The Mating Rules

Book 3 – Chapter 25

Raelyn’s POV

My mouth hangs open in shock, did he just say what I think he said? They want to trade me for Mercedes mate?

My first instinct is to feel hurt that my Alpha, a man who looked after me from the day they found me outside of their pack, wants to give me away.

The second feeling to slam into me is a warmth when I realise Alpha Grant said that this was Isaac’s idea, what does that mean? Does he want me to be his female? I shake my head quickly, dislodging that ridiculous idea which is further compounded when the Alpha continues to explain what they have been discussing.

‘So’ Alpha Grant concludes, leaning toward me, his elbows resting on his desk, ‘this is not a mating trade’ he flicks his gaze toward Isaac momentarily,

‘I made sure of that’ he adds sullenly. ‘I did tell Beta Isaac that you would not wish to leave our pack, and that he was wasting his time asking you but he insisted that you should be given the opportunity. Now, if you could let the Beta know that you wish to stay with us and not go to Diamond Star, we can move on to other candidates.’

I frown at my Alpha’s words, ‘are you ordering me to say no?’ I ask, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

Alpha Grant’s eyes widen, ‘of course not Rae’ he huffs, ‘this is your decision but you have lived here your entire life, your family is here, I didn’t think you’d want to leave.’

I turn toward Beta Isaac who is watching the Alpha closely, a slight tick to his jaw, ‘why would you ask me to come to Diamond pack?’ I question, ‘I’m an Omega, I would assume that you would want a warrior in exchange for your own. A strength to enhance your pack not someone to work in the kitchen.’Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Isaac’s gaze moves to me and I feel that familiar shudder run through me as his gaze holds mine, a fire burning there. ‘There are many types of strength’ he growls softly, ‘we do not just value physical strength in our pack, we also look for wolves that are smart, gifted trackers, good strategists and many other valuable characteristics.’

He straightens up in his chair, clearing his throat, ‘I think that you would like Diamond Star’ he adds. ‘You will be treated well and I do not believe that our Alpha would mark you as an Omega. You are clearly capable of so much more, it seems a shame to leave you in a pack where your day consists of picking up the dirty towels of other members deemed more important than you.’

Alpha Grant growls, and he pushes back his chair as if to stand but I turn to him quickly, holding up a hand, silently asking him to let me deal with the situation.

Glancing at me, I see his wolf recede slightly but the fire simmering in his gaze tells me that Garrison is still very much on the surface.

Returning my attention to Isaac, I narrow my eyes in annoyance, ‘I am not treated badly here’ I bite out, ‘in fact I am treated extremely well, Alpha Grant and the rest of our members are my family. They look out for me, take care of me, hell, they took me in as one of their own when I had no one.’

I bite down on my l*p, cutting off my own words as Isaac nods, ‘I meant no disrespect’ he replies quietly, ‘but . . ‘ he closes his eyes for a second, ‘don’t you ever want something . . . more?’

I laugh dryly, ‘what more is there to want?’ I ask.

Isaac sighs, ‘I don’t know’ he mutters, dragging his fingers through his hair in exasperation. ‘A job that you want to do rather than one that society thinks you should have because of your rank? A town that you can visit instead of being behind the invisible barrier of your territory?’ He glances at Alpha Grant again, ‘I’ve been here many times, you tend to notice that no one leaves the pack lands unless it’s a select group of warriors for a supply run.’ He licks his lips, gaze back on me, ‘our pack visits the town near us all the time, no one is banned from leaving because it’s safe for us.’

I listen intently, captured by the man’s words because I do feel trapped sometimes, not just by the physical edge of our territory but by my place in the pack. Everyone knows me as the weak link of the pack and though they don’t treat me badly for it, they never treat me as an equal either. I’m the fragile one, the broken wolf, the one that everyone has to worry about if there is a breach of our borders. Even the pups are worried about less than I am, what would it be like to go somewhere where no one knew I was wolfless . .

‘You would also find friends there’ Isaac continues, ‘I know out pack members would like you, not to say that you don’t have friends here, but you wouldn’t be alone there. Maybe . . .’ he swallows, ‘you’ll find someone to spend your life with too? You did mention that last nigh was your last claiming, and I haven’t seen you with anyone who you might be looking to connect with here?’

I stare at him, trying to rad his expression, but he keeps it neutral as he rests his hands on his knees, watching me. ‘I just wanted to give you the opportunity’ he says with a small smile, ‘you are so much more than an Omega, Raelyn, so if you would like to come with me . . with us, back to Diamond Star pack, we would be happy to have you.’

‘Rae’ Alpha Grant cuts in gruffly, and I concentrate my attention on him again, ‘you are under no obligation to say yes, I hope you understand that. If you wish to stay here with us, there would be absolutely no repercussions toward yourself.’

I nod, smiling at my Alpha as my thoughts swirl around my mind like a tornado. Taking a deep breath, my decision comes to me as though a cloud lifts from my mind and I know what I need to do.

‘Beta Isaac’ I say determinedly, ‘thank you for your kind offer of a place at your pack, I would love to accept.’

The room goes silent at my words and I study Isaac’s face, trying to figure out if he’s happy, mad or indifferent to my decision.

‘Beta Isaac’ Alpha Grant growls, ‘would you mind giving us a moment, I need to speak with Rae alone.’

Isaac immediately stands, bowing his head to the Alpha before turning and walking out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

I raise my gaze to the Alpha who stares at my worriedly.

‘Rae’ he starts, his tone strained, ‘I don’t think . . ‘

‘Alpha’ I cut across him, bowing my head to show I’m not being disrespectful and getting a sigh and a hand wave of encouragement as he sits back.

Shifting in my seat, I try to project a confidence that isn’t quite with me as I speak. ‘I know you are worried’ I start slowly, ‘I’ve never been out of the territory and now I’m looking to go to a whole new pack . . ‘

‘I can’t say I’m not fearful Rae’ Alpha Grant agrees, ‘your condition . . ‘

‘Won’t be an issue’ I reply firmly, shifting my chair closer to the desk so I can reach across and grab the older man’s hands with mine. ‘I’m not going to tell them’ I admit, ‘no one needs to know that I don’t have a wolf.’

My Alpha’s mouth parts slightly as he blinks at me in shock, ‘Rae’ he breathes, ‘you can’t . . they’ll find out . . how do you think this will work?’

I shrug, ‘I’m an Omega’ I respond, ‘I’ll never have to fight, if our pack is anything to go by, I’ll never be invited on a pack run and even if I am I can make sure I have a job to do that prevents it. I’m over the age of first shift so there is no reason for anyone to demand I show my wolf.’

Alpha Grant huffs out a breath, dragging his hand down his face, ‘what if they ask you to describe your wolf?’ he mutters, ‘they might want to know for their records.’

I snort, ‘my wolf is red like my hair, she has green eyes like me because I’m not Alpha born and she’s tiny because she’s an Omega’ I reply quickly as my mind works out the details.

‘Sweetheart’ the Alpha g****s.

‘I’ll be OK Alpha’ I say quietly, holding his gaze so he knows I believe what I’m saying, ‘I want to do this, please.’ I swallow thickly, feeling the prick of tears behind my eyes as I admit the truth, ‘I want people to stop looking at me like I’m broken’ I whisper. ‘I want to be a werewolf like everyone else, someone that isn’t looked at in fear because she tripped up the stairs or whispered about when we do anything that might be deemed dangerous to the wolfless girl.’

I bite my l*p as it starts to quiver, determined not to cry, ‘If you order me not to go, I won’t’ I murmur, ‘but it will only be because you told me not to, not because I didn’t want to go.’

Alpha Grant, rubs his eyes tiredly with his free hand as I grip his palm tightly, suddenly looking a lot older than his years.

Meeting my gaze finally, he sighs heavily, ‘I won’t stop you sweetheart’ he mutters sadly, ‘you are old enough to make your own decisions, but I will be adding a stipulation’ he adds before standing up and walking to the door, pulling it open and looking outside to where Isaac is patiently waiting.

Bringing the Beta back inside, the two men take their seats before Alpha Grant speaks.

‘I agree to the trade’ he says reluctantly, ‘Your warrior, Lance for our Omega Raelyn. I do have a stipulation though’ he adds firmly.

Isaac nods, sitting up straighter as he waits for the Alpha to voice his condition to my trade.

‘The trade is for one month’ Alpha Grant starts, holding up a hand to stop me as I open my mouth to protest. ‘If both Warrior Lance and Raelyn are unhappy with their situations, they can agree to swap back to their original packs.’

Isaac frowns, ‘that is unorthodox Alpha,’ he comments, ‘usually a trade is permanent.’

Alpha Grant nods, ‘yes but trades are usually between similarly ranked wolves, this is the first time I’ve heard of a pack asking for an Omega for a Warrior. Forgive me Beta, but I’m not willing to throw a weaker pack member out into the world without some sort of protection. I’m sure you are also worried about your warrior and his ability to win over his mate? Surely you can appreciate a clause to our agreement that should they both be unhappy with the arrangement, they can return to their old lives without penalty.’

‘And if only one wants to return?’ Isaac asks shrewdly.

The Alpha shrugs, ‘then that wolf is out of luck’ he replies, ‘it must be a mutual exchange between Raelyn and Lance or they must remain where they are.’

I watch as the Beta mulled over the offer before sitting forward with his hand outstretched, ‘deal’ he agrees and the two men shake.

I hunch in on myself, watching my life be sealed between two powerful men, most of me freaking out at the thought of leaving the safety of my pack, but the tiny sliver that has hated the cotton wool that has been wrapped around me all my life, craves the freedom and the chance to be treated like everyone else.

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