Xavier’s POV

Jasmine isn’t home.

She has been ignoring me since we got back from Chicago. Our plan to go on an official date is ruined again.

And I fucking miss her.

I miss kissing and cuddling with her on our matrimonial bed.

I know she needs some space and I gave her space. We haven’t slept in the same bed for two days now.

After deciding to put an end to all of this and inviting Nicholas and his wife to the mansion so we can clear the air, she isn’t home.

I tried her number but it is unreachable.

Sebastian, who is a threat, is gone already but I still don’t feel ok having gone without prior notice or any bodyguard with her.

Anything can happen.

Being my wife makes her an easy target.

Restlessly, I pace the extent of our bedroom, trying her number again and again until it starts to ring.

After ringing for almost a minute, it goes into voicemail.


Impatiently, I stroll out heading towards the control room. I hope she hasn’t done anything silly.

I know she is sad about knowing the truth behind her paternity. The sadness has been hanging in the air since we left Chicago. I didn’t know how to pacify her but I was willing to find out the truth for her.

What her Aunt said back there has said it all. If her supposed mother isn’t her biological mother, then that explains why she looks just like Andre, why she has the same tattoo as Andre and why I mistook her for Andre.

When I get to the control room, I meet Felix inside. He rises instantly and greets me politely. “Good day, boss.”

I nod at him in reply before moving further into the room.

“I want to know when my wife left the house”, I say to him calmly, hoping he gets the message.

He does not say a word but slouches back into his seat before working his fingers on the computer to scroll back to the activities that have been going on in the house.

Then I saw her.

She is wearing a tight black sexy dress. Her hair isn’t white. She has that straight black wig on and she leaves it down making her look beautiful.

Her dress is strapless, showing a bit of her cleavage. She is also wearing make-up and high heels.

She is goddamn sexy.

Where the hell did she go in that dress? She has never dressed this way for me or whenever we are going out. She seems to be a conservative person, unlike Andre.

Suddenly, the thought of where she must have gone took over my worry about her safety.

Then I checked the time. She left the house at 11:05 am and this is noon.

I pat Felix on the back before heading out. I stroll towards the gate, hoping one of them would have an idea of where she went.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

The two guards at the gate greet me as I approach.

“My wife left the house a while ago. Did she tell you where she was heading to?” I demand from them.

Adam shakes his head. “No, boss but she left with Leonard.”


Relief washes through me instantly. Earlier in the control room, I was not patient enough to see if she left with one of the cars in the garage.

Honestly, the real reason why I went there was to see if my assumptions were wrong. I was having this weird feeling that she had gone back to Chicago. Seeing the video of her leaving with just a tiny purse made me feel better.

I fish my phone out of my pocket to give Leonard a call. He picks at the second ring.

“Where are you?” I turn back to go towards the garage.

“We are at Heaven’s Restaurant, boss. I’m here with madam.”

“Don’t tell her I called and send me the address”, I instruct before disconnecting the call.

Increasing my pace, I get to the garage and see Ethan approaching. I throw my phone at him and signal to him to drive.

He opens the nearest car and I hop into the back seat. He enters the driver’s seat and ignites the engine to action immediately.

My phone beeps and I know it is the address I asked Leonard to send.

“We are going to the address Leonard just sent to my phone. Check it out.”

“Ok, boss.” He stares down at him, his right hand on the wheel and the left holding the phone. When he looks up five seconds later, he begins to reverse out of the garage and out of the gate.

My mind drifts back to Grayson. He ought to be the one on duty today. If only he was still alive, he would have been the one with Jasmine wherever she was and not Leonard.

Anytime I remember how he lost his life protecting Jasmine, I always regret not making Sebastian die a painful death. The fact that he killed Grayson made me want to give him a slow, torturous death while he begged for mercy from both me and the dead Grayson.

But that didn’t happen.

We both shoot at each other in the heat of the moment. I shot him on the forehead and he died instantly.

I close my eyes, hoping Grayson will find peace and Sebastian nothing but hell.

When the car comes to a stop, I know we are at the restaurant already so I look out before Ethan can come get my door.

The restaurant isn’t that far from home and I am surprised the name doesn’t even sound familiar. It has a transparent door and I can see almost every individual inside.

I step down from the car, stretching my hand towards Ethan. He places the phone in my hand and I try Jasmine’s number again.

She is not in sight.

With the phone glued to my ears, I move closer to the entrance. Just before I can enter, I see her.

No. I see her back instead.

She is wearing that black dress and her hair is still down. My gaze shifts and I see she has company. She is laughing at something the person is saying.

He is a guy. He is wearing a white T-shirt and jeans with a black face cap.

I furrow my brows, anger coursing through me.

How can she come out to meet a man without informing me? She was supposed to call to inform me. That wouldn’t hurt, would it?

Who the hell is this guy?

I stand frozen at the entrance until someone taps me from behind. It is the security guard at the entrance.

This is when I realize I am stopping people from entering. Thinking I am here to patronize, he directs me inside and I go in.

Jasmine is no longer laughing but she has a smile on her face.

Ignoring the rush of adrenaline and the feeling of insecurity, I move along towards the counter where people are ordering their meals and snacks.

I want to watch them from a distance. I want to know what this person is meeting her for and why he is making her laugh that way.

I can remember vividly that she mentioned she never had a boyfriend. I have never been in a relationship either but I know it isn’t right to meet other admirers while in a relationship.

Besides, this isn’t even a casual relationship. This is more than a relationship. We are f**king married. Why does she have to entertain other men when she is legally married to me?

“How can we help you, sir?” One of the attendants asks, making me tear my gaze from them eventually.

“I need a bottle of red wine, please”, I mention and she furrows her brow in surprise. Ignoring her, I look back to see the man sitting opposite Jasmine leaning forward to whisper something in her ears.

Then he gets up and opens his arms for her to embrace him.

I lost it.

Before I know it, I leave the counter and approach them in full strides, fuming in rage with my nose flaring up.

Who the hell is this idiot?

When I get there, my anger increases tenfold as Jasmine sees me and her eyes go wide in shock before she disengages from the idiot.

Without hesitation, I grab the man’s shoulder and slam my fist into his jaws, earning a wince from him and a loud gasp from Jasmine.

Uncaring about causing a scene, I move closer to grab him again when Jasmine holds me back.

“Xavier, what the hell are you doing?” She blocks me from attacking him again, looking extremely upset.

I don’t care.

I just want this idiot hugging a married woman to know that she is mine and I don’t share.

I step away and I am about to grab him when I see his face.

His face cap is lying on the ground and I see a trail of blood from the corner of his mouth which must be as a result of my blow.

“Wow, did you just hit me because you are jealous, Xavier?” Despite his state, he is still in the mood for jokes.

Not feeling a tiny bit of regret for hitting him, I growl in irritation. “What the hell are you doing here, Alex?!”

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