The Omega For Sale

Chapter 20

Greyson’s POV:

Listening to Greyson dish out his plans to the other man that I had come to associate with the name Jake through their conversations sent an unexplainable feeling through me.

In the space of an hour, I had been able to figure out that Matthew was not the man that I thought him to be, but things took an even worse turn when he began to talk about his plans of executing the people in his way to get to the spot of Alpha with Jake by his side.

It was eerie having to listen to another plan your death and Smith had been impatient to burst open the door and maul Matthew but I needed more.

I needed to know if there were others involved in this and gather as much information as I could from this conversation before moving to burst him. So I gave the signal for Smith to stay calm and wait for my instructions.

I knew the moment the conversation was over and I gave the signal for the men to get ready, the moment the door was flung open and I came face to face with the short, fat man. Pure unadulterated rage consumed my frame.

Stepping into the room and seeing my personal maid tied to a huge stone and her daughter sleeping on the floor further fueled that rage.

Matthew has been gutsy. Coming into my home kidnapping my slaves, planning to sell one off again even after he already made tons of money from both their heads and then going ahead to plan an execution.

I watched with careful eyes as he picked up the child and threatened to murder her and I laughed out loud at his attempt.

“Well go ahead Matthew, claw out her heart. It still doesn’t change the fact that yours will be clawed out too.”

It was then I saw the real fear paint his face. I could see his eyes flash in a panic between us and I reveled in the fear that danced in his depths.

He could clearly see how lost a battle this was for him, but if there was anything I knew about Matthew, it was the fact that he never went down without a fight. It was this determination that had put him amongst the officials in the first place.

Matthew drop the child in his arms and I’m a flash he was morphing into his wolf and and lunging in my direction. A blur of grey formed beside me and Smith’s wolf was countering Matthew’s attack.

I watched them go at it for a second but then I moved towards the scene and with a solid grip on the neck of Matthew’s wolf I hurled him across the room and watched as he hit heavily against the wall and collapsed on the floor with a whimper.

Matthew might be strong, but he was not a quarter to me when it came to strength, so I expected that he would know that his bizarre plan had no way of actually coming to pass.

Not even in my sleep could he overpower me. I wasn’t made the Alpha King and protector of all werewolves for nothing.

“Gather them both and take them to the dungeon.” I instructed.

Jake had already been subdued and he was down on his knees, with head bowed and very pliant and Matthew was forced back into his human form and was already being dragged out of the room.

I spotted my maid by the corner cradling her child in her arms and crying. The child looked unmoving, almost still and I swallowed heavily. Moving towards them I squatted till I was eye level with her frame.

“Is there a problem with her?” I asked and Freya turned sad eyes filled with tears in my direction.

“Matthew injected her with sedatives. I can feel her pulse so I know she’s still alive but it’s very slow and…” Freya trailed off as tears fell freely to her eyes.

“Let’s go, I’ll send for the healer.”


Walking into the darkest part of my mansion, I cracked the knots in my neck and fingers in anticipation and I could feel the excitement drum under my skin and my stomach bubble at the thought of the wicked fun I was about to have.

This part of my home was reserved for criminals and rogues and the ones that were brought in here chained, never got out to tell the story of their experiences.

Walking up to the cell that held my latest prisoners I let a sadistic smile form on my lips when I saw the way they both flinched at my presence. I had insisted that they shared a cell to make the process of executing them both easier.

I turned the key in its lock and walked into the room. The prisoners had been strung with chains and were hanging from a beam, a position that fit the torture I was about to dish.

I moved in the direction of the table that was out of their line of sight and my eyes sparked up as my favorite toys shone on the table.

I wanted to use everyone of them since it had been a while since I had tortured anyone but I knew that they wouldn’t last through two devices so it would be a waste of time and no fun and so I picked out only the most important ones.

A giant plier, a spiked mace and a nine horse tailed whip with several spikes sticking along the length. I had a similar one in my punishment room but that was much smaller, less deadly and I avoided using it at all cost. In fact I had only used it once and not for a long time.

Picking up the whip first I walked in front of Jake. He would be the easiest to crack and I wanted him to have a fast death so I could go have enough fun with Matthew.

I cracked the whip in the air and I could hear the loud intake of air from Jake.

“I’m going to ask once Jake. Who are the rest people, involved in this plan.” My voice was menacing and I could see the fat disgusting man shiver from the effects.

“I-I don’t know. We always met a-alone a-and he ne-never told me much.” He stuttered awfully and begun to cry.

I clicked my tongue in disapproval. That wasn’t what I wanted to hear and I let him know as much by letting the whip fly and hit him across this naked chest. Breaking immediately through the skin and drawing out blood.

The fat man let out an insanely loud scream that shook the ground of the cells, but it was like music to my ears. I followed the first lash with two others and his screams reached a tempo I didn’t think was possible for the male voice.

“Let’s try that again, shall we?”

“Alpha, it’s Micheal. Michael works closely with him. I’m not sure what his assignment is because like I said he doesn’t divulge much but I’ve met Micheal with him on several occasions.” Jake finally divulged and I grinned in satisfaction. Letting up on my flogging.

“Who else?” I asked.

And the man burst out in a fresh bout of tears like a baby that it’s mother had just spanked.

“I don’t know, I swear I don’t know.” Jake said through his tears.

I let the whip fly once more, this time hitting his privates, drawing blood from the spot. His mouth opened in a silent scream but no sound came out from it.

“I don’t know. I swear.” He finally whispered after a minute.

I believed that he didn’t know. That was set to draw out whatever information he might have been keeping.

Letting the whip drop to the floor I walked towards the table again and picked a large butcher’s knife and with a big swipe from behind, I severed his head from his body watching as it fell heavily to the ground and rolled forward.

I didn’t miss the soft gasp that had escaped Matthew’s lips from the shock of what I had done. It didn’t deter me, instead I pick up the giant plier and walked in his direction.

I watched as the Gamma put up a blank expression on his face and steeled his features and his attempts made me laugh.

“I’m guessing you wouldn’t want to offer me any information.” I asked and he only stared ahead of me in silence before speaking.

“You don’t deserve to rule. That position should have been mine! But you get to sit in it when you don’t even deserve it.”

I hummed at his words but gave him no reply instead placing the giant plier on his smallest toe and watching as his facade broke a tiny bit before he stilled himself again.

Giving the plier with a great pull the entire mail came off and the toe hung out awkwardly, a sign that it had been disjointed from its source.

The room was silent for a second but in the next an horrifying scream filled the room and Matthew trashed against the restraints that held him in place. I nodded my head in satisfaction, grabbing his feet and placing the plier on the biggest toe.

“Having anything else to say to me?” I asked.

Matthew had tears coming down his eyes as a result of the horrible pain he had been subjected to but in his credit, he wasn’t balling out his eyes and full on sobbing like his partner had done.

“Fuck you.” He said after a few minutes.

Another yank and another toe fell out.

I repeated the process over and over again and I could see the strength seep completely out of the former Gamma. He looked like his life was hanging by a thread and his entire face was purple from the amount of pain his body had been subjected to.

“How pitiful Matthew. You had a great spot, you had a lot of things going on for you, but you decided to ruin them all.” I said

I walked over to the table and dropped the bloody plier on it. My entire body was covered in blood but I didn’t mind it. Picking up the large heavy spiked mace I walked back in the direction of Matthew.

“You’re going down Greyson. No matter what, I might be gone but best believe I’m not the only one who is looking forward to taking you down. You might want to also watch your circle closely.” Matthew heaved out, his voice hoarse and strained with pain.

I didn’t offer him another word, with a large arc of the mace, I delivered a heavy blow to his head, hearing a crack come from Matthew’s skull and in the next minute the Gamma’s head hung limply.

I let the mace drop from my hands.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

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