The Mafia’s Substitute Bride

Chapter 93. Negotiation

Don Adrik seethed with anger. His carefully devised plan had failed, and everything had gone disastrously wrong, defying his expectations. He had foolishly believed he could make the great Leonardo Morelli bow to his demands. What a laughable notion! No one in this world could bend the indomitable Leonardo Morelli to their will. Adrik was about to learn, in the harshest way, that he had made a grave mistake by summoning Leonardo there.

His face was flushed red, and he had lost all sense of reason as he barked orders at his men, commanding them to point their guns at Leonardo. Anger had clouded his judgment, making him blind to the reality that Leonardo Morelli was synonymous with death itself. Did they not understand the perilous path they were treading?

Did Adrik truly believe that Leonardo would surrender just because he had managed to keep Leonardo’s wife away from him for a single day? Such delusions existed only in Adrik’s twisted mind. Leonardo remained composed, watching as they held their guns steady, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at their stupidity. These fools could never penetrate the fortress of his mind.

In a swift, calculated move, Leonardo surveyed the room, ensuring he knew every detail before they could react. Then, with lightning speed, he lunged forward, picking up a broken glass shard and pressing it dangerously close to Don Adrik’s neck.

“You so much as twitch a finger, and I’ll sever his throat before you can blink,” Leonardo warned, his eyes like steel, daring any of Adrik’s men to challenge him.

Don Adrik swallowed hard, nervousness evident in his voice as he stammered, “Y-you’re making a mistake, Don Leonardo. You won’t escape from here. You’ve walked right into your deathbed.”

But there was no fear in Leonardo’s gaze, only quiet confidence, as he calmly replied, “We’ll see about that, Adrik.”

Leonardo’s dark laughter filled the room, sending chills down everyone’s spine. “Your life is under this mere piece of glass, and yet you dare to threaten me?” he taunted, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. “Do you not understand what I am capable of? I wouldn’t hesitate to slit your neck and set your soul free from that wretched body,” he declared, clenching his jaw tightly.

With a sharp whistle, Leonardo called forth his men, and they swiftly poured into the room, surrounding Don Adrik and his gang. The power shift was palpable as the tide turned in Leonardo’s favor.

“Drop your weapons if you want your boss to see another day,” Leonardo warned Adrik’s men, his eyes glinting with authority. His own men quickly disarmed the opponents and held them captive, keeping a firm grip on the situation. Mark, one of Leonardo’s trusted lieutenants, placed the muzzle of his gun against Don Adrik’s head, a stark reminder of the danger he was facing.

Having made his point, Leonardo released his hold on Don Adrik and settled back on the couch, stretching his arms across the armrest. His piercing gaze locked onto Adrik, a cold smirk playing on his lips.

“Mark, make sure our guest is comfortably seated on the couch,” Leonardo commanded, and Mark promptly followed his boss’s orders, though he kept the gun steady, never letting his guard down.

“Now, I have an offer for you,” Leonardo proposed, the air thick with tension. Despite the dire circumstances, Don Adrik was known for his penchant for deals, even in the most adverse situations.

“Either you sign a deal to merge your Mafia into my kingdom, working under my rule, or you choose death. The choice is yours,” Leonardo declared, his voice firm and unwavering. “I would gladly grant you either fate, for it is I who holds the throne in this realm.”

The tables had turned completely. Once a captor, Don Adrik was now the captive, faced with the overwhelming might of Leonardo’s empire. The balance of power had shifted, and Leonardo’s dominance was evident to all in the room.

“You can’t do that,” Don Adrik spat, his voice dripping with defiance. “And if you think that you can easily escape my country after killing me, that’s not going to be that easy. Don Leonardo, you are making a big mistake in your life by making us your enemies.”

A cold smile played on Leonardo’s lips, his face etched with determination. “You were never a friend, Don Adrik,” he retorted, his voice firm and resolute. “You started our enmity by kidnapping my wife and challenging me to come here and show you your place. You should have thought before doing this. Now it’s my turn to serve justice.”

With those words, Leonardo rose from his chair, every movement exuding strength and purpose. Slowly, he began walking towards Adrik, his steps measured and deliberate. The tension in the room escalated, and the space seemed to shrink as their confrontation reached its pinnacle.

“You are nothing more than a piece of shit,” Leonardo’s voice rang out, unyielding and fierce. “Using women to make your enemy weak is an act of a coward, and you have proven that you don’t have the guts to talk to me face to face like a man. And I’ll show you how a real man protects his family.”

Without warning, Leonardo lunged forward, catching Adrik’s collar in a vice-like grip, pulling him up to his feet. Adrik winced in pain, but Leonardo was relentless, his eyes burning with anger.

“I will show you what it would be like screwing me for no good reason,” Leonardo warned darkly, before delivering a powerful knee to Adrik’s vulnerable groin. Adrik groaned, doubled over, clutching his abdomen in agony.

Leonardo, not done yet, yanked Adrik’s collar once again, forcing him to stand upright. With a fierce determination, he unleashed a crushing punch on Adrik’s stomach, sending him sprawling a foot away, gasping for breath.

Drawing near Adrik, Leonardo leaned over him, his eyes ablaze with fury. “This was for making my Sofia cry,” he shouted, his voice echoing through the room.

Leonardo stepped back, his chest heaving with anger and resentment. He couldn’t bear to see his beloved wife hurt, and the pain she endured fueled his righteous wrath. With a swift motion, he raised his foot and brought it down with unbridled force on Adrik’s stomach, a final blow meant to extinguish the very life from his enemy.

In a dimly lit, smoky room filled with tension, Leonardo’s eyes burned with anger and determination. His fists clenched tightly at his sides as he faced Adrik, the man responsible for making his pregnant wife suffer. Leonardo’s voice trembled with fury as he confronted the one who dared to harm his beloved.

“How dare you throw your dirty gaze toward my wife and think of harming her! You’ll pay for all the pain and suffering she went through when she was away from me,” he spat, his words dripping with venom.

With a primal rage, Leonardo unleashed a flurry of kicks upon Adrik, who crumpled to the floor, his face bruised and bloodied. Breathing heavily, Leonardo stepped back, leaving Adrik to lie in his own crimson pool.

Still seething, Leonardo turned to his loyal associate, Mark, who stood by his side. “Make all of them suffer in hell until they beg for mercy,” he commanded, his voice cutting through the tension like a knife.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Adrik, despite being beaten and battered, found a last burst of defiance. “You will regret this, Don Leonardo. I’ll make sure you never see your wife and baby again in this lifetime,” he croaked out, his voice breaking.

The threat struck a nerve with Leonardo, and his vision blurred with fury. In an instant, he turned, and Mark instinctively threw a gun toward him. Leonardo caught it, his grip unyielding.

Without hesitation, he aimed the gun at Adrik, the man who dared threaten his family. The sound of bullets breaking the silence echoed in the room as Leonardo emptied the chamber into Adrik’s body, each shot carrying his rage and protectiveness for Sofia.

His eyes still ablaze with anger, Leonardo stood there, feeling an unsettling mix of satisfaction and revulsion for what he had just done. He had never feared anything in his life, but the mere thought of losing Sofia had turned him into a vengeful force.

“Mark!” Leonardo turned to his trusted ally, his expression stern. Mark knew exactly what needed to be done and nodded in response.

Leaving behind the scene of chaos, Leonardo strode towards the exit, his mind already on one thing getting back to Sofia. He knew he had to protect her, for she was his everything. The thought of being without her made his heart ache, and he would do whatever it took to keep her safe.

Outside, his private aircraft awaited him, ready to take him back to Sofia’s side. The turmoil was over, and Leonardo couldn’t wait to hold her in his arms, to feel the peace of her presence after this harrowing ordeal.

At that moment, nothing else mattered to Leonardo. He was a man driven by love and a fierce determination to shield his family from harm, even if it meant confronting the darkest corners of his soul.

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