The Mating Rules

Book 2 – Chapter 6

I sat there open mouthed, staring at the woman in front of me.

‘So Jamie-Lee is in danger’ Hadley finally asks, an edge to his voice as he watched the woman closely.

Luella nods sadly, ‘I’m afraid so’ she replies, ‘Avrilak, that is his name, he may not yet be knowledgeable about your mate’s blooming, but he will find out and when he does, he will come for her.’

She fixes both my mates with a steely gaze, ‘you need to protect her, both of you. I don’t know what it means that the Spirit Wolf was marked by two mates, but I do know that this is the first time it’s happened and that something monumental is occurring. Whether it’s a good or bad thing is yet to be seen, there are many branches to your tree, it’s up to you which one you venture out on and whether it will hold your weight or snap underneath you.’

Caden tilts his head, contemplating her words, ‘you say that there have been many of this Spirit Wolf before’ he mutters, ‘but I’ve never seen or heard any mention of this special wolf before. Not in bedtime stories or teachings at school, surely as such an important leader she’d be in all the history books.’

Luella sighs, rubbing her temples with her thumb and forefinger, some of her fight leaving her as she meets my gaze.

‘The Spirit Wolf was a coveted creature’ she admits reluctantly, ‘Avrilak was not the only person who wished to ensnare the mystical wolf. Many came after her when she appeared, hungry for her power. The Goddess made a choice, to wipe memory of her existence from every mind. Each time a Spirit Wolf spawns, it is as though it is the first time to your world. I of course know about her, I am not human and as the record keeper I need to know and Avrilak also knows. Though human, he holds the Goddess’ essence in his b***d, almost immortal now, his memory cannot be tampered with like the rest of your world.

None of the stories regarding the Spirit Wolf male their way from my tomes into your books, she is a closely guarded secret that will die with the three of you.’

Caden shakes his head, ‘so why doesn’t this Warlock bloke tell people, that makes no sense, he must have told his followers, you said he had some.’

The old woman nods in agreement, ‘yes, he has a huge following and they know that they are looking for a special wolf but not who she is or what she can do.’ Giving my mate a pitying smile, she explains, ‘he doesn’t want competition for her. If others knew what her b***d can do, there is a chance that his followers would seek to keep her for themselves, to also gain the powers he has. Avrilak does not want to share power no matter what he tells others, he wants to rule all’ she looks at me again, that piercing gaze drilling through me, ‘including the Entities, he wants immortality and power above theirs, controlling everything.’

I swallow thickly at her words, shrinking into Caden’s chest as his arm tightens around me, not liking this at all.

‘Do you know where he is?’ I ask quietly, ‘this Avrilak man?’

Luella shakes her head, ‘I only see major events’ she sighs, ‘he went quiet about a ten centuries ago, just after the last Spirit Wolf was killed. Since then, no visions of his doings or whereabouts have been gifted to me.

I blink, ten centuries? How often does this wolf appear?!

Luella smiles, almost as if she read my mind, ‘the Spirit Wolf only comes at great times of impending strife’ she reminds me. ‘it is usual for Millenia to pass without her birth.’ Leaning forward, she takes my hand that I now realise is trembling slightly, ‘you are very important Jamie-Lee’ she murmurs softly, ‘I don’t know what is coming, but you are integral to this phase in your timeline. Keep your mates close to you and your wits about you. Avrilak will come but he wont march up to your gate and announce himself, he’ll try to integrate himself with you somehow, find a way to separate you from your protectors. This man has had many years of practice when it comes to you, don’t believe anyone is who they say they are.’

I nod numbly as she stands up, it seems finished with our meeting.

‘Why didn’t you fly?’ Caden suddenly blurts out as I turn toward him incredulously. We hear all this and he’s thinking about her travel arrangements? Really?

My mate shrugs sheepishly, ‘she said she took a bus’ he muttered, ‘surely it would be more convenient to fly.’

Luella raised an eyebrow at him, ‘I have been on this planet longer than your entire species’ she replies evenly, ‘if the Goddess wanted me to fly, she would have given me wings.’

‘What about driving then?’ Caden pushes again, it seems he’s unable to let this go.

The old woman rolls her eyes, ‘I don’t have a drivers licence’ she snaps, ‘and I’m thousands of years old, do you not think that if an officer stopped me and asked for my licence, he’d have an issue with my birthdate?’

‘Oh’ the Alpha mutters, scratching the back of his neck nervously, ‘yeah, I guess so.’

‘Any more questions about my modes of transport?’ Luella asks pointedly.

Caden shakes his head, ‘no, I’m good’ he replies.

The woman points a finger first at Caden and then at Hadley, her expression stern, ‘you look after her, never ever leave her alone outside of this pack. Here, as a Luna, she has your warriors to protect her but outside of your territory, she has no-one but you and herself. If anyone tries to separate you at any point, be alert and do not let it happen.’

The two men nod immediately, each holding on to me as though I might be whisked out of the window if they don’t.

Walking to the door, Luella throws it open to reveal my dad and the Alpha waiting outside. ‘You’ she points at my father, ‘walk me to the gate, I’m old and it’s a long way.’ When he doesn’t move quick enough she swats at him, ‘where are your manners pup? Offer your arm to a lady and help her to the border.’Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

My dad cringes but does as she tells him, glancing over his shoulder at me worriedly, but relaxing when I give him a small smile, letting him know I am fine.

‘Oh! Luella!’ I call out stopping the woman and standing up, hurrying to her, ‘can I tell my dad and Alpha what you said?’

The old woman appraises both men thoroughly before turning back to me, ‘only you can decide that dear’ she replies affectionately. ‘I caution you though, only tell people that you are sure will protect you and keep it to themselves. If you don’t think they will, keep your mouth shut, it’s for your own protection.’

I nod, stepping back so my dad can finally lead the woman away, watching her head down the hallway and turn before descending the stairs, gripping my dad’s arm tightly.

Once out of sight, I turn slowly back toward the office, walking in and taking a seat between Caden and Hadley, the young Alpha immediately wrapping his arm around me whilst the warrior grips my hand in his.

‘We’ll wait for your father and then you can fill us both in on what that woman wanted’ Alpha Scott growls out sternly, making me jump. I glance toward the older man and find him scowling deeply at the door. It seems he is not happy about being cut out in the slightest.

‘Luella said she should keep the information to herself’ Caden butts in stubbornly.

‘No she said to tell people she trusts’ he father replies curtly, ‘I am her Alpha, she trusts me, and as such, I need to know, especially if it’s something that could put her in danger.’

I hesitate, my teeth biting down into my bottom l*p. Two weeks ago I would have agreed with him completely, there was no one I trusted more than Alpha Scott other than my own parents. Now though, this was the man who wanted to kill my mate, this was also the man who had hurt Caden as a child, and made him feel like he wasn’t good enough. Did I still trust this man? Did I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that he wouldn’t try to use whatever these powers are that Skarla and I am supposed to have? I hated to admit it but I could no longer put my hand on my heart and say yes and the thought made me feel terrible.

Minutes later my father returned, taking his seat with an exasperated look, ‘well, I took her back to the border’ he sighs, ‘she left after telling me that my hair was too long and I should remember that I’m in my late forties not a teenager so the untucked shirt look wasn’t working for me anymore.’

I try to smother my snigger, hey it’s not often you hear your own father getting told off like a child!

‘Right, well now you are back’ Alpha Scott huffed, leaning back in his chair and pinning me with a glare, ‘Jamie-Lee can tell us exactly what was said by that Luella woman.’

I gulp nervously, my heart sinking as four sets of eyes swivel in my direction. Two hold apprehension and are silently asking me what I want to do, the other two are waiting expectantly for me to spill everything that was said like I wouldn’t hesitate to share. I peek up at each man uncomfortably, the silence stretching out between us all.

What the hell do I do now?

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