The Mysterious Demon

Chapter 86 Action

The California division’s base consisted of a warehouse-like structure out in the lesser populated areas surrounded by greenery for miles. Whatever went on today wasn’t going to be found out by anyone. The deaths, casualties, the battle would remain between those who fought in the war.

Nickolas’ main division and the Ottawa division stood at their posts. Blake and Jane covered the left outer side, Sofie and Kayla took the outer right, Nate and Natasha taking the outer front, Jake and Zack in the inner right and left and Jason at the back. Nick started walking towards the entrance, putting him in the middle.

Nick took a deep breath and let out a sigh. He was ready.

He lifted his hand to his ear and in the earpiece, he counted down, “Five,” Everyone held their positions, “Four,” Tensing, “Three,” Ready to engage, “Two,” Hands on weapons, “One,” To fight in a war they wished wouldn’t have to take place.

“Let’s win,”

On Nick’s cue, Nate shut the security systems down, making the security cameras drop and the locks release. Nick took that opportunity to swing the double doors open and putting his hands to the weapons on his waist as he walked in but when he did, he was met with 10 guns being pointed at him.

“Didn’t think you’d stroll right to us, Nick. I’ll give it to you for having balls at least.” One of the members said.

Nick smiled, although he was in a bad situation, he still loved every single one of his members, so much so that he held no fear. “Since you all have your guns pointed at me, I’m going to assume negotiating isn’t an option.” He replies casually.

“I think we know you weren’t coming here to negotiate, not with guns in your hands like that.”

“A little self-defence never hurt anyone,” Nick shrugs, “But I’m glad you noticed the guns,” He started before all the power suddenly went out, drowning them all in darkness.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

“Because I’ll be using the grenades,” He finishes before throwing to grenades in their direction. Explosions of light allowed for the faces of anger, shock and panic to be revealed in flashes within the void. Shots were fired blind, with the few members of California that were there hiding behind columns and crates that they knew would defend them as they shot at where Nick was standing. Nick was fast though, standing still wasn’t an option for him.

As he circled, dodging things he couldn’t see, he dropped a few other bombs across the floor but these let out gas. Their intention wasn’t to hurt any of the members which were what made this so difficult. His guns were tranquillizers, all limited a lot more than any gun, his bombs either sleeping gas or harmless light shows. The only things attached to him that could actually kill someone was his knives but he’d have to be attacked up close if he were to use it.

Nick knew that this wouldn’t end as simple as that though, not all of the members were here -only 5 out of the 10. Still, he knocked out as many as he could, going to tie their hands and feet as quickly as possible before moving deeper into the facility.

“What’s the status outside?” He asked through the earpiece but what he heard from the other side was wreckage.

Kayla was the first to shout in, “We’ve got 10 from outside! Florida and Michigan!” Gunshots could be head from their end, collapsing trees and yells from both sides.

“Another 10 on this side! Colorado and Florida!” Natasha shouted in with the same chaos on her side.

Zack was the next one, “We’ve got five on our side! Michigan and Colorado!”

“Shit,” Nick cursed, “Has anyone spotted Liam?” He asked but only got negative responses. He thought a second before going forward with his next commands. “Jason, Blake, Jane, they’re coming from the right side and around, come back them up!”

“On it!” They replied.

Blake scanned his surroundings from the tree he was sat in and when he saw everything was clear, he climbed down and moved towards where Jane was, thinking it was better to move together as a team rather than leaving each other alone, especially since the attack on the rest of the team was a surprise one from behind.

When he got to her, she had also climbed down from her position and silently nodded at him when she saw him from a distance but just as she did, Blake spotted someone behind her.

“Jane!” He shouted in warning, quickly putting his gun up. Jane turned and quickly blocked the swing of a knife that was directed at her. It was Liam and he was alone. Jane then kicked at him which made him fall, giving her an opportunity to run towards Blake but just as Blake got a clearing, Liam had vanished from where he had fallen and in a split second sprung at Blake.

Blake used his gun as a shield because Liam was too close to shoot at without doing severe damage and when he could, he switched to hand to hand combat. Punching hard at his jaw before throwing a second at his gut and his reaction was just as what King’s was to Xavier’s punch which made Blake smirk.

“I liked you, Blake, out of everyone in Nick’s main division I really thought that you’d most think like us,” Liam says as he wiped the blood from his lip.

“Yeah? Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you,” Blake replies before directing his next command to Jane, “Shoot him when you get an opening!”

“You’re too close to him Blake! I’ll end up shooting you!” She says back while Blake and Liam continue their fistfight.

“I think she should be more concerned about where she places her next step than on me,” Liam whispers in Blake’s ear when he got the chance which makes Blake’s eyes widen before quickly turning back to Jane who was behind him, moving further back to get a better shot.

“Jane, don’t move-!” He shouted running at her but it was too late.

Jane stepped back and right onto a land mine.

A beep was sounded and Jane froze, realizing her mistake but right as the bomb exploded from under her, Blake was able to jump and push them out of the centre of the explosion. Still, the force was strong and painful, blowing them a few metres away and landing harshly.

A few minutes passed before Blake woke up, groaning as he got up. Aside from a couple of gashes and a lot of bruises and burns, he seemed fine. He quickly scanned around to try and find Jane who was passed out further away.

“Jane?” He shook her and sighed in relief when her eyes opened.

“I’m sorry, Blake,”

He shook his head, “Can you move?” He asked but she looked a lot worse than he did. Her legs completely burnt and cut and her right arm was broken, probably from the landing. When realizing this, he looked at her sympathetically.

“it’s fine, we know the drill. I’ll get myself back to the meet-up point and scout from above with the drones. You need to go and help Nick, I saw Liam heading towards him before I passed out.” Blake nodded back at her and got up quickly. With one last glance at her, he ran in Nick’s direction.

“Nick, Jane is down and Liam is headed your way.”

Nick dropped his hand from his ear, silence being his reply because he was stood eye to eye with Liam already. Under the gleaming sun.

“Some leader you are, a group of 10 against a group of 25? It’s suicide! FUCKING SUICIDE NICK! I beat two of yours alone!” Liam exclaimed, in rage now. Nick looked at him and couldn’t help but think of his younger self, one that he raised. Liam was the youngest in the gang, 5 years younger than Nick so while Nick stood at 28 years old, Liam was 23 and youth was on his side.

“And I beat 5 of yours. Not all is gloom and doom.” Nick joked which made Liam scoff.

“As we speak, your side is being torn apart. There are landmines everywhere! The geography is on our side! And you’ve ordered mercy! If you want to win, order them to actually try to come and kill us!”

This made Nick’s mood drop. He knew that the right side was suffering a lot of casualties. Sofie, Kayla and Zack were down and the rest won’t be able to hold off for long, not even long enough for him to bluff.

“I guess we have no choice,” Nick started which made them both get in battle positions. Nick was the first to run up and attack him, swinging one knife from the right towards Liam’s face but Liam ducked and swung at Nick’s stomach with a knife of his own. Nick knew he would though because he was the one who taught him that. They had reenacted this in their training sessions countless times before. So, Nick was able to catch his wrist in a tight grip with his left hand before kicked and tripping him up.

“Stop struggling Liam,”

Liam didn’t however, and carried on trying to fight him, “You don’t deserve to be a leader!”


“Making divisions all over the world for no good reason!”

He successfully got out of Nick’s hold and was able to make a cut on his arm.


“And then leaving them all behind!”

Liam’s shout echoed after Nick’s thud to the floor allowing him to look up at the knife that Liam had pointed above his face but Nick’s eyes softened, less concerned about the knife and more so on Liam.

“I’m sorry,” Nick apologised, finally understanding. Liam’s eyes were filled with shock and sadness but quickly attempted to cover that up. Still, it reminded Nick of when he first met Liam on his trip to Florida. Liam was only 12 but had been on the streets for a while but Nick was the first to give him any attention and any sense of love or care.

The apology was enough to make Liam freeze and unable to plunge down at Nick. Despite still being angry, he couldn’t. “They’re going to die out there,” He says at Nick, “Why don’t you fight me? I’m hesitating!”

Nick smiles back at them, “Because I have faith in every one of my members. No matter where we are.”


A sudden announcement came from above which made both of the males to turn and look at the sky. It was a private jet and the announcement came from a familiar female voice.


Nick laughs and in a swift movement, flipped Liam in a lock before tying him down. Liam didn’t struggle as much this time.

Nick then looked back up into the sky and put a thumbs up in her direction.

“All good here Dominic!”

This causes Dominic’s eyes to sparkle and turns to the rest on her jet with a grin. The Texas, Sydney and London divisions.

“Let’s go give them a hand shall we?”

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