The Moon and The Ocean




Vivian: Don't worry. You all wait here. I will be back in a few.

Vivian said and went back into the same room she had come out from. I and Ocean followed her behind. To our surprise, we saw three babies in the room. One was on the bed in pink frock. She smelled like vanilla. And the other two were on the table with Vivian. Vivian looked at both of them. The baby boy ma and pa brought was okay but having trouble breathing for some reason. When she looked at the baby Mr Knight had brought, Vivian gasped loudly. The baby was already dead.

Seeing such a horrible moment right in front of my eyes, all I could feel was pure sadness. But at the same time I was curious that if that baby had already died then how Ocean is still standing with me. I could see Ocean had the same curiosity in her head as well. It was written all over her face. She looked at me with a confused frown on her beautiful face. I wrapped my hand around her when I saw tears in her eyes. I knew she was wondering how her father would react with this whole situation.

Suddenly, the same man stepped into the room. The same man we had seen in the forest. He came in and looked at Vivian. She bowed her head in respect.

Strange man: He is here Vivian. And he is not just here for this baby but for his daughter as well.

The strange man said while looking around like he was being followed.

Vivian: What? Why is he here now? He can not have my daughter. He just threw us out.

Vivian replied angrily and went to the baby that was on the bed. She held the baby in her arms and held her close to her chest.

Strange man: Viv, he is here because they both are connected since birth. It's the first time in the history of supernatural creatures that two babies are born mated.

Saying that, the strange man held the baby boy in his arms and took him to Vivian. Then we saw something we had never experienced. Both the strange man and Vivian stood facing each other. The babies intertwined their fingers and stared into each other's eyes and their eyes went pitch black like the dark night without any moon or stars.

Strange man: No matter how much everyone would try to separate them, they will find their ways back to each other. It's not something in our hands. It's what God had made them like.

The strange man said smiling, seeing both babies smiling at each other.

Vivian: What should I do with my baby? He will soon be coming to get his daughter if he comes to know that they are connected.

Vivian said worriedly. Just then her eyes widened like she had gotten some idea. She took the baby to the dead baby. She laid her baby on the table as well and went to her bedside table. She opened a drawer and pulled out a glass bottle with something shimmery pink inside. She came back and started chanting a spell. She then opened the bottle and dusted the shimmery pink powder on both babies. Soon we saw that both babies' faces changed. She quickly exchanged their clothes and nodded her head at the strange man. The strange man handed the baby boy to Vivian as well.

Strange man: I hope you know what you are doing.

He said and Vivian nodded her head.

Vivian: It's the only way. They both will find their ways back and will be one. That day will soon come.

Vivian replied while looking at the sky, out of her window.

Strange man: I should be going then. Or he will get my scent here. Make sure to bury this baby in front of him so he would be sure that his baby did not survive.

Saying that, the strange man jumped out of the window. Vivian pecked the forehead of the baby girl lovingly.

Vivian: I hope I will see you soon my baby girl. Your mother will always be waiting for you and she will try her best to keep you safe from your evil father.

Vivian said with teary eyes. Then she pecked the baby boy's forehead lovingly. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

Vivian: Take care of my baby. I know you will bring her to me one day.

She said and took a deep breath. Her tears disappeared like they never flowed from her eyes. She held her head high and stepped out of the bedroom. We followed her behind. She handed the baby boy to ma and pa and the baby girl was handed to Mr Knight.

Vivian: Your baby is named as Ocean, Mr Knight. And he is Moon, my Alpha. I want to tell you that both these babies are connected to each other now. If you try to separate them, they will not survive after they will turn eighteen. They are meant to be together. That is how I could save their lives.

Everyone nodded their heads and stepped out of the cabin but I and Ocean were glued to our places. Our mouths were on the floor with our eyes open wide. I just could not believe what we just saw. Only then it started making sense. Why Ocean resembled a lot with Vivian. And how Ocean was the only person in her family who had supernatural powers. It made sense how Ocean turned into a werewolf within a few hours. It was not normal for a normal human being to be turned into a werewolf this fast. Unless, the person has that power caged inside. I knew Vivian did not just make the baby look like the dead baby, but also caged her beast inside her so she would not hurt anyone. Because a beast without its Alpha is like a bomb without the trigger. It could blow up anytime and could hurt everyone without any intention. The blood lust of the beast is something only an Alpha could control. That is why, all the creatures follow an Alpha.

Everyone left and Vivian went back to her bedroom. She scooped up the dead baby in her arms carefully and stepped out of the cabin. She wrapped the baby in a small blanket and tied the baby inside. She then started digging a hole in the ground. Once done, she picked the baby and with tears in her eyes, slhe pecked the back and laid her down in the hole.

A familiar scent hit my nostrils and Ocean wrapped her arms around my waist from behind. I have never come across that scent ever but still it felt familiar. I looked around and found the same man who was running after the strange man. He went to Vivian and grabbed her neck. He pulled her aggressively and forced his mouth upon hers. He kissed her forcefully while she was struggling to get herself free from his hold. But it was like he was way more stronger than her. At last, he let her go and she gasped so loudly like someone was choking her. His eyes glowed red and when he smiled I saw his fangs. He was a vampire, just like me.

Ancient vampire: Where is my baby, Viv darling?

He asked her as if she was his wife or something.

Vivian: Can you not see? Your baby girl is dead. Who the hell do you think I am buring here?

She asked him and started sobbing loudly. He grabbed her by her neck and slammed her on the ground. I and Ocean ran towards Vivian to help her but that's when everything went dark. Dark fog engulfed us like it was a black hole and it's gravity sucked us in.

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