The Mating Rules

Chapter 46

‘You are such a cheat!’ I yell grumpily as Caden circles me at a jog, the football in his hands that are above his head in victory after a touchdown.

‘I’m not cheating baby, I’m just better than you’ he taunts, pressing a k**s to my cheek before dancing out of the way so I can’t swat him.

‘Worst mate ever’ I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest in a sulk.

‘I tackled you baby, it’s how you play’ he defends himself.

‘You picked me up as I held the ball and carried me to that finish line thingy’ I retort.

‘End zone baby, it’s called an end zone’ the Alpha g****s, ‘and it’s not like I could tackle you properly! Cobalt would never allow me to risk hurting you.’

I’m not mollified, when he challenged me to a game of football one on one I was cockily sure that I would win being his precious mate. I didn’t count on the a*****e playing underhanded tactics.

I pout, crossing my arms over my chest, standing in the middle of our makeshift football field as Caden smirks at me, walking over, tossing the ball in the air nonchalantly.

‘Aww is my baby upset?’ he asked catching the ball again and holding it one handed as he reached out with the other to press his finger to my l*p. ‘Want me to k**s it better?’ he added, grinning.

I nod, poking my bottom l*p out further as he leans in to press his lips to mine. As soon as his mouth is centimetres from my own, his eyes closing, I duck down and grab the ball, running away from him and slamming the thing into the ground between the two plastic markers.

‘GOAL!!’ I yell ecstatically, jumping up and down, flipping my mate off for good measure, two can play dirty.

‘It’s a touchdown’ the Alpha sighs, walking toward me as I scoop up the ball and move out of his way.

‘What are you celebrating sweetheart?’ comes Hadley’s voice from my right and I turn to see him jogging toward us, all sweaty and delicious.

‘Caden wasn’t playing fair so I just adopted some of his cheating techniques’ I reply, pointing accusingly at the Alpha who shakes his head.

‘I was playing football, there is nothing cheating about tackling your opponent’ he grumbles.

‘What are you doing here?’ I ask the warrior, ignoring my other mate’s mutterings, wrinkling my nose slightly as he gets closer.

‘Just came off border patrol’ Hadley replies with a grin, ‘come and give me a hug.’

‘Eww no!’ I shriek, waving my hands in front of me, he looks hot, but he stinks to high heaven now he’s near me.

‘Come on! I had to chase off two Rogues, I deserve some love’ the warrior replies, coming toward me as I back up quickly.

‘Caden!’ I yell, glancing behind me to find that my other mate is no longer there, in fact the a*****e has moved to the side, sat down and is watching Hadley stalk toward me with great enjoyment.

‘Sorry baby, rules are rules’ the Alpha calls out jovially, ‘when one gets time with you, the other does too.’

‘I hate you both!’ I whine as I turn around and start to run, not getting more than half a dozen paces before an arm snakes around my waist and hauls me back into a sweaty chest.

‘You don’t hate us sweetheart’ Hadley purrs in my ear, ‘if you did, you wouldn’t be shivering under my touch.’

Damn him! I try to stop the tremors from his arm brushing against the exposed skin of my stomach where my shirt has ridden up.

‘JJ!’ My father’s voice reverberated in my mind causing me to still.

‘Yes dad?’ I reply, faintly aware that Hadley is merely holding me now, aware I’m being linked.

‘You need to come to the house, are you free?’ dad sighs back.Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

‘Yeah, I can come now’ I say, my gaze clearing to find Hadley still with his arms loosely around me and Caden next to us. ‘My dad wants a word’ I g***n, shoulders slumping, this isn’t going to be good. Only when I’m in trouble with my parents am I called to the house like this.

Hadley nods, releasing me, ‘you better get going then’ he says, ‘don’t want him to ground you.’

I laugh, shaking my head as I rise up on to my tip toes to press my lips to his before turning to Caden to do the same, giggling as he immediately pulls me to him as always.

‘Dude, let her go’ the warrior mutters, ‘we’ll see her later on, she’s not even leaving the territory.’

Caden huffs, but releases me, tapping my a*s as I turn to leave, earning himself a glare over my shoulder.

‘You love it’ he calls after me, blowing a k**s as Hadley stands beside him smirking, assholes! They are both assholes, how did I get two?

I jog over to my parents house, not bothering to knock, just pushing the door open and stepping inside.

‘Lee!’ Lauren squeals, jumping up from the coffee table that is covered in colouring pencils, a huge colouring book open with a half coloured picture. ‘You want to come colour?’ my little sister asks, bounding over to me and grabbing my hand to drag me into the living room.

‘I’d love too’ I reply, ‘but I have to go see dad first, he wanted to speak to me, but I’ll come back after and we’ll do some colouring then, OK?’

Lauren’s face falls slightly but she nods and I feel that familiar guilt nibble at me. With the whole choice thing, I haven’t come over to the house at all really, even after promising her that nothing would change after my claiming.

Kneeling down, I grab her face in my hands, ‘hey’ I say softly, ‘I know I’ve been a terrible sister, being all busy and not coming over, so how about after I speak to dad we make milkshakes and then see who can do the best colouring in?’

Lauren’s face lights up as she nods, ‘OK, I’ll find you a picture’ she agrees excitedly, hurrying back to her book and starting to flip through the pages as I walk toward the kitchen where my father’s scent is.

‘Hey dad’ I call out, entering the room as my father turns his head toward me from where he’s sitting at the kitchen table, reading a newspaper.

‘JJ, thanks for popping over’ he greets me, waving a hand toward the seat opposite himself.

Sliding into the indicated chair, I wait patiently for him to tell me why he called me over.

Clearing his throat, my dad picks up his coffee mug and takes a sip, swallowing the hot liquid before replacing the cup back on the table between us.

‘So, how are you?’ he asks awkwardly.

I nod, ‘I’m good, thanks for asking, how are you? Mum? Bails?’

Dad nods fervently, ‘good, we’re all good, Bails is back to her usual self though she’s still trying to use what happened as a reason not to train’ he adds with a chuckle that I join in.

Sobering up I rest my forearms on the table, ‘dad look, I’m really sorry’ I start, wanting to apologise again for what happened to Bailee.

My father waves his hand, swatting away my words, ‘it wasn’t your fault’ he growls sternly. ‘I shouldn’t have acted as I did at the hospital, Caden told me about what happened after, how you . .’ he swallowed again, his words trailing off.

I shake my head, ‘no, I was the strongest out of the three of us, I’m the oldest Beta female, I should never have left the territory unprotected and I certainly shouldn’t have taken Bailee out there’ I reply.

My dad reaches over the table, taking my hand in his and giving it a small squeeze, ‘how about we both agree that we made some poor choices that night and leave it there?’ he offers.

‘Deal’ I whisper back, my tense shoulders releasing slightly.

‘Good, now lets talk about why I really called you here’ he says, giving me that famous dad look that tells me I’m not going to be able to little girl look my way out of this conversation.

Gulp but nod, straightening my back, ready for whatever he wants to talk about.

‘How is it going with Caden and Hadley?’ my father queries, studying me as my eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

‘Fine, good in fact, we’ve all been getting to know each other’ I reply quickly.

Dad nods, ‘and how do you feel about them, have you learned anything that might, um, you know help?’

My stomach sinks, he’s talking about the choice, I should have realised that was what he wanted me here for.

‘I haven’t made a decision yet’ I huff, slumping down in my chair.

‘JJ, it’s four days . .’ my father starts.

‘I know how many days it is’ I lash out angrily before biting down on my l*p and dropping my gaze. ‘Sorry’ I mutter ashamedly as my father’s fingers tighten around my own.

‘It’s OK JJ’ he sighs, ‘this was never going to be an easy conversation. I hate that I even have to bring it up, but you are running out of time.’

My gaze flicks up to his, ‘why?’ I croak, ‘why do I have to choose?’

The older wolf in front of me gives me a sad smile, ‘we already went over this’ he replies, ‘you have to make a choice.’

‘Yeah but why by the full moon’ I question desperately, ‘I hardly know them dad, maybe if I had a little longer, a few more dates it would be easier . . ‘

My father is already shaking his head, ‘JJ I’m sorry but you have to be marked and mated before the full moon rises.’

‘But why!’ I demand, my anger and guilt gnawing at me, ‘it’s not fair! You are all pressuring me and I’m not ready! I don’t want to hurt either of them!’

My father’s eyes glaze and I know he’s calling for reinforcements, proven right when my mother enters the room moments later and takes a seat next to me, grabbing my other hand.

‘Mum’ I whimper, ‘I don’t want to choose, I’m not ready, can you talk to the Alpha? Please? Ask him to give me a bit more time! I promise I’ll make a decision soon, I just need more time, please?’

My mum uses her free hand to brush my hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear lovingly. ‘It’s not the Alpha that sets the deadline sweetie’ she sighs.

‘What? Then who?’ I ask, confused.

‘The Goddess does’ my mum replies simply. Holding my gaze, she smiles sadly. ‘I need to tell you something, something I’ve never told any of you kids, but you need to know why its so important that you choose before the full moon.’

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