The Mafia’s Third Wife: Between The Devil’s Triangle

Raging Anger

“That’s a good idea,” I said. “We just need to make sure that the location is not too close to where we live or work. We don’t want to give away any clues about where we are.”

“We also need to be very careful about what we say during the meeting,” I continued. “We don’t want to give away any information that could be used against us. We need to be very cautious and calculated with our words.

We don’t know him very well to share some valuable info with him.” Raven said.

“I agree,” Alfredo said. “We should also come up with a code word or phrase that we can use to signal if something is wrong. That way, if one of us feels unsafe, we can let the others know without raising suspicion.”

“That’s a great idea,” Raven said.

“I’m feeling like a detective here. Don’t you guys feel that way too?” Alejandro asked.

“We’re not detectives but we want to stop those bad men who want to destroy more lives to get power.” Raven said.

“That’s right,” I said. “We may not be professional detectives, but we have a responsibility to our community to try to stop these criminals. And we’re the only ones who can do it. We’re the only ones who know the full story and can put the pieces together.”

“And we’re the only ones who care enough to try,” Raven added. “The authorities have given up on this case, but we can’t let it go. We owe it to the victims to find justice for them.”

“And we owe it to ourselves,” Alfonso said.

“So Alejandro call your reliable source and arrange where we should meet him and the time we should meet up with him to discuss,” Alfredo said.

“Alright, let me do that right away,” Alejandro said as he took out his phone.

“Wait!” Raven said.

“I don’t think he should use his phone.”

“Why?” Alejandro asked.

“For all we know, Ramos might have wiretapped your phone so that he would know anyone you talk to and who you meet up with,” Raven said.

“Oh, my then he must know we are here and his coming to get us because I used it not quite long to call my family to know if they were okay,” Alejandro said.

“So we have to get out of here fast.” Alfredo said.

“It’s too risky to stay here.” Alfredo agreed. “We have to leave now, before Ramos can track us down. And we need to destroy your phone, Alejandro, to make sure he can’t use it to track us. I know it’s a big sacrifice, but it’s for the best.”

“You’re right,” Alejandro said, a note of resignation in his voice. “I’ll do it.”

“Let’s go,” Alfonso said, heading for the door. “We need to move quickly and quietly. We don’t want to draw any attention to ourselves.”

As they moved silently through the house, Alfredo couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding. He felt like they were running out of time, like Ramos was closing in on them and they were racing against the clock. But they had to keep going, they had to keep moving, they had to keep fighting.

They left the place and entered a car to another unknown location before Ramos would be able to catch up to them.

As the car drove through the night, the friends inside sat in silence. The tension of the past few days had been wearing on them, and they were all exhausted. But they were also determined to keep going, to find a way to defeat Ramos and end his reign of terror.

Alfredo looked out the window, watching the dark streets pass by. He felt a sense of hope, of determination. They were close, he could feel it. They were so close to victory….

Meanwhile, Don Rizzo is pissed about the broadcast and had summoned Ramos to his house.

As Ramos entered the house, Rizzo punched him with anger.

“You had one job to do huh? One job and you failed!

You were instructed to bring that bitch to me but instead, she is still roaming free and trying to destroy my political career.

What are you gonna do about that huh?

Tell me!” Don Rizzo asked his voice filled with anger.

“Almino is tracking them down and will find them.

We did before but they kidnapped my daughter so I couldn’t do anything.” Ramos explained.

“I don’t need your goddamn explanation. I just need you to find that bitch and bring her to me!

I want to rip her neck off for all the damages she has done to my political career.” Don Rizzo said.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it,” Ramos said, trying to sound confident. “We’ll find her and deal with her. I promise.”

But Rizzo wasn’t convinced. “I’m tired of your empty promises,” he said, his voice low and dangerous. “I want results, Ramos. And I want them now.”

“I’m doing everything I can,” Ramos said, trying to keep his composure. “But it’s not easy.

They keep moving to a different location so it’s difficult to track them down.”

“I don’t care how you do it. I need you to find her and bring her here immediately. You understand me?!” Rizzo shouted.

“Yes, Don Rizzo.” Ramos said.

As Rizzo continued to berate him, Ramos felt his blood boil. He wanted to scream, to tell Rizzo where he could shove his demands. But he knew that would be a death sentence. So he just stood there, taking the verbal assault, praying that this nightmare would end soon.

Finally, Rizzo seemed to tire of yelling. He took a deep breath and looked at Ramos. “You have one week to get her to me,” he said. “And if you fail, you know what will happen.”

“Yes, Don Rizzo,” Ramos said, his voice shaking.

Ramos left the house feeling like a caged animal. He was trapped, forced to do Rizzo’s bidding or face the consequences. He knew that Rizzo was a dangerous man and that he had to be careful. But he also knew that he couldn’t just sit by and do nothing. He had to find a way to get out of this situation, and fast.

But he needed Rizzo because he could give him power when he rose more in power in the political world.

Despite the danger, Ramos knew that being close to Rizzo could be extremely beneficial for his career. The man had a lot of influence, and if Ramos played his cards right, he could use that influence to his own advantage. But first, he had to find a way to deal with the Raven problem.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

As he drove, he kept thinking about how he could find her, and what he would do when he did. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn’t realize he was speeding. It wasn’t until he heard the siren that he realized he was in trouble.

He called Almino.

“Hello?” Almino’s voice came through the phone, sounding groggy.

“Hey, it’s me, Ramos,” Ramos said

“Any information about Raven’s whereabouts?”

“Not yet. But I’m still looking.” Almino said.

“We don’t have time, Almino. Don Rizzo has given us a short time and so we need to look for her and fast.” Ramos said.

“I understand your frustration,” Almino said, “but rushing isn’t going to help us find her.”

“I don’t care! You have two days to give me positive feedback about your search. Or else you would suffer the consequences.” Ramos threatened.

“I understand your urgency,” Almino said, “but threats won’t help the situation. I’m doing everything I can to find her. Can you please just give me some time?”

“I can’t,” Ramos said, his voice rising in frustration. “Don Rizzo is putting a lot of pressure on me. I need to get this done, and I need your help.”

“I’m doing my best,” Almino said, trying to keep his voice calm. “But I can’t do the impossible.”

“Once I get any information, I will let you know,” Almino said.

“You have two days to deliver. If you don’t then you will suffer the consequences.” Ramos said.

“I understand your conditions,” Almino said, trying to keep his voice calm. “But I’m afraid that your demands are unrealistic. I can’t find someone in just two days, especially with the limited information we have. I’m doing the best I can, but I can’t promise results in such a short timeframe.”

“I don’t care what you think is realistic,” Ramos said, his tone growing angrier. “You have to find her, no matter what it takes. Do you understand?”

Almino sighed. “Yes, I understand.”

Almino hung up the phone, feeling exhausted and frustrated. He knew that Ramos was being unreasonable, but he also knew that he had no choice but to try to meet his demands. He just hoped that he would be able to find Raven before time ran out.

Ramos on the other hand is pissed and wants to find those assholes who are giving him a tough time and end them.

“I’ll find you Raven and end you and the Sanchez brothers.” He told himself.

Anger clouded Ramos’s mind, making it difficult to think clearly. But even through the haze of rage, he knew that acting impulsively would only make things worse.

He needed to think carefully, to come up with a plan that would help him achieve his goal without getting himself into even more trouble.

But his anger was like a storm raging inside him, making it hard to think clearly. He paced around his office, trying to calm himself down. He took deep breaths, focusing on the air flowing in and out of his lungs.

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