The Omega For Sale

Chapter 60

Greyson’s POV:

“Smith.” I greeted the moment my Beta walked into my office.

“I heard what happened to Jessy but I kept getting different versions of it so I couldn’t wait till morning to find out what was happening. I had to come over.” He responded, settling into the chair opposite me.

I watched Smith for a full minute without speaking and during that time, I just let my thoughts wander concerning him. This was a man that had claimed to be too busy to come for the little girl’s party, now he couldn’t wait till morning to check up on her. He had come to my house in the middle of the night.

It confused me and maybe it was because of the recent happenings but all I wanted to do was send him away and prevent him from talking to or seeing Jessy or Freya. But the worry that danced in his eyes made me reconsider.

“Jessy was poisoned.” I delivered and I watched as Smith’s eyes darkened as well as his entire body tense.

“What? By who? How did this happen? Where is she now?” Smith asked in one breath.

“Clara looked her over and we’re hoping for a miracle. I’m not sure how it happened, since myself and Freya stepped outside for a couple of minutes when it happened but I have a suspect.” I delivered.

Then I went ahead to give Smith all the details, the same way Freya had delivered them to me. He listened intently with his face remaining a blank mask, his features only twitched at certain points.

Smith overall looked angry and worried. I couldn’t be sure if I was exactly correct but I could also see sadness in my Beta’s eyes.

“Emilia? The raven haired girl? I saw her at the festival. I thought I saw her hanging around Roman, but I didn’t have the time to approach her because she simply disappeared after a while. Plus, I saw Freya and Jessy there too so I believed you were letting some of your handmaidens out for the night.” Smith finished.

Roman? My Gamma? He had been in the office earlier this afternoon with his son and had even helped with the last preparations for Jessy’s birthday. Plus, Simon and Jessy had formed such a beautiful friendship that was so amazing to watch, it made it difficult to see his father in a light that portrayed him as having any evil intentions towards Jessy.

“What are you going to do? If you have all these information that point towards the Emilia girl then I think a little torturing to get more is in order.” Smith said and I nodded to his words.

I fully intended on getting as much as I could from her tonight as well as making her suffer.

“She should be in the punishment room.” I said and we both stood up to exit the office.

Outside of the office, Smith paused in his steps, I raised my brows in question but my Beta was barely paying any attention to me.

“Can I check on Jessy? Please? I-I just want to sure, she’s doing okay.” He said.

I bit my lips in thought, I didn’t want anyone close to Jessy without my supervision, it didn’t matter who they were. But Smith looked like he was going to cry if I denied him.

“Come on, let’s go. A quick hello and you have to leave, she’s not very stable at the moment.” I said, and my Beta nodded enthusiastically, almost like a child that had been given candy.

I shook my head at him but led him in the direction of my room, where Jessy laid in the center of my bed. The four years old, looked even smaller than her age and her pale skin troubled me greatly.

Her eyes moved behind her closed lid and I could only hope that she was having a bad dream and it wasn’t anything else. I felt her forehead and neck, and when she shivered a little, I drew the covers higher up her body, before stepping back to allow Smith take a look at her.

“She’s so small and innocent, why would anyone want to do this to her?” He whispered, more to himself than anyone else.

He stroked her cheeks lightly and the action sent a little jealousy up my spine. Maybe I was a little possessive of mother and daughter but I couldn’t really be blamed if we were being honest.

Smith wiped her forehead gently and with a last look her, he turned to me. His features even harder than they had been before we came into the room.

“I think we have a maid to torture and question.” He said, moving past me and out of the door.


I had made a quick stop to check up on Freya but had instructed the guards to move Emilia from the punishment room, to the dungeon that laid beneath the house.

Walking into the cell, moments later, it was to find a hysterically crying maid and a silent Smith watching her with hatred filled eyes.

The maid had gauze on her neck from where Freya had clawed her out and I took a second to beam with pride. The moment the maid noticed my presence in the room, she turned to me and began pleading.

“Please Master, I don’t know anything about it. I didn’t do anything, I swear. The Goddess sees my heart, I didn’t do it.” She said in a go, crying like a child.

For a mastermind, Emilia was actually pretty weak. I had expected to come into the room, to meet a calm, collected criminal that would be willing to gloat about being able to cause harm. Just the way most of them tended to do. But I was disappointed to meet this crying mess.

I stared at her figure intensely, the maid was currently on her knees and she had her hands clasped together as though in prayer, only that she was begging.

Her raven hair was everywhere on her face and tears and snot fought for a space on that same face. The maid looked nothing like the confident and arrogant one that I had brought into my home all those months ago.

I walked towards the torture table that held most of the devices and picked out the item that appealed to me the most in this moment.

A whip with spiked edges.

The moment I turned around with the device in my hold and as she caught sight of it, her pleading increased its tempo.

“Shut up!” I said, and she clasped her mouth shut, bathing the room in silence.

“You don’t really think that you’re going to mess with my family the way that you’ve just done and your pathetic crying and pleading would get you out of it, do you?” I asked and she cried even harder.

I cracked the whip in the air and I reveled in the shudder that went through her frame.

“Please Master, I didn’t do any of it. I swear, I didn’t. I know how it looks and I know that Freya might have said some things that points me out as the bad person but I swear it wasn’t me. I didn’t do it.” She pleaded.

But those weren’t the words I wanted to hear. So I threw the whip in her direction and the sound it made as it came in contact with her back, mixed with the scream that she let out, deeply satisfied me.

“I didn’t do it, I swear.” She insisted and another lash made its mark.

“If you didn’t do it, then I need the names of the people who did.” I said, and she hesitated.

Making me lash her again. She screamed at the top of her lungs but it didn’t make me stop. It felt like all the anger that I had been feeling since I found Jessy’s frame laying unconsciously on the floor, came pouring in.Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

I had done a good job trying to hide my anger and control it as I attended to Jessy and comforted Freya, but now it all seemed to pour out of me in waves. Lash after lash, till her blood was running. Lash after lash, until she lost her voice from screaming and she was folded in on herself on the floor, shaking and crying.

“You’re not going to escape this Emilia. Whether it’s now or tomorrow, I don’t care, what I do know is that you will be spilling out all the information that I need. You poisoned Jessy, or you know who did and I will not stop until you speak.”

“I didn’t poison Jessy Master, I swear. I would never. He didn’t tell me anything, it’s now that it’s all adding up. But I didn’t do anything.” She said, her voice coming out weakly.

I paused at those words. So there was a another person involved.

“Who is he? What did he do?” I asked, watching her intently.

Just as she opened her mouth to respond, a loud scream sounded above us. I didn’t know why the scream had happened but two things I knew for sure were;

That scream had come from my bedroom and the scream had come from Freya.

There was so much distress that had come with that scream and that was enough to send me into action, I dropped the whip in my hands and ran out of the room, with Smith following directly behind me.

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