The Mysterious Demon

Chapter 4 A Dreadfully Long Time Later

-Nickolas’ POV-

As the bell rang signalling the end of class, my hand tightened around my phone in anger as I read some news that someone I knew had sent me. A gang in Texas picked a fight with a part of my own. Something that I was going to make them regret but I couldn’t just sit here and be angry. I was going to let it out on someone and I knew exactly who. Dominic.

It’s been six months since I joined this pathetic school and I came to find out that demonic’s real name is Dominic. She was given her nickname because she’s known for her violent behaviour when she first got to school. Due to this she also didn’t have any friends. She was a year older than everyone else in our year, making us the same age. Both 18 while everyone else was 17. That was all that was really known about her; no one cared to find out any more. I never got to find out who Xavier was but considering how much school she misses, it’s safe to say it’s because of him.

The one thing that angers me the most about her though was that she didn’t seem to fear anyone- or anyone I knew for that matter. When she stood in front of me she looked disinterested, bored, she wouldn’t even flinch while others would quiver and I hated it. I hated her. I was determined to make her fear me and I was going to do it today.

On my way towards Dominic’s locker, I was joined by Jason, Zack, and Jake who could tell I wasn’t in the best of moods and knew to keep quiet. When we got there we saw Blake was already with her, insulting her and pushing her against her locker in a way that looked painful which makes me satisfied with his actions. I instructed Jason and Zack to hold her and nodded towards the other two. They got my message and stood back. I walked up to Dominic, rolling up my sleeves to provoke some fear but I got nothing from her. My anger faired.

I stood back and without hesitating, punched her stomach straight on. There was no way it couldn’t have hurt her. I heard her gasp which made me grin devilishly before punching her again. Repeatedly.

The crowd around us started to make a lot of noise, girls screaming, people telling me to stop but I didn’t care. The only thought I had was about the loss my gang made and how much I wanted revenge. I forgot who I was beating until blood dropped into my hand. I hesitated for a second. Looked at her face to see that her eyes were scrunched closed, mouth agape and panting. I almost felt guilty but that thought was dismissed when I heard a familiar notification sound which made everything go silent.

It was her phone. I looked to see her things sprawled out onto the floor, her phone included and since the girl I had beaten into a bloody pulp couldn’t answer her phone, I decided I would check it myself.

I turned and was about to walk up to it when I heard a couple of grunts from behind me which made my eyebrows furrow. I was about to turn back when I suddenly got tripped over, making me fall and hit my head on the floor, hard. Whilst in pain, I managed to pick my head up from the floor slightly to see Dominic picking her things up and walking out of the building.

“Damn it”

“You sure you’re alright Nick? That was some fall!” Jake exclaimed whilst laughing which made the rest of them chuckle too. I glared at him which made him put his arms up in surrender but he didn’t stop laughing. “It’s not my fault you got yourself a feisty one.” He carries on which made the rest laugh again. I sighed exasperatedly at his words, “Can you all stop with that already? I hate her!” I exclaim but none of them seemed to really believe me.

“Hey, Nick?” Blake called not too long after. “What?” I snapped, still in a bad mood. “When did hitting Dominic become a thing?” He asked and the rest went quiet. Maybe I had taken it too far, especially since she really had nothing to do with us.

“It was a spur of the moment decision, I was angry.” “Why?” Jason asks as I sit down, downing some water. “The Scorpions stole the stash from the Texas wing. Invaded Jean’s team, 2 were injured and they’re coming here.” I informed and they all started muttering curse words, heads down, swearing and angry.

“And the plan?” Blake asks first and I start to explain the first draft of a plan that I had thought of to them. There was a slight problem though and that was that we didn’t have enough men.

On our way to Zack, Jason, and I’s apartment, we talked about possible solutions and if we were to recruit another member, where we’d find one. I had connections almost everywhere but I needed someone useful, and I’d rather not have a member who’s been under someone else’s wing first. Another gang member was not an option.

“What about a street fighter?” Jason suggested to which I took into consideration. It was a good idea. We were in New York, after all, one of the biggest stages for underground street fighters in the world. They’re strong, experienced in the dark world, and most of all, their only motivation is success. Something I needed out of someone.

I nodded. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.” “What about M. D?” Zack suddenly asked out which made me raise a brow at him. The rest seemed as confused as I was. Zack didn’t catch on at first but then went, “Oh sorry yeah, I’ve gone to a bar like half an hour away from here and happened to stumble on a street fight. Man, this girl was amazing and so hot. Apparently, she’s the second strongest in the country. I would love it if she were the one to join the gang!” He exclaimed but I was a little put-off.

“A girl? Moreso, why shouldn’t we just go for the first strongest?” I asked and Zack thought for a moment before snapping his fingers. “The first strongest, Champ, Fucking terrifying and huge! Plus he’s like 28 and I doubt he’d want to join us. About the Mysterious Demon being a girl,” He stood in front of me and put a hand on my shoulder, “bro I have to be frank, you’re a little sexist, 90% of our gang are guys, this is possibly the strongest girl in the world, you don’t wanna miss this chance.”

I could hear Jake snigger in the background which makes me roll my eyes. “Fine, whatever. How do we meet her?” I ask and Zack’s eyes twinkle. “There’s a huge competition that’s going to take place soon. Fighters from all over the world will come together for this!” I smirk,

“Then I guess, we’ll just have to join the fight.”Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.


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