did not affect the tone of her voice while she repeated her vows to me. Soon, we got to the ‘kiss’ part and it suddenly felt awkward kissing the same lady who was pregnant for me. Why did I fear she would push me away in the presence of everyone?

“You may kiss the bride.” The priest repeated to my hearing, making most of the congregation laugh. I stepped closer to Bianca with my heart beating really fast. Taking off her veil, I cupped her face and leaned down for a kiss. It was supposed to have been very fleeting, but I found myself doing more than ‘fleeting’. I wouldn’t deny the fact that ever since I found out Bianca was expecting my child, and brought her to my home, I had really tried so much to keep my hands off her. Most especially in the nights when she held my body against hers as she cuddled into me.

After some seconds of massaging her lips with mine, I pulled away, that familiar desire coursing through my veins. But I couldn’t let anyone notice that the thoughts in my head were so impure. So I tried my best to appear calm and unnerved as the congregation cheered on. Bianca on the other hand, looked to be neutral to the kiss we just shared, so I wasn’t particularly encouraged.

The rest of the day had been going smoothly and I was thankful that the event had gone without any more drama. The reception party was already halfway gone and I was quite busy greeting and appreciating our guests individually. I was speaking to Honourable Fernando and his wife when I noticed Anthonio standing alone at a corner of the decorated hall, sipping from the flute of champagne he had in his hand. He was still here? Wow. I continued my conversation with the couple, and the woman mentioned that her daughter was my wife’s maid of honor.

“Really?” I asked.

“Well, ideally. She’s lived with us for most part of her life and now, she has something beautiful going on with our son; Ricardo.”

“Oh, wonderful.” I smiled. My attention going to where Bianca sat, discussing with Laura and whom I recognized to be Ricardo. For the first time today, I had seen her smiling so genuinely. My eyes went back to the spot Anthonio had been standing, and I couldn’t see him there any longer. I was just hoping he didn’t have any more tricks up his sleeve. Bianca and I were pretty much married already, so what could he possibly try to do?

I was stil talking with the Fernandos when one of the ushers walked up to me, handing me a note. I opened the note immediately and saw it was from Anthonio. It wasn’t over yet? That was what was written in the note and the statement only made me laugh so hard. I looked around again and finally found him at another corner, raising up his drink to me. ‘Cheers’, he mouthed, and I shook my head in half irritation. I excused myself from the couple and made my way to him.

“Stop acting so pathetic and just leave already.” I muttered to his hearing and he chuckled. He seemed to be drunk already. “Take your drunk ass out of here.”

“Hmmm, I would.” He nodded comically. “But that is after I let you know the truth.”

“And what is that truth?” I asked non chalantly.

“You may be married to Bianca, but she remains mine. Heart and soul.”

“Well, too bad.” I chuckled. “Her mind and body remains mine. I would most certainly ravish her as much as possible.” I said, purposely trying to infuriate him. “I guess you do not know how that feels right? You never really had the opportunity to be in betweeen those creamy thighs of hers.” He gripped his glass more tightly, and I lost all traces of subtlety.

“Now, listen to me.” I grounded my molars against themselves. “I was her first, and I would definitely be her last. I’m sorry for the turn of events. Truly sorry. But Bianca is mine now, and you should make your peace with that. I wouldn’t want our enemity to become even much worse than it already is.”

“Make my peace you say?” He drawled drunkenly. “I would. But after I also make her body mine.” He laughed and ohhh, how I lost it. The next thing I heard were gasps. Fuck! I punched him! I had punched him indeed! The blood trailing from his nose was more than enough evidence. This foolish cousin of mine just knew how to press my red buttons. I hadn’t seen it coming when Bianca pushed passed me and went over to Anthonio would was drunk and bleeding, making it seem like he was unconscious.

“Why did you do that to him?!” Bianca yelled at me in anger. “Anthonio! Anthonio!!” She called him, so much panic in her voice. I stood there and watched as she pulled him up with the help of other family members who had rushed to the scene.

Oh wow! I was the bad person now? This fucker had just told me he had plans of sleeping with my wife, and here she was, taking his side!!Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Come with me.” I looked to my side to see Alexander, who gently pulled me away. I walked passed our guests who were most probably thinking I was a deranged psycho. Not to talk of Nonno who had that deathly look on his face. I had caused a huge scene in my wedding after all. Somehow, I knew it was unavoidable. I guess none of their reactions had pained me as much as Bianca taking Anthonio’s side in front of everyone. I was her husband, not him.

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