The Omega For Sale

Chapter 37

Scawy Moniestars

That was the first thing in little Jessy’s mind as she flipped her pretty poppers open. She had just had a scary dream where a big bad ugly bunny had been chasing her and she had even fallen at one point and hurt her arm.

The bunny was nothing like the beautiful, soft bunny that had belonged to one of the Beta’s children back at her own home. Ever since the day she had felt that bunny, Jessy had wanted a bunny for herself.

Especially since the mean kid had snatched the bunny from Jessy and had called her bad names the moment that Jessy had picked it up, but those few seconds of feeling the stuffed toy was all it took to convince the three years old that bunnies were perfect. Even as toys.

But her most recent dream was trying to put a dent in that conviction and when Jessy realized that she had wet the bed, just the way she tended to do when she was scared or overwhelmed, the tears that she had been fighting hard to keep at bay, came tumbling down her fat cheeks.

The wider awake the three years old got, the less of the dream she could actually remember but the fact that she had wet the bed was still a distressing thing for her and so she held the sheets in her hands tighter and cried silently.

She reached to tap the space beside her and when all that she felt were the cold sheets, even more tears came pouring down her eyes and she sniffed pitifully.

Her mommy was gone.

The mean man could come into the room like he had done once and he could take her away from her mommy or the monsters from her dream could come and eat her all up.

She had learnt even at her little age that waking up without mommy, meant bad luck.

The younger girl continued to cry silently as the darkness of the room promised even more monsters.

Soon, the door creaked open and the three years old paused her tears to look at who was coming in, hoping that it was her mommy and not actually the monsters.

A woman came into the room, but even in the darkness. Jessy knew it wasn’t her mother.

The person crept towards the dresser and began prodding around it and Jessy sat up in bed in an attempt to watch them properly, she was too small to care about the consequences of drawing attention to herself.

The twin bed shook as Jessy moved but the younger girl did not stop trying to sit down even when the other person had frozen in their step to look towards the creaking bed.

The person walked towards the end of the room and flipped the light on and the smaller girl on the bed covered her eyes to shield her retinas from burning, from the sudden harsh glare of the light.

Before she could recover, she was been shaken almost violently.

“Why are you two always in my way? If it’s not your slut of a mother, it’s your bratty self. Why won’t you two just go away and let things return back to normal?” The woman said.

Jessy did not understand most of what had been said, but the harshness in the tone and the way the woman was shaking her made her let out a wail, which thankfully got the woman to stop shaking her.

But the deal was done, she had begun crying loudly and it was only a matter of time now before someone came in.

Jessy recognized this person. It was one of the only two people in the big house that were always mean to her and never gave her treats or let her eat from their food. Only dirty stares.

“Shut your mouth brat. Or I’ll hit you real bad.” She threatened and Jessy clamped her mouth shut at the threat.

The look in the woman’s eyes told the young girl that she would carry out her threat if she kept crying.

The woman walked to the dresser and continued her rampage and finally she dug her hands into her pockets and retrieved something before placing it inside the drawer.

Jessy’s little but observant eyes followed her every movement and the younger girls lips wobbled at having to stay quiet in her misery when all she wanted to do was cry out as loud as her voice would let her.

Where was her mommy? She wanted her mommy so bad right now. Or Aunty Chrisey. Jessy was so distraught that she would take any of the two in that moment.

“Now listen to me, you little devil. If you say a word of this to anyone even your mommy, I’ll make sure you regret it.” The woman concluded, staring Jessy down like she was a little fly that she could squash.

The younger girl did not fully understand her words, she had only gotten the part about not saying anything to her mommy and the rest of the words had been lost on her, but the way in which the woman had said it convinced Jessy that it would be in her best interest to not mention it to her mommy.

“Do you understand me?”

Jessy nodded her head rapidly even when she did not. The three years old had a feeling that she would be in trouble if she said she didn’t.

Tears had continue to fall down her eyes and the child simply look sad and miserable.

The woman moved to walk out of the room, cutting one more dirty look to a trembling Jessy before flipping the lights off and exiting the room.

Jessy had settled into the bed once more, with her fore and middle finger nestled inside her mouth-a sign that she was unhappy- and the sheets tightly clutched in her other hands.

She was sad and angry.

Time was a concept that the three years old knew nothing about yet, but it felt like a long, long time that she waited before her mommy came into the room.

The three years old had instantly burst into a fresh round of tears at the sight of her mother and was inconsolable for a while.

Eventually, she had succumbed to sleep, only to be woken up not so long after then.

It was safe to say that Jessy was not a very happy three years old that morning and the person that she was upset with the most was her mother.

Again, the concept of the threat that had been issued to her just that morning was lost on her and the little girl could care less about it and she would have babbled everything to her mother the moment she got the chance but Jessy was really mad at her mother.

And even her attempt to bribe her with more food seemed futile as she was adamant on not saying a word to her mother, regardless of the many times she apologized.

But when the mean woman had come to talk to her mommy, Jessy knew that she had to let go of her beef with her mother and maybe pick it up another time.

Her silly mother had tried to make her stay back but the mean woman could try to hurt her mommy and although Jessy was scared of her she knew she had to protect her mommy, and so she insisted.

Adult talking usually made little Jessy’s head hurt and this time was not an exception. They always used such big words and most times they talked so loudly, like the mean lady was doing right now.

Jessy couldn’t completely understand what was going on but the small paper in the Alpha’s hands looked familiar and Jessy instantly remembered where she had seen it.

The mean lady had pulled it out of her pockets and placed it within the drawers.

When the Big Alpha had spoken and her mommy had begun to leave the room, Jessy had started moving to go after her but the Alpha stopped the little girl in her tracks.

“Jess.” He whispered softly to her and Jessy flashed her baby teeth in a smile at the name.

Only her mommy used to call her that, but she would allow the Big Alpha because he had shared his food with her before and had given her treats on more than one occasion.

When she raised her eyes to the Big Alpha that was bent over his chair so he could be at the level with her Jessy’s smile seized and she began watching the Alpha’s face with such interest and fascination that he frowned.

How could a three years old have so much intelligence and experience behind their eyes?

Greyson frowned the more he looked at the short girl that was stood in front him. He had always thought Jessy had blue eyes, in fact it seemed like she did but when the light caught in it, her eyes looked more… grey?

“Pwetty.” Jessy whispered and the Alpha frowned in confusion.

“What?” He asked, when it was obvious that the child wasn’t going to offer any explanation.

“Eyes pwetty.” She said again and this time he offered her a small smile, which the child returned.

“You say Emilia’s lying?” He went straight to the point, not wanting to indulge the distraction so she didn’t forget the important things.

The girl nodded her blonde head.

“Emilee lying.”

“Why do you say that Jessy?”

“See the pictures.” Jessy replied, pointing to the picture that was currently clasped in the Alpha’s hands.

And Greyson looked to confirm. For a three years old, Jessy’s speech was really underdeveloped and he noticed that she struggled with full and coherent sentences but that could be as a result of lack of training and for a moment he considered letting her join the other kids at the school here at his pack.

She had nothing she did around here anyway.

“She say no tell mommy or I hit Jessy and she make mean face.” Jessy continued when the Big Alpha refused to respond to her previous words.

Even going out of her way to make the supposed mean faces only that she didn’t succeed much in that area

“And Jessy scawed cause she shake Jessy like this.” The girl said, going ahead to demonstrate by trying to shake Greyson, it was to no avail of course, she was too tiny to do anything but Greyson got the message and his frown deepened.

Emilia had planted these pictures in Freya’s room and had threatened to hit Jessy if she spilled to her mother?

From the moment Emilia had begun her story, Greyson had known immediately that she were lying. Especially the part about the brush.

No matter how much he acted like he didn’t, Greyson saw everything that happened under his roof and he knew that Emilia hated Freya guts and the last person she would go to for a brush will be the mother.

That left Emilia as the real culprit but then it didn’t add up. There was no way she could have known about the pictures before know because she just didn’t have any access to them previously. He was sure of that.

There were only two people living in the house asides himself that knew about this picture. Jessy had begun talking about something else since he remained quiet and he finally tuned in to what the three years old was saying.

“An the bunny wed and big and he no like Jessy cause he make Jessy fall.” The girl finished her rant and Greyson nodded like he had been following her from the start.

But then he took her little hands in his to get her attention and he smiled when all five fingers of hers curled around two of his.

“Did Emilia put this pictures in your room Jessy?” Greyson asked, praying that the girl understood him.

And when she shook her head negative the Alpha’s frown increased.

“Then who did?” He asked once more and Jessy pointed at the door.

“Mean lady.” She replied.

Greyson sighed in exasperation, he was getting nowhere with this. It was obvious Jessy did not know the name of this person.

“Come with me.” He said.

Getting up from his seat and letting Jessy keep her fingers wrapped around two of his own and then he led her out of the room and in the direction of the sitting room.

When they got to the stairs. Jessy made them take it one at a time. And the trip turned out to be the slowest that he had ever had to descend the stairs, but he did not complain.

Greyson spotted Zoe coming out of one of the rooms with some cleaning supplies in her arms and he was just about to call the head maid to gather the maids into the living area when Jessy hid behind his legs.

“Mean lady.” She said softly and save for the fact that Greyson was already paying attention to the girl, he would have completely missed her words.

Jessy was looking in the direction of Zoe with fear dancing in her eyes and Greyson’s brows furrowed in realization.

Freya was the second person who knew about the pictures.This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

And Zoe was the third.

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