The Omega For Sale

Chapter 43

Greyson’s POV:

‘I wanted to be sure that you were interested in attending the festival before I actually spoke to him about it, but I’m sure there will be no problem.’

I heard what seemed to be the last part of Smith’s conversation with Freya and that stopped me in my tracks and caused me to raise my brows in interest. I moved down the stairs again, wanting to confirm the obvious.

The moment that I was further down the stairs, enough to see the occupants in the living area properly, I paused at the sight of Jessy in Smith’s arms eating what looked like a cookie and two very separate emotions rushed through me.

Jessy looked cute and adorable as always but it didn’t look like she belonged in my Beta’s arms and the sight of her in it sent my stomach churning.

I could also see how closely to each other Smith and Freya were standing and that upset me even more.

Somehow it felt like I didn’t have the right to be upset about anything that was going on in front of me but I could feel both myself and my wolf get territorial when it concerned Freya and I could only blame it on our blooming sexual relationship.

A relationship that wasn’t supposed to be happening in the first place but there was really nothing I could do to change the situation at this point. We were too far gone to try to stop now.

Plus, I was enjoying it too much and even when I knew that it wasn’t the best thing and that it wouldn’t end very well for us both, I couldn’t bring myself to put a stop to it.

It was safe to say that I was a little attached to my green eyes personal maid and that was the exact reason why catching the last of Smith’s sentence was enough to make my vision go red.

The moment I got both of their attention, I made sure to express my anger through my features and watching Freya squirm under my gaze was almost enough to make me feel better. Almost.

I watched as Smith placed Jessy on the floor the moment as I dismissed Freya so she could go on with her mother and I guess I should have known the little girl was going to come to me first.

These last couple of weeks had us bonding over colors and drawing sheets. For a three years old, Jessy’s interest in art and painting was pretty impressive.

“Some?” Jessy asked the moment she was standing in front of me, holding the half eaten cookie in front of my face.

A smile danced on my lips, threatening to break through and shatter the cold exterior I currently had on my face. The action relieved some of my anger though.

I bent my tall frame till I was at eye level with the mini version of Freya and then bit a little from the cookie she had in her outstretched hands. The action seemed to please the little miss because she gave me a big smile before sauntering back to her mother.

Blabbing at a mile a minute in her usual gibberish that I was now slowly getting used to.

I straightened my frame and returned my attention back to Smith. I was no longer as angry as before but my Beta did not need to know that. I took the last of the stairs and moved until I was standing in front of Smith.

“What do you think you were doing Smith?” I asked, folding my arms across my chest to appear more intimidating.

Smith sighed heavily and then he was running the back of his neck with his palms. He refused to look at my face which proved the extent of his nervousness because Smith was the only person who did not give two fucks about me hating eye contact.

“I just really did not want to go to the Solace alone, plus I’m pretty sure it’ll be a good opportunity for Jessy to have fun and meet pups her age and maybe hang out with them. I don’t exactly think being around adults all the time is exactly healthy for the child.” Smith finished.

I wasn’t sure why it made me even angrier when he mentioned Jessy but it did and I shook my head slightly to clear it.

“You of all people know that I don’t want my handmaidens stepping out of this house. Ever. So Freya and Jessy will remain in this house during the festival, if you really need a companion to take to the festival, I bet there are a lot of other nice looking woman in the pack that would be willing to accompany you for the night.” I responded.

I could see how much my response upset Smith. His brows furrowed and his lips pursed in a straight line. He also had what looked like suspicion dancing in his eyes as he regarded me for the first time this evening but I couldn’t even bring myself to care.

“Alright, that’s fine. I’m heading out. See you tomorrow.” Smith responded, moving to do as he had said before I could put in another word.

As his bank turned to me, my stomach churned in guilt. It wasn’t exactly fair to restrict Smith from going to the festival with Freya, because he was the only person that I trusted with everything and if he says that he would look after my maid while they were out of the house and bring her back in one piece then I knew I could a hundred percent believe him.

But I chose not to.

Sighing heavily, I moved in the direction of the kitchen where Freya had entered some minutes earlier and I found the blonde girl mid laugh, talking with her friend, with Jessy’s plastic spoon in her hands.

She looked to be feeding her daughter while discussing with her friend and the sight of her looking so carefree and happy caused a smile to form on my lips, but I masked it quickly before any of the girls had the chance to observe it.

“Jessy, you always manage to make a mess of yourself.” Freya commented as the food she had been trying to feed the little girl, dropped onto the table.

“No mommy.” Came the three years old reply.

“You can’t scream Jessy.” Freya scolded.

And a staring contest ensured between the two.

Jessy was like Freya in many ways. She even had some of her mother’s mannerisms and it was really pleasing to watch the two go at it, but I was here for a reason so I needed to put an end to this little quarrel or I would never get the opportunity to complete what I had come here for.

“You should listen to your mother Jessy.” I finally interfered and the entire attention of the kitchen turned in my direction.

There was shocks and even little gasps at the sight of me and I wasn’t surprised. It was often that I came to this part of the house at all. All the maids had different expressions of shock and surprises on their faces except of course, Jessy.

The little minx only let out a loud laugh at my light scolding before she was shaking her head in the negative once more.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Christie take over feeding Jessy please. Freya, you come with me.” I instructed.

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