The Mysterious Demon

Chapter 56 What Just Happened

-Dominic’s POV-

Confusion was the first thing I had felt when I woke up that morning.

The walls were unfamiliar, the bed was unfamiliar, everything was unfamiliar. This wasn’t my house, I confirmed before looking down at myself, almost afraid that I had done something I regretted. However, to my relief, I still had last night’s clothes on and nothing looked or felt out of place at all.

With further inspection of the room I was in, I realised it was a guys room and that the guy was laying in the space next to me in bed. So, I slowly checked who it was only to have my breath stuck in my chest. It was Blake. This was Blake’s room and I was in Blake’s bed.

I calmed my racing heart before trying to look over the memories I had of last night. I was used to drinking and didn’t tend to get heavy hangovers either so this wasn’t hard. If I did get side-affects, I had pills at home which could cure them quickly anyway but it didn’t seem to be the case. My memory wasn’t affected too badly and usually, I’d thank myself for that but this time-

This time I couldn’t hold in my gasp and shot a hand to my mouth. Fuck fuck fuck.

Not only had I asked him to be his girlfriend, but I also told him I was falling in love with him! Shit.

Blake was a good friend of mine, one of my only friends in fact. I’ve been aware for a while that I had feelings for him but I hadn’t thought any results would come from them. I thought with the whole school drama aside from the whole gangs’ situation would have to lead us separate ways but it hadn’t. We had gotten closer if anything.

But even then, I was afraid of love. I could blame the men of Mayhem sure, but I knew deep inside that my fear was more than that. I was inexperienced and I wasn’t trusting of anyone else either. I didn’t know if I could get used to relying on others. If I could learn to give the love he deserved. Which is why I’ve been avoiding it.

I had to make a plan. I’d just pretend that I don’t remember what happened last night ad hopefully that would be enough to convince him nothing happened. I was going to stick to that theory.

Yet also, in the back of my mind, I couldn’t help but be a little happy with how things went last night. His reaction to me telling him I was falling in love with him was all I could dream for.

I caught the smile that was about to spread on my face and shook my head instead. This wasn’t me. I’m a street fighter and now a gang member too. I couldn’t do this.

I remembered what I had told Blake during our first conversation, ‘Demons don’t fall in love,’. It was a piece of advice that Xavier gave me after I chose my street fighter name, the Mysterious Demon. I was young then and Xavier was keen on keeping guys away from me. They were a distraction and I had to keep the focus on my fighting. It worked and, until this year, I had believed it. Yet now, I also believe that -maybe- I will one day also have a chance.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

When I heard Blake starting to move I knew I had to act fast so while apologising to him in my head, I got ready to kick.

“Why the fuck are you in my fucking bed?!” I shouted after making Blake fall onto the floor with a lot of pain which was evident with his groan. I felt bad but in some way, I thought it was worth it if my plan worked. To make sure, I mumbled, “what the fuck happened last night?” loud enough for him to hear me.

He then explained how I got too drunk and so he brought me home and we went to sleep. He missed out almost all the details and that confirmed to me that the plan worked but… was I really happy about it?

In my inner doubt, I replied to him with, “oh, thanks I guess,” unintentionally coming out disappointed despite the fact that I wasn’t at all. Blake caught on this as well and asked me about it so I teased saying that I didn’t get to ‘have fun with the guys that were there’ which even made my inner self scoff at me. It was all a joke of course. ‘Other guys’? I had no such interest.

What I hadn’t expected though was Blake’s reply to my joke, “As if any guy wanted to have ‘fun’ with you, Dominic. No offence, but what you were wearing wasn’t really a turn on,”. My breath had cut off and at that moment, I could feel my heart break into two.

I looked down at myself, gently lifting the edges of my skirt a little in sadness. I genuinely thought I looked good last night but to have him say that-

I couldn’t let him get to me. I couldn’t let anyone get to me. I decided to turn my sadness into anger and I turned to him before throwing the best insult I could shoot at him which wasn’t a very strong one but it was better than being silent. Anything right now would be better than being silent and letting him hurt me-

“I could have anyone I fucking want, all the girls at school love me. No one loves you.”

The two pieces of my heart kept shattering. I could feel tears creeping up but I forced them back by clenching my jaw and muscles as much as I could until they started trembling. I guess love really wasn’t worth it.

“I don’t need anyone to fucking love me. Love is a waste of time. I’d rather everyone hate me!” I shouted and at this point, the words were true to me.

After Blake’s last comment about me never having a boyfriend or being kissed, my chest felt void. So void that I couldn’t even say I was upset. My body relaxed completely and I no longer cared. I told him I didn’t care about the kiss and then I challenged him. I was going to prove myself, I was going to prove I didn’t need him.

With that, I opened his bedroom door and slammed it closed. I was going to keep walking but my body was frozen behind his door. The void in my chest was now in pain. I was heartbroken but I wasn’t going to wallow in sadness, I was going to make him regret it.

So, ignoring Jake who had peaked out of his bedroom after hearing my slam and asking if I was okay, I walked out with my head held high.

I entered the school building with newfound confidence. One that only ‘M. D’ would use normally. One that people had never seen ‘Dominic’ with. For the first time, I was combining them both.

I dressed in a way I never had, I showed myself off, I became another version of myself and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it a little.

I had a plan and unlike my last one, I knew it was going to succeed. I knew exactly what I wanted and I was going to get it.

When I thought about who that was about, my eyes focussed on Blake and his dumbfounded face which made me smirk. I had all of his attention. Not just his though, even the girls with him turned to me, everyone had. And I loved it.

I got to my locker when I heard a scoff in my direction coming from Blake. He wanted my attention and to have him have to do something like that to get it almost made me laugh but I looked in his direction anyway. When I did, he grabbed the girl who was almost drooling over him and then kissed her. I felt a pang of jealousy but the feeling didn’t last long. Neither did their kiss which was somewhat satisfying but just as uninteresting.

After probably seeing my expression he broke away from her and started walking to me. “There you go, I proved myself. Not that I had to.” I almost rolled my eyes at his tone but instead told him it was my turn now in my normal -some would describe demonic- tone before turning and walking to the direction of the person I needed. Jerome.

After the incident with Jesica, Jerome had completely changed. Before the situation though, he would constantly bother me about hooking up or dating for fun. I was going to use both of these personas to my advantage. I didn’t know about getting kissed today but I was going to make Blake burst today.

“Jerome!” I called and he turned to me, surprised to see me the way I was which I expected due to how I was dressed but I carried on my act. I ignored his greeting and went straight in, pushing his body against a wall opposite us before leaning into his ear and whispering, “Do me a favour, Blake’s my target, I need you to go all out.” With those words, I knew he understood.

“Lucky fool,” he whispered back before flipping us over and saying out loud, “Man, I’ve been waiting for this day for a long ass time!” before going down to my neck, kissing it a couple of times. My body almost instinctively wanted to push him off but I told myself to wait. This was going to work. I knew Blake.

Jerome then went higher before directing himself to my lips. I could feel his breath on my lips for a second but then was pulled away quickly. Before Blake could drag me too far I turned and mouthed a ‘thank you’ to Jerome to which he nodded to.

I then turned to Blake’s back with amusement, “How am I supposed to prove myself to you if you don’t let me?’ I asked but wasn’t expecting him to stop in his tracks saying,

“This is how,” before swiftly facing me, grabbing my chin and kissing me.

My whole body seemed to come to life. With only a couple of seconds, he got me to melt and kiss him back. My senses had shut off but could feel everything. I could hardly begin to explain how it felt like to get kissed by him but for the first time, I was satisfied with mystery.

His hands were comfortable on my back just as mine were on his neck. We- I was happy. I couldn’t dream for anything more.

And just as the moment started, the moment ended and we pulled apart. I looked into his eyes as he looked into mine before letting out a huge breath and sliding down onto his knees while keeping a hold of my hands.

“Blake!” I said panicked but his face just greeted me with a smile.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long. I’m sure I was about to go insane.” He breathed and the butterflies in my stomach came to life again. I broke into a grin,

“Well there shouldn’t be anything stopping you here on should there?” I asked which caused him to chuckle.

“But before I do, I want to ask you,” he started, still knelt on the floor, “Dominic, I love you, will you be my girlfriend?” My insides exploded once hearing his question, my grin never faltering

“I’m sure my drunken self already said yes,” I answer which made him laugh and get up before excitedly pulling me in and giving me my second kiss. Another that I will cherish for as long as I live.




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