The Mating Rules

Book 2 – Chapter 8

After Hadley came out, Caden jumped into the shower, washing off the fight before returning to me, fully dressed, each of them sitting either side of me as I entwined my fingers with theirs.

‘I don’t think I want to tell the Alpha about that Warlock or my wolf’ I murmur softly, avoiding each man’s gaze.

Caden tightens his grip on my hand, ‘it’s your choice baby’ he replies immediately.

On my left, Hadley rubs a thumb over the back of my hand, ‘I agree, but how are you going to avoid telling him?’ he asks. ‘He is the Alpha and if you outright refuse to tell him you are pretty much voicing that you do not trust him and that will cause problems.’

Caden snorts angrily, ‘well my dad can just get over it’ he growls, ‘if Leeway doesn’t want him to know then he’s not getting the information.’

The warrior sighs, rubbing his free hand down his face, ‘and if your father Alpha orders you?’ he replies, ‘or me? I don’t think I can go against an Alpha order even if you two can.’

I glance up at Caden worriedly, waiting for him to give his opinion, ‘well I could Alpha order you not to tell him’ he starts, ‘that might work though with him ordering you against my order not too might cause you pain.’

Hadley shrugs, ‘it’s fine, as long as I do what Jamie-Lee wants.’

‘Wait’ I stammer, ‘why would it hurt?’

The Alpha g****s, dragging his fingers through his hair, ‘his wolf will be torn between obeying me and obeying my dad, I’ve seen it before, the wolf was brought to the floor, b***d pouring out of his nose until one of the Alpha’s released him from their order.’

I look over at Hadley horrified, but he just smiles down at me, pressing his lips to my forehead, ‘I would rip my own heart out of my chest for you sweetheart’ he murmurs against my temple, ‘a little nose bleed doesn’t scare me.’

I nibble my l*p, ‘maybe I should just tell him’ I mutter, ‘that way no one has to suffer.’

It’s Hadley that growls at me sternly, Hunter flashing across his irises, ‘no Jamie-Lee, you do not want to tell him and that is your right. I’ve suffered worse than a nose bleed before and lived to tell the tale, you keep everything to yourself until you are sure you want him to know.’

I swing my gaze to Caden hopelessly and find him nodding at me sympathetically. ‘I can fight my father’s order to a certain extent’ he sighs, ‘probably more now that my Luna has marked me’ he adds with a wink, ‘but Hadley could very well be forced to talk, this is the only way to stop my father forcing information out of him.’

Turning back to Hadley, I release his fingers and reach up to brush my fingers through his hair, ‘are you sure?’ I ask, really not happy with this option.

Hadley nods, smiling at me lovingly, ‘I’m positive’ he replies, ‘I’ll take every secret you want to the grave sweetheart, I’d die before I’d betray you.’NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

I press my lips to his, a tear slipping from between my eyelids, sliding down and mingling with our lips. ‘How did I get a mate like you?’ I murmur against his mouth, ‘I swear you are too good for a girl like me.’

Hadley smiles against me, ‘I was just lucky that the Goddess felt that I was perfect for you, I have no complaints about my bond.’

‘Helloooooo?’ turning around I find Caden scowling at me.

‘And you are too good for me too’ I add, pressing my lips to his, making the Alpha growl as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me on to his lap.

‘So possessive’ the warrior mutters with a smirk, ‘can’t even bear for my own mate to compliment me.’

The Alpha pulls away from me and scoffs at Hadley, ‘she’s my mate and I expect her to tell me I’m awesome as often as possible.’

‘You are both Awesome’ I cut in, shaking my head in amusement, ‘and I love you both more than anything.’

Caden nods, ‘I can live with that’ he replies, pecking my nose with his lips before helping me to my feet. ‘Shall we head back to the house or do you want to stay here tonight?’

I nod quickly, ‘I’d like to go to the house’ I reply, ‘I think I need some time away from everyone else to get my head around everything that Luella said.’

Hadley jumps up, taking my hand in his as Caden grabs his shoes and pulls them on his feet, tying the laces.

‘Lets get out of here before my father comes looking for you’ he mutters darkly, taking my other hand and leading the way out of his bedroom, down the hall and toward the stairs.

Rushing down them, we burst out of the pack house, running across the training grounds toward the Carrington house, Hadley pulling out his keys and unlocking the door after we climb up onto the porch.

Moving inside, the warrior locks the door behind us before heading into the kitchen and pulling out pans.

Taking a seat in the living room, Caden pats his lap for me to sit down on top of him. Complying, I snuggle into his chest, burying my face into his neck as he runs his fingers up and down my arm leisurely.

‘I’m actually liking this whole duel mate thing’ he comments making me pull away from his neck to stare at him in shock. ‘What?’ he smirks, ‘the guy cooks every night! I haven’t eaten this good in my whole life, don’t tell Carrington or the Omegas, but he’s got a gift, I swear I’ve gained five pounds this last week.’

I giggle, cuddling back into his side, resting my head on his shoulder as his scent surrounds me, calming my frazzled nerves. ‘What do you think we should do?’ I murmur, my fingers climbing up his muscular chest to play with one of the buttons on his shirt absentmindedly.

Caden sighs, turning his head so he can place a k**s against my forehead, ‘I don’t know’ he replies honestly, ‘we have no idea who this guy is, where he is, not even a clue to what he looks like. We’re assuming that Luella was on the level and this Avrilak is real and after you.’

I wrap my arms around his waist, anchoring myself to him, ‘what if she’s wrong?’ I murmur, ‘what if he died or she’s lying?’

The Alpha rubs my arms with his calloused hands, sparks of electric prickling under my skin from the contact. ‘I think we have to accept that she was being truthful’ he admits softly. ‘She travelled a long way, why would she do that just for a joke? She knew you had two mates, my dad has been religious about keeping it under wraps so the council didn’t find out before he could tell them. How would she know about us if she wasn’t who she said she is?’

I nod, knowing it makes sense, ‘yeah’ I sigh, ‘I just don’t want to believe that there is a guy out there that wants to kill you.’ I fidget in his lap, ‘I can’t lose you’ I whisper, ‘or Hadley, I need you both.’

Caden’s hand stops moving, squeezing my arm comfortingly instead. ‘Hadley and I are not going anywhere’ he promised, ‘where you go, we go.’

‘But . . ‘ I start worriedly.

The Alpha grabs my chin with his other hand, forcing my head up so I’m looking at him, ‘no buts’ he mutters sternly, ‘Hadley and I will always be with you baby. No one is taking us away from you, not my dad, not the council and certainly not some a*****e warlock who has ideas of grandeur.’

‘He’s always won before’ I mumble.

‘That’s because he’s never come up against us’ Caden replies, kissing me fleetingly. ‘Hadley is the strongest warrior I’ve ever met, and no matter how big headed it makes me sound, I’m the best fighter in this pack. There is a reason you got two mates Leeway and I have to believe its because between us we can keep you safe. Whatever this special wolf is, and why she is here, we’re going to make sure she does what needs doing and that we are all together at the end.’

I smile shyly, peeking up at him through my lashes as he growls softly at me, ‘do you have any idea how much it turns me on when you go all macho Alpha wolf?’ I ask with a giggle.

Caden’s eyes darken as he pushes my hair out of my face, ‘do you know how much you turn me on every single time I see you?’ he counters.

‘How much?’ I ask coyly.

Suddenly I find back pressed into the cushions of the chair, Caden’s heavy body crowding me as his lips crashed to mine, his arousal evident between us. ‘So much, that I’m constantly having to rearrange myself because my hard on is obvious’ he mutters against my eager lips.

A m**n of longing leaves my lips as I try to rub myself against him to relieve the ache that’s forming between my legs. I can’t help it, every time I’m near either of them, I want to strip their clothes off.

As caden’s fingers move down between our bodies, teasing their way inside my jeans, a loud crash and muted swear word comes from the next room, Whipping our heads around, we push up from the couch just as the kitchen door opens and Hadley glares at us both.

‘Dude’ he reproaches, ‘we talked about this! No working our mate up when one of us is busy! I just dropped a saucepan full of soup on the floor because of you.’

Caden shrugs, not at all sorry, ‘I can’t help it’ he replies, ‘she’s hard to resist.’

Holding out his hand, Hadley beckons me over, ‘come on you’ he huffs, ‘you will sit at the table while I cook so he keeps his hands to himself.’

I slowly crawl out from under the Alpha who grumbles under his breath but reluctantly allows me to leave. Straightening my clothes, I walk sheepishly over to the warrior who shakes his head and takes my hand, pulling me into the Kitchen, steering me toward a chair.

Plonking me down, he turns back to the creamy mess all over the floor, sighing deeply before grabbing paper towels and starting to clean up. ‘That was my father’s cream of onion soup’ he mumbles sadly, ‘it’s one of the tastiest dishes he taught me to make.’

Getting back up, I kneel beside him, grabbing some towels to help clean, ‘sorry’ I murmur, ‘it smells delicious though, I’d almost lower myself to licking it off the floor.’

Hadley chuckles, his shoulders relaxing as he turns to me, ‘I’ll make it again for you’ he replies, pressing his lips to mine as I m**n into his mouth, parting my lips for him.

‘Hey! You just told me to keep my hands off the goods’ Caden’s voice calls and we break apart to find him leaning on the doorframe, his arms crossed.

‘What can I say, it’s hard to leave her alone’ the warrior replies, winking at me, ‘maybe we should just both scratch the itch now and we’ll be able to function long enough to eat?’

‘That’s what I’m talking about’ the Alpha grins, striding over to me and lifting me up like I weigh nothing, throwing me over his shoulder and heading out of the kitchen, making a bee line for the stairs. Behind me, Hadley stands up, hurrying along behind me, his dark eyes filled with l**t on me as we climb the stairs.

A smack across my a*s cheek makes me yelp, ‘stop getting excited before we get you in the bedroom’ Caden growls warningly, ‘don’t make me punish you Leeway.’

My arousal spikes at his words, and I know they can both smell me as I squirm on his shoulder. I really want to be punished, maybe if I’m really bad, they’ll both punish me at the same time.

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