The Mating Rules

Book 2 – Chapter 3

The men around me stare at me in silence as my words sink in. I watch as Hadley frowns, nodding his head slowly, ‘Lee is right, why would the council make a law about something that has never happened before? What would have made them ever consider that something like this could be a possibility?’

The others around us glance at each other, everyone thinking over what I have just said.

As we are all lost in our thoughts over my questions, Alpha Scott’s eyes glaze over and a frown forms on his face as he converses with someone via the mind link.

We all wait in agitation until his gaze clears and he turns his head toward my father in confusion.

‘That was the guard at the entrance to the territory’ he says, ‘there is an old woman standing just outside, demanding to see me.’

My father’s eyes widened, ‘human?’ he queries.

Alpha Scott shakes his head, ‘Ray can’t pick up what she is, but she’s not a wolf or a human, her scent isn’t anything he has smelt before.’

My dad frowns, ‘does he think she’s a threat? Any information as to why she is here?’ he asks.

Again, the Alpha shakes his head, ‘she refuses to talk to anyone but me’ he replies, ‘the only thing she has said is to make sure that the wolf with two mates is with me.’

My father growls, the sound drowned out only by Caden’s own much louder and more aggressive growl as Hadley pulls me closer to him.

‘How does anyone outside of the pack know about Jamie-Lee and the boys?’ my dad demands angrily. ‘We have been undeniably careful not to let any other pack find out about the dual mating just to give JJ a fair chance to decide without outside influence.’

I duck my head slightly at my father’s words, avoiding everyone else’s gaze. Yeah, we don’t need to rehash how that ended right now, everyone is antsy enough without a reminder of my double mating.

My father climbs to his feet, looking unhappy but determined, ‘I will go down and meet her’ he states, walking toward the door, his hand reaching out for the door knob.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

The Alpha nods, ‘if you don’t get a good vibe, call in the warriors’ he orders, ‘if not, bring her up, and let’s see what she wants and how the hell she knows about Lee.’

My dad leaves the office, and we sit making awkward small talk until there is a deep knock on the door and it opens again to reveal my father followed by an old woman, bent almost double with age. Her heavily lined face holds dark blue eyes that snap around the room, sharp and assessing as she absorbs each person around her, silently assessing us all.

‘Finally’ she huffs, walking toward one of the seats across from Alpha Scott and dropping into the chair, glaring at our leader as though he’s personally offended her.

‘Sorry, Ms . . ‘ Alpha Scott starts reluctantly.

‘Luella’ the woman replies in her gravely voice, ‘and I’m not here for you’ she adds, ‘I’m here for her.’ She points toward me as my mates crowd me protectively, eyeing the stranger suspiciously.

‘You have no business with my mate’ Caden growls.

Luella rolls her eyes, ‘let me guess’ she retorts, ‘you are the Alpha one? how cliche.’

Caden’s wolf rumbles in his chest, ‘what is that supposed to mean?’

‘Caden’ his father warns, turning his attention back to the woman who seems completely unconcerned by my mate’s aggressive tone.

‘Forgive my son, he’s newly mated and a little protective’ he explains.

The old woman raises an eyebrow at him, ‘I’m less bothered by your son’s lack of restraint and more about your lack of manners’ she scolds. ‘Where I come from, you offer a guest refreshment, especially one who has travelled for the last seven days on a number of buses to get here. Do you know that your nearest bus stop is four miles away? Doubtful, i’m sure if you had to walk it, there would be one outside of your boundary.’

The five of us exchange curious glances before my dad’s eyes glaze over, no doubt calling for an Omega to bring up some drinks. The door opens moments later and a teenage Omega slides in, placing a large tray filled with cups and a teapot on the corner of the desk. Bowing quickly to Alpha Scott and my dad, she hurries out of the room again, shutting the door behind her.

‘You’ Luella grumbles, pointing at Hadley, ‘pour me some tea, one sugar, no milk, can’t stand the stuff.’

My mate nods and stands up, doing as she asks, handing her the cup and saucer before also pouring the hot liquid into the other five cups and handing them out to everyone, then taking his seat again next to me.

‘Have you finished bossing us around now?’ Caden huffs, placing his cup on the coffee table, untouched.

I place my hand on his arm, using the bond to calm him as I look at the old woman, ‘why did you come to visit us?’ I asked curiously, ‘and why did you ask for me to be here?’

Luella turns her gaze to me, a small smile stretching across her face, ‘we have business that we need to discuss, preferably without the audience’ she adds with a disdainful look at the men around me.

‘Oh hell no, I’m not leaving my mate alone’ Caden retorts immediately.

‘I’m sorry, ma-am but Jamie-Lee is my pack member, her safety is my concern and she will not be left alone with a stranger’ Alpha Scott says at the same time.

The old woman snorts, ‘what, you think your female beta ranked wolf can’t overpower a little old lady like me if I tried something? You have very little faith in your own warrior training Alpha, you might want to consider that with how many pack wars you lot like to get into.’

‘It’s fine’ I murmur, nodding to my dad and the Alpha, ‘would you mind if we used the office?’

My father shares a look with his best friend before they both nod and stand, leaving the room, shutting the door behind them though I doubt they have gone further than the hallway.

‘I’d prefer that my mates stay’ I add softly as Hadley stands up to follow the older wolves, Caden gripping my hand possessively. ‘We have no secrets and it just means I don’t need to repeat everything to them afterward.’

The old woman studies each of the werewolves beside me before nodding, ‘that is probably a good idea as this affects them too’ she agrees.

Hadley sits down again, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as he gives the woman his full attention.

Luella stands up and moves over to the seat that my father left just a few moments earlier, sitting herself down on the plump cushions and making herself comfortable.

‘As I said, I am Luella’ she starts brusquely, ‘and I am a Seer.’

Caden frowns beside me, ‘what like you can see the future?’ he asks gruffly.

The old woman glares at him, ‘no’ she snaps, ‘I am not a fortune teller, nor do I predict the future, I am a Seer, I see things!’

‘What’s the difference’ the young Alpha mutters to himself.

Luella obviously hears him as she scowls at him, ‘the future cannot be predicted, wolf’ she snaps, ‘every decision ever made can alter the course of destiny. I could sit here and tell you that you will all live until you are two hundred, but then your arrogant butt could decide to do something stupid that I had not foreseen and end up killing this other one here, thus changing the course of my prediction.’

‘So what is a Seer?’ I ask, inching forward in my seat.

Luella smiles at me, ‘That requires some back story’ she replies, taking a sip of her tea and placing the cup and saucer directly onto the coffee table between them, uncaring of Caden’s frown. ‘When life started, the four entities chose who they wanted in their world. They each had a vision, beings that they thought would be the most interesting to watch. They gave these beings what you would call, free will, the ability to make your own choices, thus making you unpredictable and exciting. The entities, wanted their creations lives to be documented, every major situation, written into ledgers like an eternal diary.

They came together and created four sisters, timeless lifeforms whose sole purpose was to track the lives of their children, marking their triumphs and mistakes for all time.

Each sister was given the power of sight, the ability to zone in on every important moment in the lives of these creatures so that she may document them for her employer. First was Elena, the Seer of the mystical creatures, brought to the Earth by Cyfrin. She can see the lives of every Fairy, Elf, Goblin etcetera and she follows their stories diligently. The mystical entity loved beauty and wanted this new world to be filled with dainty beings that would only enhance the world around them.

Next came Odette, chosen by the creator Thana, maker of those you call Vampires and any other soulless creature that roams these plains. Thana wanted protectors, beings that couldn’t be killed, liking the strength that was involved in such a creation. She had them use b***d for food, it was readily available with so many living beings and they would only need a few mouthfuls a night to quench their hunger.

Third was myself, chosen by the one you call the Moon Goddess, I am connected to the Werewolf world and the magic casters you call Witches and Warlocks, seeing everything of importance that happens in your lives. Selene wanted strong children, that could protect themselves and others. She chose the wolf as your other form as they were known to protect all that they loved. The Witches were there to offer a magical support, the two designed to work in harmony together.

Finally, is our youngest sister, Doretta, she is the Seer of the humans, documenting each and every moment that affects their lives for the entity known as Ilya.

Ilya, didn’t covet any special powers for his creations, he just wanted to enjoy the simple lives of a race without any enhancement, free to live without interference or pressure.

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