The Omega For Sale

Chapter 53

Greyson’s POV

I heard the door being pushed open but I didn’t want to open my eyes at all and so I kept it shut. I felt really relaxed, more relaxed than I have felt in a very long time and my bed felt like heaven in this moment.

The event of the previous night that involved me taking Freya to Estel’s grave had been a spur of the moment decision. I couldn’t even explain what had pushed me to do it if I were given the chance.

But since my mate’s death, it felt as though I owed her a part of me. There was just something in me that let me know that I had yet to move on from her and even when everyone around me pushed for me to get a mistress or get into another relationship, I never took heed.

It felt like if I did then I would be betraying her. Our love and trust and bond. And I did not want to ever do that to her. It is why since her death, I chose to not be involved with another woman.

Well, except Freya.

Freya as an exception was a big deal because it was unplanned for. This was not a relationship that I thought out at any point, it had just kind of happened.

But it was exactly what I needed. With Freya I felt complete. There was no mate bond between us that I could blame for my attraction towards her, everything that I felt for her was real and it was as a result of everything that we had shared and that was the exact thing that made it powerful.

Last night had been a milestone for me. I usually visited Estel’s grave once every month and those days for me felt like I hit rock bottom. It was almost as if I were saying goodbye all over again on those visits.

But it changed last night. Estel will forever remain in my heart, but maybe it was time to let her go. Maybe it was time to rid my heart of all the rocks that I put against it to guard it.

Maybe Freya and Jessy had come into my life for a reason and I needed to explore it as far as I could. I got my closure last night and from here onwards I could only hope for the best.

I felt something wet drip onto my back and my first instinct was to turn around and I would have done exactly that if it were not for my second instinct that chose to first open my eyes and access the situation.

Thank the Goddess for that second instinct because if I had moved roughly then I would have crushed Jessy underneath my large frame.

“Jess?” I called out to the little girl that was now comfortably situated in the middle of my back rubbing something wet against my skin.

“Mmm.” Came her response, which made me smile.

“What are you doing?” I asked since it was obvious she wasn’t going to offer me an explanation by herself.

“Bathing you.” She responded and I sighed, turning around carefully so she didn’t fall off.

Thankfully, the younger girl got the clue and she moved off my back and settled beside me on the bed. The moment I was facing her, Jessy offered me a smile that sent a warm feeling up my spine and through my entire body, I could not help but return an even bigger smile which made the younger girl giggle.

Finally I looked at her hand and I scrunched my face the moment I found her bunny within her grasp. The green and white of the stuffed toy was streaked with dirty and for some reason the bunny was also wet.

“Why is your bunny wet Jessy?” I asked and the younger girl looked to the toy and then offered it to me.

I shook my head politely urging her to answer my question instead.

“Bunny durty.” She replied.

“Your bunny is dirty? Were you trying to wash it?” I asked and she nodded her head fast.

“But mommy say no.” She said and then I laughed with realization.

The mini version of Freya had been trying to wash the toy but of course her mother had denied her and so she had come to me because for some reason I could never bring myself to say no to the blue eyed girl. Which she knew.

“Well if mommy says you can’t don’t you think you shouldn’t?” I tried.

The younger girl only continued to look at me with a pout on her lips.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Bunny durty.” She repeated and I sighed heavily, moving to stand up from the bed.

“Stay there.” I instructed but the younger girl kept looking at me.

I strode into my large closet and put on a shirt and when I exited the bathroom it was to find Jessy already down from the bed and waiting for me at the entrance of my closet. I sighed heavily then carried her to the bathroom.

Once we were situated properly over the sink, I turned on the tap and we began the process of getting Jessy’s bunny clean.

In this moment I learnt a little about the smaller girl, she loved warm water and hated cold water. She loved bubbles and most importantly she loved her bunny very very clean.

“Wash bunny eaws.” She instructed me and I nodded, lifting one of the ears and washing it properly.

Although we worked in silence it wasn’t weird at all. I enjoyed helping her in this way.

A loud knock sounded on the door and before I could respond to it, the person at the other side was full on pounding on the door. My brows furrowed in worry and confusion and I gave the permission for the person to come in since they sounded distressed and worried.

“Master, it’s Jessy. I can’t find her anywhere.” Freya began the moment she pushed open the door.

“I’m in here Freya.” I called out and the moment my maid appeared at the doorway.

“Hi Mommy!” Jessy called out ecstatically and Freya’s brows knitted together in anger, my green eyed maid rubbed her forehead with her thumb and index finger, a sign that she was about to blow up.

I pursed my lips to hold in my laughter at the drama that I knew was bound to take place between the two girls, because goddess knew that if I laughed out then I would also be roped into the fire and that was the last thing I needed

“Jessy! I told you not to waste any water on your bunny, you just washed it yesterday and you went ahead to dirty it again.” Freya seethed and when I looked in the mirror it was to find Jessy’s face also painted in anger.

“Mastah say yes!” Jessy said in return, looking to me for help.

“Her bunny was looking very dirty Freya. I don’t think one wash will finish the water in the entire mansion.” I said and my maid did not like that because she turned her angry eyes to me.

The fire that burned in those eyes took me back to a memory shard. I couldn’t remember the exact details in that shard as with all the memories that I had from that time but the only thing I remembered clearly were those green eyes and the fire that burned in them.

“-isten to me Jessy.” I didn’t get the entire of Freya’s sentence but from Jessy’s face I knew that the two were about to go at it and I had to step in.

“Freya, Don’t be mad at her please and Jessy you have to listen to your mom and you can’t scream, remember?” I said to the younger girl but she only ignored me and went back to washing her toy.

“Your breakfast is ready.” Freya said curtly but with a hint of annoyance in her tone and then she turned to exit the bathroom.

I could tell that she was upset with me but I couldn’t be sure of the exact reason.

“Freya.” I called before she could completely exit the bathroom and she stopped in her tracks and then slowly turned around to face me.

“Can I talk to you after breakfast?” I asked and the maid nodded her head in response before leaving the room.

“I think bunny is sparkling already. Let’s rinse it off and dry it okay.” I said to Jessy and the younger girl agreed, smiling when she turned the toy this way and that and found no trace of dirt on it.

I took a peg then hung the bunny by it’s ears on the railing in the bathroom, smiling when the toy gave my bathroom an entirely different touch. It was no more all masculine. This time it was masculine with a touch of Jessy.

I brushed my teeth hurriedly while Jessy stood in a corner watching me, I had tried to convince her to wait in the room but the younger girl refused.

The moment I was done, we walked out of the room hand in hand well with her small fingers wrapped around two of my large ones.

Once we were settled to eat, I felt a sense of deja vu take over. I was reminded of months back when I shared a meal with Jessy and this one was just as satisfying as the first time.

Jessy ate from both of our plates and I let her, grateful to be sharing a meal with someone. I had gotten used to eaten alone but it didn’t mean I was happy to be doing it. So this change was very welcome.

There was a knock on the door and I heard a maid rush towards it to open it. I perceived his scent before I saw him but what surprised me was the fact that Jessy could also perceive his scent.

“Smith!” She said and the man was yet to enter the room.

Smith had not spoken, neither had Jessy seen him. There was no way she could have, but the girl called his name from the moment he entered into my home and that confused me.

First she was a pup. And then, wasn’t she an omega? How could she smell that far?

I got no answers to these questions because before I could ask Smith was strolling into the dining room.

“I heard you were dining with a princess.” He said, causing Jessy to giggle happily and give the Beta a big wave which he happily returned.

“I have some news for you.” Smith delivered and from the look on his face i knew it was serious.

I downed my glass of water and stood up from the table ready to leave. What I did not expect was that Jessy was also going to stand up.

“No Jess you have to finish your food.” I instructed but it seemed like the little girl was immune to my commands because she only shook her head and moved to stand by my side.

Thankfully Freya happened to be passing by in that moment and when she found all three of us standing by the doorway she looked to me for an explanation but I could only shrug my shoulders, while doing my best to hide my laughter at the confused look that painted her face.

“Hi Smith. Come on Jessy. Let’s go.” She said and the three years old gave me a wave before following after her mother.

“Your hands are so dirty Jessy. I wonder how you always manage to mess your entire body when you eat.” Freya said.

But Jessy only let out a laugh as if her mother had said something funny. The sound of her child like laughter brought a smile to my own lips.

“Wow.” I heard smith call out and I turned to look at him.

“What is it?” I could guess what he had to say but I wanted to hear him say it.

My Beta only began laughing and I narrowed my eyes at him. It did nothing to deter him though.

“You know what, don’t even tell me. Keep your mouth shut and don’t talk about it. Cause I know what you’re about to say and I don’t want to hear it.” I said but it only made my Beta laugh harder.

It was here, I realized that I didn’t mind whatever Smith had to say. I knew that he was about to tease me about my treatments of Freya and her child. And tell me that I was head over heels for the duo but I didn’t care. It made me happy and that was it.

“Can we go to the office? Like I said I have news for you.” He repeated, all traces of laughter disappearing and I nodded my head in agreement moving in the direction of the stairs that led to my office.

Just as I passed by the kitchen, I could hear Jessy’s laughter followed by Freya’s and a scary thought went through my head.

I did not mind listening to both girls laugh. In fact, I could listen to them laugh forever and I still won’t get tired.

I was thinking about a forever with my maid and her daughter.

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