The Mating Rules

Book 2 – Chapter 44

I glance upward as the sound of scraping can be heard, looks like there were deadbolts on the door after all.

The slow creak of the locks being slid back echo around us before the sound of a key turning and the click of a lock comes through.

The door slowly opens and we hear the sound of heavy footfalls on the metal steps above our heads.

‘Hope he’s still going to be docile’ one voice grunts roughly as they shut the door behind them.

‘Doc, make sure you stay back until we get him down, I still don’t trust the fucker not to be playing a game with us’ another voice snarls.

‘Oh I am not going anywhere near that brute until you have him on the ground’ the reedy voice of who I know is the guy who injects me everyday, replies firmly.

‘I kinda wish he would start something’ a third voice huffs, ‘I still owe him for the broken nose.’

I can’t help the smirk that crawls across my face, remembering the c***k as I kicked the i***t in his face because he didn’t have hold of my legs.

Thick military style boots appear in front of us as they reach the bottom of the steps and land on the floor centimetres from where we are hidden.

Zenith grabs my attention silently, pointing to himself and holding up two fingers and then pointing to me and holding up two fingers again.

I nod in understanding, he takes out two and I take out two. I point silently to the right two sets of boots, and the Vampire nods back, the two of us on the same page regarding how to do this.

The four men have already stepped away from the stairs and are heading back down the corridor that we walked up earlier.

I slide out from behind the stairs and creep up behind them, thankful that they are walking in formation, the doctor and a guard at the front, two more guards behind them. None of them have a gun much to my surprise, but then again, we are supposed to be locked in cells and I don’t think any of them want to risk bringing a firearm into my cell just in case I manage to take it.

Zenith moves swiftly beside me, his movements fluid and silent as we move into position behind the two guards and grab them around the neck at the same time. A scream leaves the man beign held by Zenith as the Vampire sinks his fangs into the guard’s jugular, ripping out flesh so his b***d flows out in an unstoppable stream.

I have my own guard in a headlock, and I use all my strength to rip his head to the side, snapping the man’s neck.

The last guard is already on me, tackling me to the ground as I drop his dead friend’s body. My back slams into the floor, the third guard on top of me, slamming his fists into my face as I hold my arms up to protect myself.

Zenith is drinking hungrily from his own dead man and out of the corner of my eye I can see the doctor backing up, away from us, fear radiating off him before he turns around and runs away from us.

‘Zen!’ I yell, keeping my arms up in front of my face, ‘the doctor!’

A snarl of annoyance rips out of my friend before he tosses the body of the guard to one side like he weighs no more than a bag of sugar and runs at speed after the medic who realising he’s being chased, screams piercingly as he tries to get away.

My focus returns to the guard who has pulled out a knife from somewhere on his body, and is lifting it above his head, readying himself to shove it into my chest. I move quickly grabbing his wrist and forcing the blade to the side so it hits the floor beside me. Swearing, the guard pulls his hand from me, trying again to stab me, but I buck my h**s and throw him off balance sending him sprawling as I roll over and scramble to my feet.

The man in front of me, jumps up too, knife in his left hand as he takes a defensive stance. ‘I’ve wanted to f*ck you over for a while now’ he spits, his voice telling me that it’s the same guy whose nose I broke.

I smile sardonically, ‘well what are you waiting for?’ I reply, beckoning him with my hand.

The guard lunges toward me, knife extended as I dodge to the side, throwing a punch that catches him in the ribs just as he stumbles past me. Gripping his side, he spins back toward me and lunges again, I shift to the side but this time I’m not quite fast enough and the knife nicks my arm making me hiss.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

Damn thing is silver, and the cut burns like a b***h but I don’t have time to give the injury any attention as my adversary is already following up his strike with a s***h across my stomach.

I jump back, barely getting myself out of the way, sucking in my muscles as the blade flies across the front of me, barely millimetres from my t-shirt covered flesh.

I drop to the ground, swinging my leg around, taking out the other man’s legs, causing him to fall onto his back and I jump on him as the knife clatters from his grip and slides over toward the wall. Trying to pin his arms with my legs, I rain punches down on his face and torso, looking for an opening around his arms that he’s holding up in defence.

The guard isn’t going down without a fight, and he manages to wriggle his arms out, grabbing at my wrist and using the leverage to roll us over so he’s on top and I’m now the one trying to protect myself again.

I’m at a disadvantage, but I manage to get in a few hits to his ribs as the guard concentrates on my face, I assume that he is hoping to knock me out somehow.

We grapple for control, rolling back and forth, neither of us managing to stay on top for long. A snarl leaves my lips as pain rockets through my side, glancing down, I find the silver knife is protruding out of my side. As we rolled around, we moved within reach and the bastard managed to pick it up without me seeing.

I fall to the side, the blade sliding from my skin as the other man scrambles to his feet, his one hand gripped tightly around the handle of the knife, whilst the fingers of the other tentatively touch his l*p that’s pouring b***d.

Staggering to my feet, I press a hand to the cut, hoping it isn’t deep, I don’t think it’s hit anything vital but it burns like a b***h.

‘Not so big and scary now are you, dog?’ the guard spits at me, eying the b***d that’s seeping through my fingers with obvious triumph.

I hear a distant growl in my mind and my surprise, my wolfs claws slowly extending from my fingers, sliding down my shirt and over the denim of my jeans. Glancing down at them, I move my gaze back up to my opponent, a smirk crawling across my face as the guy’s face whitens, his glaze flickering from one side to the other, his cockiness oozing out of him right in front of me.

I don’t even give a thought to how I’ve managed to bring out Hunters claws, all I concentrate on is that I am now as armed as he is and a damn sight more deadly.

I swipe across his stomach with my left hand, leaving four cuts through his shirt as he leaps away from me. No b***d unfortunately but the fear now radiating of the man tells me he’s catching up to just how f*cked he is.

‘How’ the guard whimpers in panic, the knife gripped tightly in his hand as he backs away from me slowly, eyeing me like a dangerous predator. He’s not far off the mark either, right now, all I want is to rip this guy apart. My eyes must warn him because with a muted scream, he turns around and runs. I chase after him, snarling loudly, our feet thundering against the bare floor as I gain on him easily.

He rounds a corner and skids to a stop, causing me to slam into his back, unprepared for the rapid halt of his movements.

In front of us, the doctor is laying on the floor, face up, eyes staring unseeingly at the ceiling as his shoulders are supported by Zenith who is drinking hungrily from his neck. The doctor’s skin is a pasty grey colour, and there are a few bite marks across his arms and chest which is exposed through claw marks that I assume came from Zenith before he found his feeding spot.

The walls echo back the sounds of the vampire’s mouth drawing the dead man’s b***d from his vein, the long drawn out slurps mixed in with soft m***s of ecstasy.

The guard whimpers softly, stumbling back into my chest, his eyes fixated on the two men in front of us. The noise draws Zenith’s attention as he teeth retract from the skin of his victim and he looks up toward us, eyes glazed, a ring of red around his pupils. B***d runs from the edges of his mouth as his gaze fixates on the b***d that is running down my side from the stab wound I got via the guard’s knife.

‘Holy sh*t’ the guard whispers in horror, unable to drag his gaze from the sight until the vampire’s red stained tongue flickers out and laps at the corners of his lips. Bending over at the waist, the guard shakes his head, heaving as he clutches his stomach, fighting not to throw up.

I look between the two men, making a decision quickly. I can’t deal with Zenith if I’ve got this guy running around screaming. I grab the guard’s head, dragging it upwards and slicing my claws through his neck, cleanly severing his head. The man’s body slumps to the floor, and I toss aside his head, my gaze never leaving he vampire’s who is still staring at me, licking his lips.

‘Zenith’ I say loudly, staying in place, ‘You know me, I’m your friend.’

The vampire c***s his head to the side, his eyes aren’t focusing on me, I’m not sure that he can even hear me.

‘Zenith!’ I roar, taking a defensive stance as the man slowly rises to his feet, hand outstretched toward me. ‘Don’t make me do this man, we’re friends, please don’t make me do this’ I beg.

I step back as the vampire moves toward me, I can hear as his fangs slowly slide out again.

‘Please Zen’ I whisper, ‘please! I don’t want to hurt you.’

The Vampire lunges at me suddenly, and I dart out of the way as quickly as I can despite the hindrance of my injuries. Zenith is strong, but I’m faster and I avoid his questing hands, all the time yelling his name as he stalks me.

‘Zenith!’ I almost scream, as his fingers wrap around my wrist and the vampire pulls it up to his mouth. He’s so damn strong, I can’t pull myself from his grip, not when I’m weakened already by the wolfsbane and the silver.

I look at my friend, my chest hurting as I whisper, ‘I’m so sorry my friend’ before I move forward, taking the man by surprise. Zenith stumbles backwards from the lack of tension between us and I use my other hand to grip his neck, turning him around and slamming his head into the wall of the corridor.

The deafening c***k of a skull hitting concrete over and over is all that fills my ears, but I keep going until the vampire’s grip on my wrist loosens and finally lets me go.

Releasing the man, I watch him slump down to the ground, unconscious. I move closer uncertainly, watching his chest until I see the slight rise and fall of his ribs that tells me I haven’t killed him.

I wobble on my feet as the adrenaline leaves me with a whoosh and I slide to the floor, resting my head on my knees as a sob of relief forces its way from my lips.

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