Why was she acting in a confusing manner now? I felt like we were finally getting on a mutual ground, but she was making me rethink my assumptions now. I walked away from the door that I had stood by, for some minutes, even after I walked out of the room. I could still hear her crying and it only disturbed me all the more. Should I go back inside and try to make her feel better? What was I supposed to do, when she didn’t even want to see my face? Was I beginning to irritate her? I wasn’t the kind of guy that cared the way I was currently doing, but this woman just had a way of making me act out of line. Releasing a low sigh, I took slow but long strides to the living room. When I got there, mom was busy speaking to my father about what I wasn’t sure of. When she noticed my presence, she looked up at me in suprise. What was so surprising now?


“Mom.” I replied halfmindedly.

“You aren’t going on a walk with Bianca tonight?” She asked, to which I just gave a shrug.

“Hmmm.” She released a sigh.

“They had a fight.” Dad stated with so much confidence. Was he even in the bedroom with us? We didn’t have a fight, she threw me out of the room!

“Is that true?” Mom asked, and a low rumble escaped my chest.

“It’s not any of your businesses.” I replied dryly. I expected mom to lecture me concerning how I wasn’t supposed to address them in such a manner, but I was suprised to see her tapping my father’s arm and drawing his attention to get back to the conversation they were having. Couldn’t they see that I was having an issue with my wife?! ‘But you literally asked them to shut the fuck up!’, my subconscious mocked. I sat on one of the couches, but the uneasy feeling that came as a result of Bianca’s attitude towards me, still tugged against my chest. Why was I even bothered? It was nothing to be bothered about. ‘It is something to be bothered about. She is your partner’, came my subconscious again. God! Ever since we began this partner thingy, I was just…. I guess this was a set up. I couldn’t believe how much she was beginning to get under my skin, under such a short while. She was beginning to make me care without even trying. I guess we wouldn’t have our satisfying walks tonight, then.

I looked at my parents to see them still engrossed in their discussion, and I couldn’t help it anymore.

“Why does she just flip up and begin to have an attitude for no reason?” I asked, but they didn’t stop their discussion, making me slightly angry. “I was asking a question!”

“Oh? You were asking us?” Mom asked, making me look up to the ceiling and release a frustrated sigh.

“I thought it wasn’t any business of ours?” Dad added.

“I’m sorry.” I muttered, but got no response.

“She’s giving an attitude?” Mom asked after a while of silence.

“Yes.” I rushed out. “She’s even crying.”


“I don’t know?” I shrugged, my forehead creasing in confusion. “For buying her a cute hair clip, I guess. Or for buying her chicken nuggets.”

“You bought your wife a hair clip?” I looked up to see Greta descending the stairs with an amusing smile.

“Yes? Anything the matter?”

“Not at all.” She retained that look of amusement.

“I guess her pregnancy hormones are the problem. According to Doctor Luigi, she’s also facing problems of hormonal imbalance. I can understand how she feels. In fact, I cannot understand, because I didn’t even understand mine when I was pregnant with you.” She chuckled, making me release another sigh of relief. I hadn’t done anything wrong, then. She was just going through a hormonal phase. “But I can relate to the feeling, I guess. You shouldn’t have left her on her own.”

“But she threw me out!” I yelled in exasperation.

“She what?!” Greta gave a really annoying chuckle.

“And what’s so funny about that?” I glared.

“What’s funny is that…..” She trailed off, tapping her chin and looking up, as if trying to recall whatever scene she had in mind. “The Manuel Russo I know, wouldn’t let a woman push him out of his own bedroom. Even a certain Francesca wouldn’t dare.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“I noticed you’ve been particularly mean to me, for a while now. Dearest brother, what have I done wrong?” She asked, purposely batting her lashes at me.

“For a start, you have to remind me to stop talking to you about my personal matters.”


“Because you told mom that I was Bianca’s first. Somehow, Tommaso knows about it as well. You know what that means; the entire Russo estate would know about it soon.”ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

“I think they do already.” She shrugged with a small smile.

“Seriously, Greta?”

“Whose fault is that?” She asked, making me glare at her in total disbelief.

“Is it mine?!”

“Clearly! I only told mom, but you told Anthonio and a few other family members and ushers who were within close range during your fight….” She was still talking when the lights suddenly went off. Fuck! I didn’t need an extra second to know that all was not well. Someone was trying to infiltrate the estate.

“Down to the floor, everyone.” I whispered, as I took stealth steps towards the direction of the center table. I gently pulled out the slim drawer that was inbuilt to the table, and took two guns out.

“Dad?” I whispered.

“I’m with a gun already? Head for your room, Bianca is alone. I would remain with your mom and sister. Tommaso and Matteo know what to do.” He instructed. Fair enough.

“Mom, Greta, remain calm.” I instructed. “The security would be here in no….” I paused my words the moment I heard a loud splitting scream. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! That was Bianca!!

If it was actually possible for a human to run in the speed of light, then I guess I just did. I went up the staircase in long strides and just as I got to the top, the lights came on. I could hear voices downstairs, as I made my way through the hallway, towards my room. Most likely, our security were here already. Without any waste of time, I kicked open our bedroom door, quickly pointing my weapon inside to gun down any intruder. I looked around and all I saw was just a shivering Bianca on the floor. One look at the open balcony door, and I knew the intruder had just escaped.

Immediately, I made my way to Bianca and scooped her off the floor where she laid. She had raised her head to see it was me, then immediately hid her face into my chest again. I could feel my shirt getting soaked and I knew she was crying. Just then, two of our men walked into the room and I gave them a signal to check the bathroom and scout everywhere properly.

“Someone was here!!” She cried out, looking up at me. I nodded in agreement. That wasn’t a lie, someone was here indeed. “Manuel someone was here!!”

“I know. I know. I’m so sorry.” I muttered into her ears, feeling so angry at myself that I wasn’t here with her. She would have been so terrified to have let out that scream. What really happened? I didn’t know if the right thing to do was interrogate her, when she was still trying to get over the incident that had just occured.

“They tried to hurt my babyyyy.” She muttered in between cries, making every hair on my body stand. What?!! For her to say that, only meant one thing. Whoever had come in here, had not only come in, but spoke with her.

“I’m so sorry.” I repeated, not knowing what to say. I guess I felt much more pathetic because I hadn’t been able to catch whoever it was. I hadn’t seen this coming. It had never happened before. This only meant that I had to become more alert and tighten the security around the estate. “I shouldn’t have left you here.” I apologized, and honestly felt better when she held onto me much tightly. My men returned from different angles of the room and shook their heads at me. I waved them off, and they walked out, closing the door behind them. It was a miracle that the door was still intact, even after the impact of my kick against it.

Bianca and I stayed in our position for a long while, as I rocked her back and forth. It seemed to have calmed her a bit and slowly, her breathing became even. She had slept off. I looked at her tear stricken face and I felt my chest do a little flip. I was angry deep within. Whoever had the guts to harrass my wife, wasn’t going to get away with it. I just suddenly felt this consuming need to want to protect her from any harm. To protect our unborn child. I had never felt emotions this strong before. I guess that is what happens when a man has a family of his own. I looked over her body to see that she had her hand on her tummy. Sighing deeply, I placed my free hand on hers. I had to find a way of assuring her that our baby was going to be safe. Now, I understood the way Alexander felt about Bella and their baby.

I was still rocking her body when a knock came on the door. I didn’t want to say anything in other to not wake Bianca. Luckily, the door opened and the person, or rather, people behind the door stepped in. It was my family. They all silently looked at me as I rocked Bianca’s body gently, and I could spot a sad smile on mom’s face.

“Is she okay?” My father mouthed, and I shrugged. I couldn’t say ‘yes’ because something bad had clearly happened. But I couldn’t say ‘no’ because she was much calmer now.

“We just wanted to be sure she’s fine.” Greta muttered. I could detect the sadness in her eyes. I nodded and gave a small smile in appreciation. They all left the next minute, and shut the door behind. It was so amazing how every member of my family had easily gotten so used to Bianca as a new member of our household. The woman was truly likeable, and that was the major problem I had with her in the beginning. It was new for me to have met someone who spiked my interest so easily, without even trying to. I also hated how much my body wanted her.

But now, I loved how much it craved her because more than anything, I was happy she was my wife now. I just only hoped for the day I could finally bury myself inside her again. I wanted it to be soon, but it didn’t seem like it was going to be that way. Our relationship seemed too platonic for that these days. I could tell that she still missed Anthonio, and that simply meant that she wasn’t going to give me access to her body anytime soon. It was so annoying! I knew I was being greedy by wanting her to just get over him and let me claim her, but you couldn’t blame me. This was a woman I even thought of, while in bed with my ex fiancee. No one would understand the restraint it had taken for me not to just look for her and beg to have my way with her.

After some time, I gently carried her to the middle of the bed, but her hand didn’t leave my neck, making it a little bit of a hassle to pull away and lay down.

“Shhh…. I’m here.” I whispered into her ear and suprisingly, she nodded, finally letting go of me. Immediately, I rounded the bed and laid behind her, pulling her body into mine.

I knew it was going to be difficult for me to sleep tonight because of this ugly event that had occured, but I didn’t mind. Atleast it meant I was gonna be on the watch for the rest of the night. I looked towards the balcony door to see it was locked. A lot of thoughts ran through my mind. I just knew I had to fish out this person. Who could it be? Who would want to hurt Bianca or our baby? The only person I had in mind was Francesca. Wasn’t it weird that with the way things ended between us and how much she claimed to love me, she hadn’t taken my calls or tried to reach out to me for some sort of explanation? What if it was Anthonio? But I didn’t want to believe he would try to hurt Bianca just because he couldn’t have her to himself. Who could it be? I would work with the few hunches I have, for a start. I didn’t care what it took, I was going to find Francesca and we were going to have a good talk. She had to understand that things had changed and I wasn’t going to take it, if my unborn child was hurt. Hell! I wasn’t going to stand for it, if as much as a single hair strand disappeared from Bianca’s body.

Sighing deeply, I continued to let my mind run in thoughts, and didn’t even realize that several hours had passed.

I began to feel Bianca move her body against mine. Was she about to wake up? Suddenly, she tried to move but couldn’t, because my hand held so tightly onto her.

“Where are you going?” I asked, but got no response from her, until after a few seconds.

“To pee.” She muttered, making me release my grip. She stood up and rushed into the bathroom. She was very pressed after all. I was more suprised when she rushed out so quickly from the bedroom a few minutes later. For a moment, I thought she had seen something or someone, until she returned to the bed and laid down like nothing happened. That was when I realized what just happened. She was scared. Oh God. Without thinking much, I pulled her into my arms, hoping she was gonna feel much calmer. It seemed to have worked, but I still had to verbally assure her.

“You are safe.” I whispered into her hot ear that rubbed against my lips in a way that made me feeling like nibbling on it. “They were just lucky this time. It would never repeat itself.” I assured, and felt better when she nodded.

A lot of minutes had passed and her breathing had calmed, but not the bulge that had started to grow in my pants. God, not now. She had just gone through a bad phase this night, it was wrong that all I could think of now, was burying myself inside her.

My breathing gradually became rough and I couldn’t hold myself from caressing her waist. At least, I could do that much while she slept. I was suprised to hear a very low gasp from her. Was she still awake? I was going to find out now. My hand moved from her breast, gently caressing her belly as it made its way up to her breasts. God! They were so soft. And I didn’t remember them feeling so full in my hands. They used to be full, but not this much. I knew I was gone past the point of return when she released a low sigh. I dropped a chaste kiss on her neck and didn’t relent in massaging her tits with my hand.

“Are you awake?” I found myself asking.

“Yes.” She whispered in response. She was awake and hadn’t tried to push me away. That was a good sign. Her reaction gave me a lot of hope, making me flip her over in a way that she straddled me. I had my reasons for doing so. I not only wanted to give her the choice of easily rejecting me, but also to not make her feel I was trying to take advantage of her vulnerable state. She had to know that she was the one in charge. She looked very suprised as she blinked her eyes a couple of times. It was only the bedside lamp that had been on, making the contours of her beautiful face enchantingly illuminated. Her full and pink lips were just too enticing to ignore.

“Kiss me.” I whispered. Wait…. did I sound commanding? I really wanted her to take charge. “Please kiss me.” I corrected myself, making her lips quiver slightly. Her breathing increased rapidly, making me sit up a bit as I rested my back on the bed head rest. Now, my face was much closer to hers. I rubbed her back soothingly, and she released another breathy sigh. Was she scared to take the lead? Not knowing what else to do, I put my hand around her neck and pulled her face closer to mine. We were close enough to share a kiss, but I didn’t try to kiss her. I wanted her to kiss me herself. Our eyes locked as we released hot breathe from our mouths, that intermingled with each other’s. God, I was so hard already.

“Should I?” She finally whispered, and I answered her with so much urgency.


“But isn’t it…. wr…” I didn’t let her complete that statement, before cutting her off.

“Right. It is right. We belong to each other now. Hmm?” I whispered.

“Hmmm.” She let out a breathy moan, rubbing the tip of her nose against mine. Finally, she leaned in and claimed my lips with hers. Heavenly.

Fuck you Anthonio.

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